Les 10 animaux les plus grands de leur espèce Lama Faché

  • last year


00:00 [Music]
00:05 The 10 biggest animals of their species
00:09 The biggest dog
00:11 The day they met a big Danish dog,
00:14 this young couple knew that soon,
00:16 the beast would grow up and have a size much bigger than they ever imagined.
00:22 Two years later, their dog Roco weighs 72 kilos
00:26 and measures 2.15 meters when he stands on his two hind legs.
00:30 Even more surprising, it seems that Roco has not even finished growing up.
00:34 Its owners are also convinced that in a few months,
00:37 Roco will make a triumphant entrance in the Guinness World Records
00:40 as the biggest dog in the world.
00:43 The biggest coleopter
00:47 At present, we know little about the scarab titan,
00:52 the largest coleopter on the planet.
00:55 The species is particularly discreet and very difficult to observe.
00:59 We know, however, that its body can reach 15 centimeters long
01:03 and its powerful jaws are known to have the strength to break a wooden pencil in two.
01:08 But do not worry, if the creature may seem terrifying at first glance,
01:13 there is little fear to have.
01:15 First, you will hardly come across a scarab titan,
01:19 since it lives only in the tropical forests of South America.
01:23 And secondly, the specimen is completely harmless
01:26 and you will really have to take care of it
01:29 to be able to claim to have been the victim of the tenai that make it its jaw.
01:34 The biggest rabbit
01:38 Darius and his son Jeff are two really extraordinary rabbits.
01:42 The first, 1.30 meters and 22 kilos, is according to the Guinness World Records
01:46 the largest rabbit in the world.
01:47 And the second, his son, already 1.10 meters,
01:50 has not even finished his growth and is well placed to quickly surpass him.
01:54 To feed these two giant slugs,
01:56 Annette and Edward, their owner, spend 5,000 pounds sterling,
01:59 or nearly 6,900 euros per year.
02:02 But for Annette, it does not matter,
02:04 because for her they are real pets.
02:07 Indeed, despite their large size, Darius and Jeff are docile and quiet rabbits.
02:12 Unlike other breeds of rabbits, they do not cut much and do not like to jump.
02:16 They prefer to be laid down and spend the day being caressed.
02:20 The biggest snake in the world
02:24 The biggest snake in the world was probably a reticulated python
02:28 discovered on April 12, 2016 by workers on a site in Penang, Malaysia.
02:33 Those who were able to approach it,
02:35 said that this snake was certainly over 8 meters long for at least 250 kilos.
02:40 Its size was to be officially approved by representatives of the Guinness Book of Records,
02:45 but they did not have time.
02:47 Three days after its capture, the poor reptile suddenly died.
02:51 Shortly after, a Malaysian official told the BBC
02:55 that the stress of the capture and the tension he received probably caused the death of the animal.
03:00 It is impossible not to believe it,
03:02 when on a video available on YouTube,
03:04 we clearly see a man kicking the animal for no apparent reason.
03:09 The biggest pitbull in the world
03:13 Pitbulls are particularly controlled in some countries
03:17 because they are considered extremely dangerous.
03:20 But the young American couple you see here
03:23 does not care about this kind of received ideas and quietly raises their dog Hulk,
03:27 a pitbull over 80 kilos.
03:29 If this does not mean much to you,
03:32 you should know that a male pitbull is supposed to weigh between 15 and 30 kilos.
03:36 It is therefore a over-trained guard dog and three times larger than normal,
03:40 who plays and grows freely with Jordan, their only four-year-old son.
03:46 The biggest rodent on the planet
03:51 Gary the Capybara was adopted a few years ago by Melanie and Richard,
03:56 an original couple from Texas.
03:58 With 120 centimeters long and weighing on average 50 kilos,
04:02 the Capybara is the biggest rodent on the planet.
04:05 But not only that, Gary is full of quality.
04:08 He can run on the ground as fast as a galloping horse
04:11 or swim perfectly thanks to its powerful legs.
04:14 It can also disappear underwater in case of danger
04:17 and hold its breath for at least 5 minutes.
04:21 But even if Gary looks like the perfect companion animal,
04:24 do not ever get too close to a Capybara
04:27 if you ever run into one by chance in Venezuela.
04:30 In the wild, the Capybara can quickly become aggressive
04:34 if it ever feels threatened.
04:37 The biggest cat on the planet
04:40 With more than 17 kilos on the scale,
04:43 Elvis is probably the biggest cat on the planet.
04:46 And Elvis would be really happy with this title
04:48 if every effort he made did not cost him as much.
04:51 This poor matoo is so obese that he can no longer stand on his hind legs.
04:56 He is therefore forced to crawl to move
04:59 and to make amends, in addition to being obese, Elvis is also diabetic.
05:03 He must therefore follow a strict, glucose-free diet
05:06 and undergo two daily injections of insulin.
05:09 Despite his overweight, and even if it is out of the question
05:12 that he starts running after a ball,
05:14 Elvis loves the human presence and loves to be petted.
05:18 The biggest horse
05:22 Big Jake weighed 108 kilos at birth,
05:25 which is about 22 kilos above the average for a horse of his breed.
05:29 And since then, Big Jake, the little horse of the very Belgian, has only challenged statistics.
05:34 Today, he weighs 1180 kilos for 2.10 meters.
05:38 It is both the largest and heaviest horse in the world.
05:41 It is so imposing that it could burst,
05:44 crumble or show off, but it is totally the opposite.
05:48 According to Jerry Gilbert, its owner,
05:50 Big Jake is incredibly flexible, kind and easy to drive,
05:54 whether mounted or attached to the Smoky Hollow Farm cart,
05:58 the farm where he lives in Wisconsin, United States.
06:01 The longest crocodile in the world
06:05 Since its capture in 2011,
06:08 the long 6.17 meters for more than 1075 kilos
06:12 was the superstar of the ecotourist park of the small town of Bunawan in the Philippines.
06:17 It took three weeks and more than a hundred people to capture it,
06:21 so now that he was there, he was the main attraction of the park.
06:25 Its keepers never hesitated to empty the water from its basin
06:28 so that the rich tourists could see the whole of the Long River
06:31 or to expose it to the sun in a useless and prolonged way,
06:34 without ever worrying about the harm it did to the Long River.
06:37 All this had ended up making the poor anorexic, unhappy and stressed reptile,
06:42 to the point that it ended up brutally dying on February 1, 2013.
06:47 Let's hope that the new longest crocodile in the world,
06:50 Brutus, an Australian three-legged crocodile,
06:52 will live happier days.
06:55 The largest feline in the world
06:57 Hercules the Ligre loves to carve his claws on the tree trunks of the Miami Institute where he lives,
07:02 like any big cat would do.
07:05 Except that the Ligre is not any big cat,
07:07 it is the largest and rarest feline on earth.
07:10 Hercules weighs 419 kilos for 1.22 meters high and 3 meters long.
07:15 It is the magnificent result of a cross between a male lion and a tigress.
07:19 This cross can only occur in captivity,
07:22 because normally the lion lives in Africa and the tiger in Asia.
07:26 In nature, Hercules' parents would never have had the opportunity to meet.
07:31 Thus, there are no more than 10 Ligres on the whole planet,
07:35 and if so, taking advantage of a hybrid vigor,
07:38 the Ligre is heavier and stronger than all the other felines on earth.
07:42 Its nutritional needs are twice as important as those of a lion,
07:46 which would make the natural reserves of its hunting ground insufficient to feed it if it lived freely.
07:53 If you could choose one pet among the 10 that we have just presented,
07:59 which one would you choose?
08:01 Tell us in the comments.
08:03 And if you liked this video,
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08:09 I wish you a pleasant week and I'll see you soon for a new video.
