Hakumat bijli per subsidy de rahi thi, lekin.....

  • last year
Hakumat bijli per subsidy de rahi thi, lekin.....

#electricitybill #inflation #subsidy #waseembadami #11thhour #arynews
00:00 The IMF has been a big issue for the people of India.
00:02 Many people have said that the situation will get better.
00:08 At least the dollar will be in control.
00:10 You were saying that nothing will happen.
00:12 Yes.
00:13 Unfortunately, I wish you were wrong but you were not.
00:17 Precisely, what happened to the electricity bills that increased so much?
00:22 What happened? Please explain it to us.
00:24 There are two things.
00:26 First, we have made an agreement with the IMF that we will gradually reduce our subsidies.
00:33 When the subsidies are being reduced, the electricity bill is increasing.
00:38 It's a simple thing.
00:40 How much subsidies has the government given to the electricity bills?
00:42 If you take the whole of Pakistan, the cost of electricity is Rs. 10.
00:50 The government is selling it for Rs. 8.
00:53 But the IMF says that we should sell as much as we can.
00:56 We are gradually reducing that.
00:58 So the electricity bill is increasing.
01:00 This is a simple accounting.
01:02 There is no solution.
01:04 The problem is that we had kept the industrial sector expensive and the consumer sector an extraordinary low.
01:12 Now we are adjusting it.
01:15 We are not increasing the industry but increasing the consumer sector.
01:18 So the consumer is screaming.
01:20 People are not realizing that the electricity production capacity in Pakistan is 41,000 MW.
01:28 Installed.
01:30 And we use it for 28,000 MW.
01:33 So you are giving 12,000 to 13,000 installed capacity to the IPP without any use.
01:42 Which you have to bear.
01:44 And why are you giving it? Because it is prohibited under the agreement.
01:46 In that, you see the statement of NEPRA today.
01:51 They said that we understand everything.
01:53 We don't understand this Saiwal coal based plant.
01:56 Today's statement is NEPRA.
01:58 We don't understand this Saiwal coal plant.
02:01 You all go and talk about financial corruption.
02:04 You also do.
02:06 No, I never talk about financial corruption.
02:08 I always talk about intellectual corruption.
02:10 Tell me, the person who installed this Saiwal plant or had installed it,
02:15 why don't you call him intellectually and put him in a pit?
02:18 Sir, tell me, why did you install this coal based plant in Saiwal?
02:23 Take coal 1000 miles away.
02:25 And who was that person? He was the previous Prime Minister.
02:28 Whose name was?
02:29 Shehbaz Sharif.
02:30 And his Minister of Treasury said that you should not install it.
02:33 Why did he install it?
02:35 Which Minister of Treasury?
02:36 Minister of Treasury Sagar.
02:37 He said not to install it.
02:38 It's recorded.
02:39 The Muzammil will confirm it to you.
02:40 Then why did he install it?
02:41 He said that he wants to see electricity in his area.
02:45 This is not possible.
02:46 You check it, tell Muzammil.
02:48 You recheck it.
02:49 He said, sir, Saiwal.
02:51 They make a bridge and you can go to the metro and get in.
02:54 Listen to me.
02:55 What is the logic behind installing a coal based plant in Saiwal?
02:58 Coal is imported.
02:59 It's not local coal.
03:01 Coal comes to Karachi.
03:03 It goes to Saiwal by train.
03:05 1000 miles.
03:06 Electricity is generated there.
03:07 If you generate it in Karachi, take it by the transmission line.
03:10 No, we see it being generated.
03:13 If I am wrong, you can come and ask him.
03:18 Ask any person.
03:19 If any person justifies me for a coal plant in Saiwal, I will stop reading the economics.
03:26 Okay.
03:27 Because they also give an argument.
03:28 I will give you the phone number.
03:29 They also give an argument that we have installed 41,000 in our area.
03:34 But we made a mistake that we could not generate electricity in that way.
03:38 Now move forward.
03:39 Now, if the industrial growth happens, then use it.
03:43 Now, you take the balance sheet of the IPB plants.
03:46 They all have loans of 500 million dollars.
03:49 500 million, 300 million loans of Chinese CPAC.
03:54 Now the installment of that loan is due in 10-12 years.
03:56 You are paying.
03:58 So where will you pay the money?
04:00 12,500 megawatts of IPB are installed.
04:04 You have to pay for it.
04:05 Now, it is not even coming in electricity use.
04:06 Now, this is the dog that you have raised.
04:11 Now nothing can be done.
04:12 Nothing can be done.
04:13 Now whatever will happen will be different.
04:15 I am just saying that you talk again and again about financial corruption, financial corruption, financial corruption.
04:21 The fundamental problem of Pakistan is intellectual corruption.
04:25 This corruption is what you did that you put economic priorities on political priorities.
04:32 You were political priority.
04:33 It has good optics.
04:34 It has good optics.
04:35 You will get votes.
04:36 Yes, you will get votes.
04:37 This is what I am saying.
04:38 And Pakistan is the victim of this.
04:41 It is the victim of this.
04:43 Not from today.
04:44 Pakistan is the victim of this that for political optics.
04:47 And I am not because I belong to any political party.
04:50 The biggest responsible for this is PML-N.
04:55 It has always said in the case of Beedley that we need political optics.
04:59 Do you remember?
05:00 Sometimes Mr. Shabaz Sharif used to take off his shirt.
05:02 Sometimes he used to wear a vest.
05:03 Do you remember?
05:04 That the load shedding is happening and the Beedley car has been stolen.
05:06 Do you remember?
05:07 All those stories are being ruined today.
