Thierry Ardisson en larmes cette tendre déclaration de sa fille Manon qui a eu raison de lui

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Thierry Ardisson en larmes : cette tendre déclaration de sa fille Manon qui a eu raison de lui...

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00:00 Invited on the waves of Francebleu to record a new issue of the cultural scene which will be broadcasted Monday, September 4, 2023, Thierry Ardisson revealed a side of him that we see very little often.
00:23 Faced with a moving message from his daughter Manon, the host has indeed shed tears. Although he likes to question celebrities about their private lives, Thierry Ardisson prefers to keep his own carefully under the key.
00:35 But when one of his daughters makes a sublime declaration of love to him, live, the host can not help but crack.
00:48 If it is so that the listeners will be able to hear Monday, September 4, 2023 on the waves of Radio France Bleu which has already revealed some video extracts of ours.
00:57 On the occasion of the new season of the show La Seine Culture, the famous man in black has agreed to answer the questions of the journalist David Lantin.
01:08 And between two confidences, his daughter Manon has managed to address him a message.
01:15 Hi Dad, it's Manon. We're studying with Ninon and Gaston, the other two children of the host, note from the editorial staff that it was the right opportunity to tell you how proud we are of you.
01:29 When we think back to the first book you wrote when you were 13.
01:39 And we see today that you are on the art division that compiles all your programs, it's really amazing.
01:45 We are super proud of your career and everything you have managed to accomplish, she said in a message previously recorded before concluding, I think there are few people who are as creative as you, and certainly no one as tenacious.
02:05 You never gave up and now you can see that when you look at everything you've done and what you're still doing with your new projects.
02:13 You are really an inspiration to the three of us. We love you. These tender words, Thierry Hardisson never heard them from the mouth of his children.
02:24 Also, the host can not contain the emotion that submerges him.
02:34 Are you moved Thierry? Then feel the journalist.
02:37 To which the husband of Audrey Crespo Marat immediately responds by wiping his eyes.
02:44 Well yes, Siesty still tells me. They never compliment me, I know they appreciate me but they never told me things like that.
02:55 So Siesty a good reason to be here today.
03:01 I'm so proud of you.
03:03 Finally, I see that my children are aware that their father has worked a lot, did he blow to conclude.
03:11 Let us remind you that Thierry Hardisson was married to Beatrice Loustalant, a sound design specialist.
03:24 They had three children, Manon, born in 1989, Ninon, born in 1991, and Gaston, born in 1996.
03:33 The couple divorced in 2010, after more than 20 years of living together.
03:41 The end.
03:42 To be continued...
03:47 To be continued...
03:51 To be continued...
03:56 To be continued...
04:05 To be continued...
04:14 To be continued...
04:19 To be continued...
04:31 To be continued...
04:36 ♪ Let me come ♪
