Roots of Redwood trees 'pulling up block paving' on Luton road

  • last year
Residents on Moira Close have called on the council to take down four trees that are wreaking havoc on properties and pavements.

Olivia Preston went to speak to those affected
00:00 I'd like the council to come and take these trees down in this close.
00:02 We have four big trees.
00:04 This is for me the major tree.
00:06 It's outside my house, but there's three more trees within.
00:09 People living on Moira Close have said
00:11 redwood trees are damaging their properties and have called on the council to take them down.
00:17 Alan Reynolds has lived on the road for over 30 years.
00:21 He complained to Luton Borough Council after he noticed issues with the trees roots.
00:27 It's been ongoing, as I said,
00:29 cracking in the actual pavement has been there for some time,
00:33 but it's just got worse over the 18, 24 months to a degree where I rang the council,
00:41 they came down and just filled it with tarmac within five minutes.
00:45 So that's for me is not brilliant, something I need addressing.
00:52 And the roots of the tree is the major problem here.
00:55 Underneath my property, pulling up my block paving,
00:59 not so much the height for the tree is what's going on underneath.
01:03 So this could well be well in excess of underneath my house at the moment as we
01:08 speak, unless we have a specialist down to determine where the roots are.
01:13 It's a whole close problem and I'd like something done about it urgently.
01:19 Redwoods are native to California and can grow up to 250 feet tall.
01:24 This is concerning those who live along here,
01:26 as they say the trees are blocking out light coming into their homes.
01:31 Luton Borough Council was approached for comment.
01:35 I'd like them taken down.
01:36 It's their responsibility.
01:38 They've admitted that they're on their land.
01:40 They come here and they cut the grass on a regular basis.
01:44 Someone ain't just turned up here 20 years ago and decided to put these trees in.
01:49 It must have been the decision from the council that's come down to say,
01:53 well, put them trees in that close.
01:54 I would like the trees taken down.
01:56 And I think that's pretty much the
02:00 problem from all the residents in this close.
02:03 And I believe that's the what they want happening here as well.
