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Friday Night Plan Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: When their mother takes off on a business trip, two bickering brothers unite to secretly attend the hottest party of the year before she returns.
00:00 Why are you coming for the match early in the morning, Adi?
00:02 Your senior batch of girls will come to watch the match.
00:04 I'll make a setting with someone or the other.
00:06 And she'll take me to the prom next week.
00:08 Why don't you apply this strategy to your studies?
00:10 Before a man dies, he remembers how many marks he got in physics.
00:13 What a weird guy.
00:16 He goes to the library everyday after class.
00:18 He sings and dances in the shower.
00:20 He sings and dances in the shower.
00:22 You've been in school for a long time.
00:35 I've been in school for 8 years.
00:36 No one has even noticed.
00:37 Everyone is looking at me like I'm Hardik Pandey.
00:39 I love you.
00:41 Do I know you?
00:42 Why don't you speak to me?
00:44 Tonight, Friday night plan.
00:46 I'd rather go to my cave.
00:47 Friday night plan.
00:49 -Hi, Adi. -Yes.
00:50 Hi.
00:51 You're coming to my place tonight, right?
00:52 Of course, I'll come to the party.
00:54 Bro, let me come too.
00:58 You won't do anything wrong.
00:59 Promise me.
01:00 One day, you'll both manage without me.
01:03 Relax, bro.
01:10 You've had a bloody toe-toe.
01:11 Come here.
01:12 Let's party.
01:13 You always do this.
01:18 You do something wrong to be cool and fun.
01:20 And then, I have to clean up.
01:21 What about what you always do?
01:23 At least, I don't hide behind my problems.
01:25 I used to look up to you.
01:27 You were the coolest person in the world.
01:29 You were the coolest person in the world.
01:57 I'm so happy.
01:58 I'm so happy.
01:59 Sit down.
02:01 Sit down.
02:03 I'm so happy.
02:04 (dramatic music)
02:06 (whooshing)