Covid cases are on the rise, would you support the re-introduction of masks or even a lockdown?

  • last year
We have sent camera teams out across the country for people’s opinions


00:00 Well, I'm very concerned about it and I'm very careful with washing my hands all the
00:09 time and careful if I see crowds in shops, I don't go in.
00:15 I'm very aware of it.
00:18 I think I've been lucky that I escaped it the first time, so I don't want to get it
00:23 the second time.
00:26 And it is a very difficult environment for a lot of people, so while I don't have the
00:32 authority to enact a lockdown now, maybe it would be a step in the right direction.
00:39 I think people are done with that kind of stuff in general.
00:41 I think if it did happen again, not like an anti-vax or anything, I could vaccinate the
00:45 rest of it.
00:46 It's just the fact that I think as a general nation, you can't really, people won't do
00:48 it again.
00:49 So you have to find other ways to deal with it, I guess.
00:52 I heard this the other day as well, that it's spiking again and my, what's it called, my
01:00 vaccination booster has lapsed.
01:03 So it's lost its efficacy.
01:05 Would you consider getting another booster?
01:08 I was waiting for the next one, but I didn't ever get the text.
01:13 Not as much now.
01:14 I think when it first happened, we were really concerned because it was really massively
01:18 scary and it is still concerning definitely for older people, but anyone who's got like
01:24 a health issue, like an immunity issue or something, it's really scary for them.
01:29 For me personally, I've had it a couple of times now, so I'm not too worried for me.
01:35 But yeah, it's still about, so.
01:37 A tiny bit, but we need to look to the world like that and understand this is normal, this
01:45 part of the life now.
01:48 It's just to resolve anything.
01:49 To me, to resolve anything.
01:50 I think we must.
01:51 Everyone in catch at the same time.
01:52 Makes more sense.
01:53 In my opinion, I did love the lockdowns because I was with family and friends and it took
02:03 me some time off work and all that, but you can't really rely on like losing out on money
02:09 and furlough and everything else.
02:12 So it's a hit and miss really.
02:14 Well, I certainly wouldn't want them to increase, but I wouldn't want to go into lockdown either
02:19 because I didn't really think that was a good policy really.
02:23 I think there was a lot of things that went on that we don't know about.
02:27 Not a game.
02:28 Not a game.
02:29 It's just this country cannot afford it.
02:32 The people, the small businesses, we cannot afford to go back to that, you know, so unless
02:38 they've got an absolutely amazing plan for whatever comes down the pipe.
02:44 And I think now it's out of the hands anyway.
02:46 I think the World Health Organization will be running the show.
02:51 So we'll see.
02:52 It doesn't affect me day by day, although I still have friends that come down with it
02:57 occasionally, but when the doctor sent for me, I'll go like the other times.
