• last year


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (crunching)
00:04 (crashing)
00:09 (laughing)
00:11 (upbeat music)
00:13 (laughing)
00:16 - Dottie.
00:18 (laughing)
00:19 - Dottie.
00:19 - Dottie is the best name.
00:20 You're totally Dottie.
00:22 (laughing)
00:24 (upbeat music)
00:30 (barking)
00:32 (laughing)
00:34 (laughing)
00:41 - Oh no.
00:46 (laughing)
00:49 (thudding)
00:53 (thudding)
00:58 (laughing)
01:00 - Squirrel, squirrel, come get your squirrel.
01:06 Come here, come here, come here.
01:08 (laughing)
01:10 (upbeat music)
01:12 - That's my blanket.
01:27 Don't you tell me.
01:28 Whoa!
01:30 (thudding)
01:40 (laughing)
01:43 the blanket.
01:54 (upbeat music)
01:57 - Sandy.
02:02 (upbeat music)
02:04 (thudding)
02:13 (laughing)
02:16 - Oh.
02:27 (laughing)
02:30 (laughing)
02:32 - Did you learn your lesson?
02:38 (upbeat music)
02:40 - We have an issue here.
02:49 Oh!
02:52 (laughing)
02:54 (upbeat music)
02:57 (laughing)
03:11 (thudding)
03:17 - Oh my God.
03:20 (laughing)
03:22 (upbeat music)
03:25 (screaming)
03:27 (upbeat music)
03:30 (gasping)
03:49 - Winter.
03:49 (upbeat music)
03:52, (laughing)
03:54 (upbeat music)
03:57 (upbeat music)
03:59 (birds chirping)
04:13 (screaming)
04:19 (laughing)
04:22 - Do you want it?
04:24 Do you want it?
04:26 Go get it.
04:27 Oh!
04:28 I just.
04:30 (upbeat music)
04:33 (thudding)
04:43 (upbeat music)
04:46 (clattering)
05:02 (upbeat music)
05:08 (upbeat music)
05:11 (laughing)
05:27 (upbeat music)
05:30 (laughing)
05:38 (laughing)
05:43 (upbeat music)
05:45 (laughing)
05:55 (upbeat music)
05:58 (upbeat music)
06:00 (laughing)
06:17 - Here, here, here.
06:20 Hiya!
06:21 Hiya!
06:22 Yay!
06:23 (laughing)
06:27 - You got him, Dad.
06:29 (upbeat music)
06:31 (thudding)
06:38 (laughing)
06:51 (upbeat music)
06:54 (splashing)
06:59 - Go!
07:00 Go!
07:01 (screaming)
07:03 (laughing)
07:05 (upbeat music)
07:08 (upbeat music)
07:11 Put the.
07:32 (thudding)
07:34 Are you okay?
07:37 (upbeat music)
07:39 (laughing)
07:42 (upbeat music)
07:47 the water.
07:47 (upbeat music)
07:51 (laughing)
07:53 (upbeat music)
07:56 (laughing)
08:13 (upbeat music)
08:15 (laughing)
08:34 (upbeat music)
08:37 (laughing)
08:39 (upbeat music)
08:56 - Oh, oh my gosh.
09:02 (upbeat music)
09:06 (laughing)
09:08 There you go.
09:10 Good job, Blue.
09:13 (upbeat music)
09:19 (laughing)
09:26 (upbeat music)
09:28 (laughing)
09:30 (upbeat music)
09:33 - Watch this.
09:40 (upbeat music)
09:42 (laughing)
09:45 (upbeat music)
09:48 (upbeat music)
09:51 (upbeat music)
09:53 (upbeat music)
09:56 (upbeat music)
09:59 (upbeat music)
10:02 (upbeat music)
