Chandrayaan-3: 'Vikram' soft-lands again and performs a successful 'hop test' all on its own


by Oneindia

After India scripted history by soft-landing the Vikram lander of Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar surface on August 23, ISRO said yesterday that the lander has successfully "hopped" on the surface of the Moon by itself. Calling it a "hop test", the Indian Space Research Organisation announced that the Vikram lander made a soft landing on the lunar surface again recently when it fired the engines on command, elevated itself by about 40 cm as expected, and landed safely at a distance of 30 to 40 cm away. With this, India’s moon lander Vikram can hop around the moon all on its own after the moon rover Pragyan went to sleep. According to ISRO, Vikram soft landed on the lunar soil for a second time. In a post on X, ISRO said: "Vikram Lander exceeded its mission objectives. It successfully underwent a hop experiment." "On command, it fired the engines, elevated itself by about 40 cm as expected and landed safely at a distance of 30 – 40 cm away.

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