Met Office Evening Weather Forecast 03/09/2023 – Getting hot in here

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It is getting hot in here, temperatures are set to climb over the week – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the evening of 03/09/23. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Jonathan Vautrey.


00:00 Hello there, it is getting hot in here and temperatures are set to climb over the coming
00:06 week. Even across northern areas of the UK we could be seeing mid to locally high 20s
00:11 in places. This is just a broad overview for the northern half of the UK. Individual locations
00:16 will see temperatures varying slightly below or above these values throughout the coming
00:20 few days but it does just show on a broad sense that many of us will see temperatures
00:25 widely above average for the time of year and that continues naturally across the southern
00:30 half of the UK as well. Climbing towards 30 if not 32 degrees Celsius in a few spots as
00:36 well. Last time we saw 30 degrees Celsius was on the 7th of July, you've got to go back
00:41 to the end of June since the last time we had 32 degrees Celsius in the UK. Temperatures
00:47 looking like they'll peak on Wednesday and Thursday. That's all because of how this area
00:52 of high pressure is just reorienting itself, shifting its way off towards the North Sea,
00:56 continental Europe. Meanwhile, low pressure is sticking out in the Atlantic and so between
01:00 those with the winds circling round, we feed in this subtly feed of air from continental
01:05 Europe and by Wednesday, Thursday we'll be dragging in that heat. Also humidity for many
01:11 of us, both daytime and nighttime temperatures will be on the rise. So certainly a noticeable
01:16 heat event as we head over the next few days. But still a few days to go before we see those
01:23 peaks in the temperatures. And if we start off now on Sunday evening, it is a relatively
01:28 fine end to the day for the vast majority of us. A lot of clear intervals for the evening
01:33 and then into the overnight period as well away from Western Northern Scotland, where
01:37 cloud will be lingering a touch more, but the rain just shifting its way up northward.
01:41 So persisting for parts of Shetland, but turning drier for the Isle of Lewis, northern parts
01:46 of the Highlands. A little bit of mist and fog forming underneath those clear skies,
01:50 particularly for Lincolnshire down towards the Thames Valley. Might see some pockets
01:54 of mist and fog also for Northern Ireland as well and some low cloud pushing into the
01:59 southern uplands. Many of us, though it will be a relatively mild night temperatures in
02:04 a lot of our towns and cities, holding between 13, 16 degrees Celsius where winds are just
02:10 a touch lighter for Northern Ireland over towards Northern England. This is where we
02:14 might just drop into single figures in a few places, provide that slightly fresher start
02:18 to the new working week. But once any of that mist and fog does clear its way off, it will
02:23 be a fairly fine start to the week for many, even those of us who are heading back to school
02:28 and a good dose of sunshine for the vast majority of the UK. The rain in the north will be continuing
02:34 to shift its way upwards as well. So whilst still some drizzly outbreaks for Shetland,
02:39 possibly in the Hebrides, the western coast of the Highland should hopefully see a little
02:42 bit more sunshine on Monday compared to what we have seen throughout Sunday. Will be a
02:47 bit breezy across the far southwest as well. Quite blustery along coastlines here and still
02:52 particularly gusty on the far north of Scotland where that rain band is in place. But where
02:57 you see the lighter winds in between, it will be a pretty pleasant day. Temperatures climbing
03:02 widely into the mid, if not high 20s in places. So highs of 27 degrees Celsius across parts
03:08 of Aberdeenshire on Sunday could climb slightly close towards those values once again on Monday,
03:12 but even across parts of southern England, sort of London over towards Gloucestershire,
03:16 most likely to see that 28, maybe 29 degrees Celsius in there as well. So a pretty widely
03:23 fine day and a widely fine evening as well. Some late sunny intervals to enjoy and it
03:28 should stay largely calm into the overnight period as well, with a good chunk of clear
03:32 skies. Probably a slightly reduced chance of fog on Monday night into Tuesday just because
03:38 the breeze is continuing to pick up. So again, particularly for the southwest over to Wales,
03:42 it will be quite blustery and gusty across the Bannair MacLeanog over to Airey, but otherwise
03:49 a generally fine night away from northern Scotland where the rain does just linger.
03:53 Again, temperatures in most towns and cities holding up in double digit figures where we
03:57 have those clearer skies across parts of Scotland down into northern England might just drop
04:02 off a touch lower compared to the night before, but still a relatively mild one for many of
04:08 us. Nothing too chilly at least. As a result of Tuesday morning, then there will be a good
04:13 amount of sunshine to be had still, though that cloud lingering across the very far north.
04:18 The rain will ease off into the afternoon, so turning generally dry for many, but still
04:23 a fair amount of cloud for all of Lewis and Harris, the far northern isles, northern of
04:29 the Highlands as well. There will be this higher based cloud, wispy cloud that wants
04:33 to push its way in across western England, Wales into northern Ireland. So the sunshine
04:37 may just turn a bit hazier here for a time, but it still should stay largely dry. Just
04:42 a very low chance that that produces a shower and for the vast majority everywhere else,
04:47 a good chunk of sunshine once again. The winds will just shift direction ever so slightly
04:52 on Tuesday, now coming in from an easterly direction from the North Sea, so that will
04:56 hold temperatures back along those North Sea coastlines just a touch more compared to Monday,
05:02 but still 20 mid 20s and feeling relatively pleasant where you are out of the breeze at
05:07 least. It means that our temperatures will just be peaking slightly further towards the
05:11 West. So again, that sort of Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire way around the Bristol Channel
05:15 could again see the likes of 29, maybe around 30 degrees Celsius in there as well. And as
05:23 we saw at the start of this broadcast, temperatures will be peaking even further into Wednesday
05:28 and Thursday, 30, maybe 32 degrees Celsius in a few places. So do keep up to date with
05:34 the forecast. We'll have advice and information on all that's coming our way over the next
05:39 few days. Do think about skin protection as well. If you are out in the sunshine with
05:43 even moderate UV levels around at times and staying hydrated, we'll have plenty of that
05:48 advice and info across our social media channels. So follow us there and we'll be back again
05:52 with the latest very soon. Bye bye.
