Alan Kyerematen quits flagbearer race, alleges intimidation and skewed process | AM Newspaper

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00:00 All right, so welcome back to the AM show.
00:02 Time for us to go into what the papers
00:04 are reporting this morning.
00:05 I have the Daily Graphic with me,
00:08 the Daily Guide newspaper, the Finder,
00:11 the Custodian, and the Ghanaian Publisher.
00:14 And to help us review what these papers are reporting
00:18 is Dr. Kwame Asa Asante.
00:20 He is a political scientist and a director
00:23 of the Center for European Studies at the University of Ghana.
00:27 Doc, good morning, thanks for coming too.
00:29 - Good morning.
00:30 - Good morning, my brother, how are you?
00:33 - I'm well.
00:34 Let's start off with the Daily Graphic.
00:39 The banner headline, "Premix fuel system automated.
00:44 Move to check hoarding and ensure transparency."
00:49 Alan Chiramanting withdraws from MPP presidential race.
00:54 OSP freezes Cecilia Dapes' account again.
00:59 And at the back page,
01:03 SHC inaugurate Adenta Legacy Estate.
01:07 This infestation of black flies starts
01:10 at Lankwantanan Municipality.
01:13 Okay, right, so those are the stories there.
01:17 Now, let's do the Premix fuel story.
01:21 It's written by Shelly Asiedu-Addo
01:24 and Francisca Eshen from Elmina.
01:26 And the Premix fuel management system
01:28 has been automated to remove challenges,
01:31 including corrupt practices associated
01:34 with the sale and distribution of the product.
01:37 Premix fuel, which fishermen rely on
01:39 for expeditions at sea and in rivers,
01:42 will now have a modern technology
01:44 to control how it is stored and dispensed
01:46 with a monitoring system to check hoarding and smuggling.
01:50 The system is a comprehensive infrastructure
01:52 of state-of-the-art technology,
01:54 meticulously designed with dispensing control unit,
01:58 fuel level sensors, electronic card utilization systems,
02:03 as well as web and mobile applications
02:06 that are expected to cause a major shift
02:09 in the way the subsector is managed.
02:11 It comes with the registration of all canoes,
02:13 while special cards will be issued
02:15 for Premix fuel transactions at the automated point.
02:19 The automated fuel system equipped with smart card readers
02:22 will dispense to only biometric identification card-bearing
02:25 members of the public, especially fishers.
02:29 The Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Baumya,
02:31 yesterday commissioned three automated Premix dispensing
02:35 and monitoring outlets at Elmina in the central region
02:38 to symbolically mark the opening
02:40 of the 50 facilities across the country.
02:43 Doc, I mean, we've been talking about how
02:46 to reduce human involvement in things like this.
02:51 I guess this is a step in the right direction.
02:54 But the question will be, how do we ensure
02:57 that this system does not succumb to human interference?
03:00 - I think it's a good one.
03:03 I commend the Vice President and his team
03:06 for bringing this out.
03:08 Our fishermen have been struggling over the years,
03:11 and one of their problems is the issue of fuel.
03:15 And you and I know the whole story about it,
03:19 where sometimes they run out of this,
03:24 even though it is on the market.
03:27 So I am happy that government has listened to their cry,
03:32 and then government is helping in this direction.
03:35 But as you rightly pointed out,
03:37 we need such a meaningful program
03:39 to be sustained on daily basis.
03:42 So it's my hope and prayer that the government
03:45 will do the needful to make sure
03:47 that this beautiful program is sustained
03:51 to ensure its logical conclusion.
03:54 It is important that.
03:57 It is not only the issue of premixed fuel
04:02 that is a problem to them.
04:04 Marketing, how do they market their fish is a problem,
04:10 where people buy at lower prices
04:13 and know that they don't get anything.
04:15 I myself, I'm in the industry,
04:17 and I know some of the challenges.
04:20 So I know government is trying to do it best.
04:24 They need to quicken the pace
04:25 so as to make sure that this policy of government
04:29 to ensure that people get fish at their backyard
04:34 and all that will be a reality.
04:36 - Marketing of fish is difficult now, huh?
04:42 - Yeah, if you have a lot of them, who buys?
04:46 They will come and buy at a very cheap price
04:49 and then you don't know where to sell
04:51 and it is a problem.
04:53 I know people who have ponds in their homes
04:56 and when it's ready, they have nowhere to turn to.
04:59 And then they go around, people come around and cheat them.
05:03 And I speak on authority.
05:04 I know what I'm talking about.
05:11 - Okay, anyway, let's do the,
05:14 and let me take you to page 16
05:16 and for us to do the Alan Chai-Manting story.
05:21 Now, a flag-bearer hopeful, Alan John Kodjoe Chai-Manting,
05:26 has withdrawn from the November 4 presidential primary
05:28 of the New Patriotic Party, NPP,
05:31 citing intimidation and various acts of violence
05:35 unleashed on his supporters
05:37 in recent superdelegate conference.
05:39 This is a reenactment of the 2007 Congress
05:44 at the University of Ghana, Legon,
05:47 during which Mr. Chai-Manting
05:51 voluntarily stepped down for his closest contender,
05:56 Nana Adedankwe Kufuadu,
05:58 after neither of them could pass the 50% required mark.
06:03 This time, Mr. Chai-Manting is withdrawing in protest.
06:06 The recent superdelegate conference
06:08 is his fourth attempt at a party's leadership.
06:10 The first was in 2007, followed by 2010,
06:13 and then 2014 adventures.
06:15 In withdrawing from the upcoming election,
06:17 Mr. Chai-Manting said,
06:18 "The incident and various act of violence and collusion
06:22 "reported in other voting centers
06:24 "were appalling, unconscionable, and despicable."
06:29 A statement by the former trade and industry minister said,
06:31 quote, "After having carefully analyzed
06:33 "the results of the said election,
06:35 "it is absolutely clear to me
06:37 "from events leading to, during, and after the elections
06:40 "that the special delegate conference
06:42 "was strategically and tactically skewed
06:45 "in favor of one particular aspirant," unquote.
06:49 Mr. Chai-Manting recounted how his polling agent
06:51 in Northeast region allegedly suffered
06:53 severe damage to his eyesight,
06:56 arising from his bold and courageous effort
06:58 to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations
07:01 for the conduct of the elections
07:03 as approved by the Presidential Elections Committee
07:06 of the party.
07:07 Was it something you expected?
07:10 - Not at, I was not expecting this.
07:17 I was not expecting this because all this while
07:20 I thought that the man who has started this journey
07:23 will end on a good note.
07:26 But you and I have witnessed what has happened.
07:29 But I am not surprised.
07:34 Why am I saying this?
07:36 This whole business of intimidation,
07:39 harassment, and unequal playing field.
07:41 We've had this problem long time,
07:43 people complaining, and the party sat aloof,
07:47 as if nothing was a problem.
07:51 They never talk about people
07:52 who had already started campaign wiles.
07:56 The party had not given any green light to anybody.
07:59 They sat down for all these things to happen,
08:02 and then to crown it all is the brutalities,
08:05 intimidation, harassment we saw during the day of election.
08:10 These things do not augur well
08:13 for a meaningful party such as the MPP.
08:16 It is the least to be said about the party.
08:19 This is a party which has gone through thick and thin,
08:22 and it's a party that has risen above all manner of problems.
08:26 So this should not be a problem, and I don't know why.
08:32 The issue of an establishment candidate
08:35 is becoming a reality in the party,
08:38 and it seems to me that those are the top brass,
08:42 the top brass within the party do not care a hoot about it.
08:46 You see, when you build a party
08:48 around personalities or individuals,
08:51 you create a problem where people live in pain,
08:56 and at the end of the day,
08:57 they want to move out of the party.
08:59 I am sure the MPP, from where they come from,
09:03 have experienced all manner of pains,
09:05 and that they don't want to repeat some of them.
09:08 1979 problems that they had
09:11 is so fresh in the minds of everybody,
09:13 so I thought that this would be a guiding principle for them,
09:17 but we are seeing something different, right?
09:20 If this thing continue,
09:22 I will not be surprised to see that,
09:24 yes, whoever emerged victorious
09:26 will not get anybody to support him in campaign.
09:29 That is something that we should expect
09:32 if the status quo remains.
09:34 It is my hope and prayer that the MPP
09:37 will not chart this path,
09:39 because it will lead them to destruction,
09:42 nothing more, nothing less.
09:44 - What, because of one person's decision
09:46 to withdraw from the party's contest?
09:49 Is that not an overly-assertive issue?
09:51 - No, it is not a pleasant issue.
09:54 No, no, no, it is not the case
09:58 that one person has resigned, or has withdrawn.
10:01 You saw Gwakye Jaku also complaining the same.
10:04 Have you thought about the teeming supporters
10:08 of these people, and how they feel?
10:10 All these things break the ranks within the party,
10:13 and it create all manner of unnecessary problem.
10:16 I don't think that the party deserve this,
10:18 and that is not what they bargain for, no.
10:21 But if they want to allow this thing to exist,
10:24 I'm afraid they will have their fingers bent.
10:27 - Okay, so how do you expect the party
10:33 to approach this development?
10:36 - We use rules and regulation to govern
10:41 the conduct of people within the party.
10:43 Make sure that the rules work.
10:45 Whoever has crossed the line must be sanctioned,
10:48 pure and simple.
10:49 But if you want to do a kind of selective justice,
10:53 where you don't care a hoot about the complaints
10:56 people are talking about,
10:58 and that you are pursuing your program head on,
11:01 I'm afraid you'll hit a snag,
11:04 and at the end of the day,
11:06 the results will be there for us.
11:07 I think that the concerns that people have raised
11:11 were raised out of genuine incident that occurred,
11:14 which must be looked into,
11:16 so that you reassure people that there are leaders
11:19 who are ready to stem the tide,
11:21 whenever there are problems within the party.
11:23 But if you don't want to handle these things,
11:26 I'm afraid people will sit down unconcerned.
11:30 And when you need them most,
11:32 I tell you, that is where they will fail you.
11:34 2024 is so close,
11:36 and I'm sure they have taken political notice,
11:39 and they will do the needful.
11:41 - So the contest now is between,
11:46 I mean, I'm sure you have,
11:48 you being a political scientist yourself,
11:51 you would know that the contest now
11:52 is between the vice president and Kennedy Japan.
11:55 How does the withdrawal of Alan Chawanting
11:58 affect the chances of either of them?
11:59 - Oh, certainly, the same conditions exist.
12:06 Remember that at the super delegate conference level,
12:09 there were different canons that were used to gauge them.
12:12 Now you are going into the finals of finals,
12:15 where you are going to elect a flag bearer.
12:18 The person who is going to emerge victorious
12:21 is going to be advertised in Ghana for votes.
12:25 So you are going to use a national standard of the economy.
12:28 Who has managed the economy well,
12:29 if the person has been given the opportunity, it will come.
12:33 Issue of corruption,
12:34 who is capable of managing corruption in this country?
12:37 If you have records, they will go into that.
12:40 Who is capable of ensuring that the youth get employed
12:43 in this country, it will pop up.
12:46 Who has the political wherewithal to stand
12:49 in face of difficult challenges and then be firm?
12:52 We are talking about what, competence and all that,
12:54 because people accuse this government
12:56 that he had sacrificed competence for loyalty.
12:59 So now you want to see somebody who is competent
13:03 and will be able to deliver the public good.
13:05 Of course, you also want to see who will be able to ensure
13:10 that you get the maximum vote,
13:12 and you are talking about popularity.
13:14 And a host of other factors
13:15 are going to be brought to the scene.
13:19 So it's not that simple,
13:22 and that these things will come up,
13:25 and you need a careful study of the issues
13:29 and be able to have answers and all that.
13:31 In political communication,
13:32 when we are developing messages and all that,
13:35 we look at for your baggage,
13:38 and then things that people will be said about you,
13:42 and you develop antidote for that.
13:44 All these things are going to play out effectively.
13:46 So it's not that simple.
13:48 People think that is a simple process.
13:50 No, it is not.
13:51 All these calculations will be factored in,
13:53 and whoever will make the choice
13:55 will face this type of music at the end of the day.
13:58 - Okay, let's take you to the Daily Guide newspaper.
14:02 Veep opens automated premix four system.
14:05 Galamse ban reducing carbon emission,
14:07 according to Nana Adudanko-Kufuato.
14:10 Thailand withdraws from MPP race.
14:13 SP refreezes Cecilia Dapa account,
14:16 and Ghana needs reformed spirit, NYA CEO.
14:21 Now let's go to page three.
14:22 It says the Office of the Special Prosecutor
14:24 has once again frozen the bank account
14:26 of former Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources,
14:29 Cecilia Dapa.
14:30 The OSP indicated in a statement yesterday
14:33 that it had complied with the August 31, 2023 ruling
14:37 of Anakra High Court by unfreezing the account.
14:40 The statement also indicated that the $2.73 million
14:44 and $590,000 that of the offices of the OSP
14:48 had seized at their blank pay residence
14:50 of the former minister had been returned to her.
14:53 But in a somewhat surprising turn of event,
14:57 a statement signed by the Special Prosecutor,
14:58 Kiseja Beng states that the account
15:01 have once again been frozen,
15:03 and the money seized at a residence
15:05 which were temporarily returned to her
15:07 have also been seized as investigations
15:09 into corruption and corruption-related offenses
15:12 continue against her.
15:14 Your thought on this?
15:16 Okay, all right.
15:22 So we'll try and get Tim back so we can wrap up with him.
15:26 But let me do some of the stories
15:28 on some of the front pages.
15:30 Now the Finder newspaper is reporting
15:33 Alan Quaid's flagbearer race,
15:35 alleged intimidation and skewed process,
15:38 premixed for dispensing, monitoring automated.
15:42 OSP returns that has money and seized it again.
15:47 And shareholders commend Axis Bank's first-half performance.
15:52 Forestry Commission outlines Gallam's safe hide
15:55 in a Pamprama forest reserve.
15:58 And Brand Ghana needs forward-looking structures
16:01 upon Nkrumah's says.
16:04 So that is a story,
16:05 but I'm interested in that Pamprama forest story.
16:09 It says, the Forestry Commission says
16:12 that it is working to curb illegal mining
16:14 in the Pamprama forest reserve.
16:17 As part of its attempt to stop illegal mining
16:19 in the forest reserve, it has employed a range of strategies
16:22 and interventions in this regard.
16:25 The commission says it has trained
16:27 964 frontline field officers
16:30 with the help of the military to boost law enforcement.
16:33 The strategies were outlined in a press release
16:35 acting, reacting to illegal mining activities
16:39 in the Pamprama forest reserve.
16:40 The commission noted that as part of its efforts
16:42 to curb illegal mining in the forest reserve,
16:45 it has procured 1000 pump action guns to boost morale
16:49 and capacity of frontline staff to protect the forest reserve.
16:52 Really?
16:54 In this country, sometimes the people
16:58 who are at the helm of affairs, what do they take us for?
17:02 That we didn't know that some people
17:07 were mining in the forest to that extent,
17:11 and now it has taken us, after this distraction,
17:16 to go and train some 964 frontline officers
17:20 and purchase 1000 pump action guns.
17:23 Really?
17:24 I mean, sometimes they should take us
17:31 to be intelligent a little.
17:33 Because you don't sit there and assume
17:38 you didn't hear excavators working
17:40 in the Pamprama forest for that long,
17:43 sat there and watched them to destroy
17:46 their forest to that extent,
17:49 and you're not telling us, after a journalist
17:50 had gone in there and brought out the revelations,
17:53 and then you say you've gone in to train
17:55 some 964 frontline officers, really.
17:59 After the fauna and the flora of the place
18:03 have been destroyed in the manner they have,
18:05 ah, Forestry Commission.
18:07 I mean, sometimes, sometimes.
18:10 Just give us that opportunity that we also have sense more.
18:14 Anyway, Dr. Kwame Asante is back with us.
18:17 Doc, let's deal with one story
18:19 from the Daily Guide newspaper.
18:21 SP says he has refrozen Sisley Abinadapa's account.
18:26 Was it something you expected?
18:28 How can this help us to get to the bottom
18:31 of the issue about the missing cache
18:34 and how they even came about it?
18:37 - The corruption thing.
18:43 - Okay, uh-huh, yeah.
18:45 - Yeah, it is annoying to say the least.
18:49 Why?
18:50 We are in this country, and I see those
18:54 who are engaged in those activities,
18:56 they don't exist here.
18:58 I see where these activities are taking place,
19:01 police, Bureau of Investigation,
19:04 and the rest of them do not exist.
19:06 Why?
19:07 - Right.
19:17 We'll get Doc back on the line
19:20 so that we can deal with these issues.
19:23 Now back to the Forestry Commission story again.
19:25 It says the Forestry Commission said,
19:27 other than as part of curbing illegal mining,
19:30 it has seized and decommissioned a number of equipment
19:33 used for illegal mining in forest reserves.
19:35 Quote, "Since January this year,
19:38 "three excavators have been seized
19:39 "and over 70 excavators on specified number of generators,
19:44 "water pumping machines, and other mining equipment,
19:49 "and temporary wooden structures
19:51 "have been burnt within forest reserves,
19:53 "mainly in the Bequia, Bibiani, Enchi, Draboso,
19:56 "and Takwa Forest District by the Forest Services Division
20:00 "with support of the RRTs."
20:04 Now quote, "Out of a number of burnt excavators,
20:11 "12 were burnt in the Pamperma Forest Reserve."
20:13 The release explained, "The Commission indicated
20:17 "that it has arrested and prosecuted illegal miners,
20:19 "both Ghanaians and foreigners,
20:21 "many of which have been convicted
20:23 "while the trials of others are pending
20:25 "in various courts across the country."
20:29 Anyway.
20:31 Doc, it looks like the line today is really troubling,
20:36 but we'll still manage.
20:38 Yes, so--
20:39 - Yeah, Mekuju.
20:39 - Huh?
20:40 - I am so surprised that the Forestry Commission
20:43 will come and give us this cock and bull story.
20:47 I mean, to say the least.
20:49 Why?
20:50 We are giving you work to do.
20:52 If you can do, get out,
20:54 and let people who can manage the forest
20:55 to come and do the work.
20:58 We are joking in this country.
20:59 - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
21:00 - God has blessed us with all these arable lands,
21:03 forests, to serve our purpose,
21:06 and we have given this duty to an agency of state.
21:11 Handle it on our behalf,
21:13 and out of which we are able to pay you an order.
21:16 This is all that you can.
21:17 They should credit us with some level of intelligence
21:20 and stop this thing.
21:21 It's so annoying.
21:23 I don't want to hear, I don't want to know.
21:25 But look, these things should not be countenance at all.
21:29 We should be able to stand up and resist this thing
21:32 through legal battles and all that,
21:34 because sometimes I get so angry about these things,
21:38 that the very things that we are committing now
21:41 are going to be about us around our necks very soon.
21:44 - Yeah.
21:45 - I can tell you,
21:47 once you destroy the ecosystem,
21:52 you are off.
21:53 It doesn't matter, please,
21:55 we are playing the ostrich,
21:56 I see nothing is happening.
21:58 This Gallam City business is a serious menace
22:01 that we need to stand up and rise to the occasion
22:05 and deal with it.
22:05 Otherwise, it will consume all of us in no time.
22:08 - What is really the issue?
22:13 Is it an issue of incompetence or corruption
22:18 such that the forestry officers
22:21 are not able to get these illegal miners
22:24 driven out of the forest?
22:26 Or because they benefit,
22:27 that's why they allow them to keep doing what they do?
22:30 - It is a whole mix of facts associated with the system.
22:39 I mean, so it's a web of corrupt activities
22:42 going on there.
22:44 Two, it is also lack of what?
22:46 Capacity on the part of government.
22:48 Government regulatory capacity
22:51 where they enforce law rigidly
22:53 has been thrown to the dogs.
22:54 And of course, government itself,
22:57 some of its apparatchiks are also complicit in this.
23:01 So the fights, I'm not sure we are going to win it
23:05 because those who matter
23:07 and they are supposed to be at the forefront of this fight
23:10 are themselves complicit in this matter.
23:13 And those who are not complicit look on, on concern.
23:16 How can we win such a fight?
23:18 As if those who are engaged in this activity
23:20 come from the moon.
23:21 And as soon as we are looking for them,
23:23 they disappear into thin air.
23:25 It is not a case,
23:26 but that we don't want to do.
23:27 The wrong things that we do, we benefit from it.
23:30 We don't care a hoot about.
23:31 (laughs)
23:34 - Very, very difficult morning.
23:47 But yes, that's Dr. Kwame Asante.
23:51 He is director of the Center for European Studies
23:54 at the University of Ghana.
23:57 Let me just read what I have and then we can wrap up here.
24:01 Now, the custodian says,
24:04 Alan quits MPP 2022 in the fall race.
24:06 Bamiya opens automated pre-mix forest stations.
24:09 Brand Ghana must uphold ethical values upon cromises.
24:13 RE, forest under siege and Pampamon Forest Reserve.
24:16 That's a response that comes with a picture
24:18 of the chief executive for Forestry Commission, John Alote.
24:23 Ghana Post wins best career service award
24:26 and state grabs 1.4 million from road traffic offenses.
24:30 Oh, okay.
24:31 And the Ghanaian publisher.
24:33 Anyway, very shocking.
24:37 Can we really win with this attitude?
24:40 Okay.
24:42 Let me just not waste time on the banner headline there.
24:49 But let me bring you the details of the story
24:51 from the state grabbing some 1.4 million
24:53 from road traffic offenses.
24:55 Now, official information given to the custodian
24:58 indicates that the state has raked in over 1.4 million
25:01 cities through the enforcement of road traffic regulations.
25:05 Some 11 persons have also been sentenced
25:07 to various jail terms with over 1.4 million cities
25:12 paid as spot fines into the state coffers
25:14 for this year alone.
25:16 Chief Superintendent Alexander Kwik,
25:17 who are being Director of Education, Research, Training
25:20 and the Project Coordinator
25:21 for the Traffic Tech-GH Initiative,
25:25 who disclosed these at a stakeholder sensitization forum
25:28 in Tamale said, "Over 100,000 road traffic offenders
25:31 "have so far been convicted in court."
25:34 He announced that the number of road crashes
25:36 have declined compared to last year
25:38 due to the rigorous campaign and police visibility
25:41 on the major highways.
25:42 Quote, "Now in terms of injuries,
25:44 "it has gone down because of police intervention
25:46 "and all that about 9,000 Ghanaians are injured.
25:50 "Some amputated and death deaths have also gone down
25:54 "compared to the same period
25:55 "from January to July last year."
25:58 Quote, "However, over 1,200 Ghanaians
26:01 "have been killed on our roads.
26:03 "One death is one too many
26:05 "and that's why the Inspector General of Police
26:06 "and the Police Council will not accept this at all
26:09 "and therefore more interventions are needed."
26:12 Unquote.
26:14 He stated.
26:15 Well,
26:16 so that is a story from the custodian.
26:24 Well, okay, let's do the publisher.
26:27 It was already on the screen.
26:28 It says, "Forestry Commission fires Joy FM,
26:30 "charges them to put issues in proper context."
26:34 What context again?
26:35 Okay, let me just do a bit of that story.
26:42 It says that, "The Forestry Commission has responded
26:46 "to Joy FM's latest documentary
26:47 "on alleged illegal mining activities
26:49 "in the Aparampama Forest Reserve
26:51 "which aired on Monday evening
26:53 "while thanking the multimedia group
26:54 "for shining the light on the destruction
26:56 "of a portion of the forest reserve
26:58 "and an important watershed.
26:59 "It stated that the media outfit must, quote,
27:03 "put matters in proper perspective
27:05 "for the sake of the public."
27:07 Unquote.
27:08 "In a rejoinder, the Forestry Commission stated
27:10 "that it believes such documentaries
27:12 "help draw attention to grave national issues
27:14 "that public support is urgently required to address."
27:22 So what again, what is the proper perspective
27:25 that the Forestry Commission is talking about?
27:28 Hasn't there been illegal mining in Aparampama Forest?
27:30 I'm sure they will say yes, there has been.
27:33 Haven't there been distractions?
27:35 Didn't the Forestry Commission look on
27:40 for the distraction to occur?
27:42 Because when you are working with excavators,
27:45 they make loud noise.
27:46 So are we being told that the Forestry Commission
27:51 did not hear when the noise started
27:53 and they sat on for those last space to be destroyed?
27:58 What is the perspective again?
28:00 I mean, sometimes, like I said earlier,
28:02 the Forestry Commission should take all of us
28:05 to be intelligent enough,
28:07 not to be telling us all the things that they are saying.
28:09 What is the proper perspective again here?
28:11 That a journalist goes in there
28:12 to report on what you failed to do,
28:15 and you are telling us that we should put it
28:17 in proper perspective.
28:17 What perspective again?
28:20 That we saw in the video,
28:22 it wasn't as though they were concocted.
28:25 These are visuals that we can all see on our screens.
28:29 So, Forestry Commission should go ahead
28:31 and deal with the issue and stop asking the media house,
28:36 which has done its required duty of highlighting
28:41 this very despicable activity by illegal miners.
28:45 Of course, you supervise it because you sat there
28:47 and watched on for that to happen.
28:49 And then now you're coming to tell the media house
28:51 that they have to put the issues in perspective.
28:53 Which perspective again?
28:54 I mean, sometimes, look,
28:57 these are the visuals on your screen, these ones.
29:00 So, if you're a gunner and you watch this,
29:02 do you require the Forestry Commission to come and tell you
29:04 that the media house should put this in perspective?
29:06 What perspective again?
29:08 After we've witnessed the sort of destruction
29:10 that have gone on in a forest reserve,
29:13 and as we speak, it is happening in a lot of forest reserves.
29:17 Look at this.
29:18 When you watch this and the Forestry Commission
29:20 is telling us to do what?
29:22 What perspective again?
29:23 You sat there, you sat there for this to happen.
29:27 I mean, what I've seen will be more than 10 football fields.
29:32 Look at this, look at this land
29:33 that I'm seeing on the screen.
29:34 And then the Forestry Commission is sitting in the office
29:37 and telling us to put it into what perspective again?
29:41 This destruction that we are witnessing on the TV,
29:44 on our screens, and the Forestry Commission is telling us
29:47 what, what perspective?
29:48 There's no perspectives to be drawn here.
29:50 What is left to be done is Forestry Commission
29:52 to do the right thing.
29:53 I mean, we've mentioned names of companies
29:56 that are minding their,
29:58 and there are individuals who are CEOs,
30:00 who are owners of these companies.
30:02 Can the Forestry Commission go after them
30:05 and then make sure that they pay for what they've done
30:06 and rather stop telling us
30:08 to put these issues into perspective?
30:10 There is no perspective then to ensure
30:11 that the destroyed environment are restored.
30:14 Can we even restore them in the same natural habitat
30:18 that God created them?
30:20 It cannot be done.
30:22 We can try our best, but we cannot.
30:23 Anyway, let's end it here.
30:26 The AM Sports is APNES with Muftahu Abdullah Nabila.
30:33 There's latest from the camp of the Black Star.
30:37 So do stay on and get all of that here on AM Show.
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