Hassan Ayub ka Muzzmmil Aslam say aham sawal

  • last year
Hassan Ayub ka Muzzmmil Aslam say aham sawal
00:00 First of all, Mr. Zammal Aslam, please answer this question.
00:03 Where should the dollar stop?
00:05 Because when you were there, you said that the genuine price is 180-82.
00:14 Then Mr. Ishaq Dar said that 220-220 is the actual price.
00:21 Now it is not even 320.
00:23 The result is that all the parties in the country,
00:30 who are called "vendors" in Punjabi,
00:33 are spreading their bangs and are giving them all the responsibilities.
00:39 If there is any ray of hope,
00:41 whether they have made sugar, wheat, electricity,
00:47 or any other area, where there is good news,
00:53 we say that this is wrong, but this is very good.
00:58 Is there anything going right in this country?
01:01 Look, I will tell you first of all,
01:05 if you go to fry fritters on the sly, you will never fry fritters.
01:09 You will only fry imaginary fritters.
01:11 For that, you need oil in the pan.
01:14 When there is no oil in the pan, then what will be your rate?
01:18 The rate of the dollar,
01:20 the dollar is not even inflowing in your country.
01:23 One, the dollar is not inflowing,
01:25 and by God's grace, by smuggling capital,
01:27 by making capital flights,
01:28 the people who are leaving Pakistan,
01:31 instead, capital is coming out and flights are starting.
01:34 So, look, I will tell you,
01:36 in the last year, in remittance and export,
01:39 8.5 billion dollars were earned from 2022.
01:41 So, if there was oil in the pan,
01:43 then the dollar would have never been 300.
01:45 It would have been 260-270.
01:47 Then, the disappointment that was given,
01:49 which happened in the country,
01:50 after that, the line-in that was put after the passport officers,
01:53 those who are going out of here,
01:55 they are taking money, right?
01:57 So, they are also taking dollars there.
01:59 Then the capitalists here are also shifting money.
02:02 So, how will the dollar be stable?
02:04 For that, you have to stabilize the environment.
02:06 Mr. Zamir, I heard that during the era of Tehreek-e-Ansar,
02:09 there were some powerful people of Punjab,
02:12 they smuggled dollars in private jets and took them from here.
02:17 They took the planes of the planes.
02:19 Did you hear anything like this?
02:21 Look, they must be going to every village.
02:26 How does the equation balance?
02:28 The equation is that how much is coming inside and how much is going out.
02:30 If someone took a plane outside,
02:32 suppose you are telling,
02:34 whatever you took,
02:36 but if 10 planes come inside the country,
02:39 then it does not matter.
02:40 There was stability in that,
02:42 the inflows came, the exchange rate was stable,
02:44 your results increased.
02:45 But if 10 planes are going out now,
02:47 and one is coming in,
02:48 then it will be imbalanced.
02:50 So, what I mean to say is that
02:52 if you took a plane full,
02:54 then you should also catch it.
02:55 And the 10 planes that are going now,
02:57 ask them, why are you taking them?
02:59 No, they stopped it.
03:00 When they gave the private jet,
03:02 they got to know that this is how smuggling is done.
03:04 So they stopped it.
03:06 Now smuggling has started.
03:08 Mr. Muzaffar, the question is that
03:10 now in the matter of electricity,
03:12 obviously the public is very much in need.
03:14 So if the current government has to take a few steps,
03:18 immediately, based on your experience,
03:20 what would you suggest to them,
03:22 to take these few steps,
03:24 so that the 200, 300, 400 unit consumer,
03:27 can breathe a little.
03:31 Look, if I was there,
03:33 at this time,
03:34 then I can see that
03:35 3-4 sectors have earned a lot of money.
03:37 The sugar industry has earned a lot,
03:39 the flour industry has earned a lot,
03:41 and the exporters have also earned a lot of money.
03:43 A lot of caring, a lot of care.
03:45 I would have put a tax on them.
03:47 And I would have taken a tax of 400-500 billion rupees from them.
03:50 And I would have told the IMF that
03:52 I have collected this tax.
03:54 Now I am going to give them this much subsidy.
03:57 This 300 unit,
03:59 for the sugar industry.
04:01 You are suggesting to put a super tax on them.
04:03 I have to do this.
04:05 You are saying that you want to put a super tax,
04:07 which is basically,
04:09 No, no, no, windfall tax.
04:11 Windfall tax.
04:13 There will be windfall tax.
04:15 This is applicable in the world.
04:17 Like last year, when the oil price increased in the world due to corona,
04:19 they put a windfall tax on oil companies and took it back.
04:21 Similarly, when banks earned money,
04:23 they put a windfall tax on banks.
04:25 So if you put a tax on the sugar industry,
04:27 if you get 150-200 billion rupees,
04:29 what is the good thing?
04:31 Apart from this, there are 3-4 other sectors,
04:33 where people have earned money.
04:35 This is an immediate short-term solution.
04:37 Medium term solution is that you renegotiate.
04:39 All the payments we have made since 2015,
04:41 you will tell them that
04:43 you are not renegotiating with us for 10 years.
04:45 We will make our payment in 25 years,
04:47 not in 10 years.
04:49 With that, your unit will be reduced by 5 shares.
04:51 Third is that you withdraw dollars.
04:53 Look, our economy is not going to be good.
04:55 A year ago, when the PTI was in power,
04:57 the rate of LNG was $40,
04:59 and the rate of coal was $400.
05:01 Now the rate of LNG is $11,
05:03 and the rate of coal is $100.
05:05 Despite that, we made electricity
05:07 100% more expensive.
05:09 This is our bad luck.
05:11 If Pakistan had stable rupees,
05:13 it would have been such a big advantage.
05:15 So maybe the electricity in the PTI
05:17 at that time was Rs. 22-24.
05:19 If they had not reduced its rate,
05:21 the entire supply would have been reduced.
05:23 If they had not reduced its rate,
05:25 the entire circular debt would have been cleared.
05:27 But there was no focus here.
05:29 God knows what they were focusing on.
05:31 And after that, everyone ran away.
05:33 Thank you very much for your time.
