MHA Gledhow Care Home Pub

  • last year
A Leeds care home has installed a pub for residents to enjoy a beverage and relive memories with loved ones.
00:00 We're in Gledhow Christian Care Home today. We're sat in a bar that myself and a colleague
00:05 built from scratch, decorated, obtained all the signs, everything like that. This used to be an
00:11 old store, everything was cleared out, everything was, you know, started from scratch. The whole bar
00:18 was built, stained, tables were obtained from local hostelry, they were brought up to the colours by
00:26 stain and everything like that. Another friend of mine who makes signs provided the sign above the
00:33 bar so that's, they're Gledhow Arms and that's how it came to be. Peter worked so hard to put the bar
00:41 in and we were just amazed. We picked the colours and everything and we just got it all perfect.
00:45 Residents came in and it was just like opening time, you know, they come through, they walk,
00:51 they sit down, they play dominoes, cards, so it is like a little community environment for them and
00:59 plus getting them out of their own rooms as well to spend time with family and friends and we do
01:04 Sunday dinners so we can have Sunday lunch as well. At the right hand side of me is my mother.
01:11 I actually got married end of last year and we had a little surprise due from my mother in here.
01:18 I didn't know. Yeah no, she didn't know because she didn't know so she just walked through,
01:22 well came through the door and she got a right surprise. Now being in Gledhow, how long Peter?
01:28 Eight years. Eight years now. And we've never had a bar before have we? No, never had a bar
01:33 and it looks really good, you know. Old quaint country pubs, that's what we wanted to go for
01:41 because modern pubs nowadays I don't like, residents don't like, so we had to go
01:47 with country pub and that's I think what we tried to get in here, you know, cosy and nice to sit in.
01:54 When we do show rounds, everybody that comes around, I'll leave this to last,
02:00 I open the door and say what do you think and we get a fantastic response. They like the ideas,
02:06 they can come in and sit with the relatives and maybe have a little bar meal and it just gives
02:12 them that nostalgia of things that used to be. I grew up, my mother and me obviously,
02:17 in a seaside village so it was all little old local pubs and at the time things you could get
02:25 was like scampi chips or chicken and chips in a basket, not like now where there's a vast
02:32 variety of food but it did give you a lot to think back on which gave me some of the idea for like
02:40 the deco in here as well, you know, not too modern but obviously not too oldy-worldy but
02:46 I think we've hit quite a nice, you know, halfway point really.
02:49 You've hit a nice medium. A nice medium, mum, yeah you're right.
02:54 They look after you, you know. Especially the maintenance man, he's great.
02:58 That's him.
