Woody Allen hails 'lucky life' at Venice festival

  • last year
U.S. director Woody Allen presented his 50th film to the Venice Film Festival on Monday, telling reporters he had had a "very, very lucky life," making no reference to the scandals that have dogged his latter years. - REUTERS
00:18 I've been very, very lucky.
00:22 I'm lucky my whole life, really.
00:24 I had two loving parents.
00:28 I have good friends.
00:30 I have a wonderful wife and marriage, two children.
00:34 I'll be-- in a few months, I'll be 88 years old.
00:38 I've never been in a hospital.
00:40 I've never had anything terrible happen to me.
00:43 I've been very, very lucky my whole life.
00:46 [CHATTER]
00:50 [CHATTER]
00:53 (cross talk)
