Star Trek Picard - Final Season's Memorable Moments

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Star Trek Picard - Final Season's Memorable Moments - Relive some of the most iconic moments from Star Trek: Picard's epic final season.
00:03 All stations, prepare for maximum warp.
00:11 All engines online.
00:13 Priming deflector shields for warp.
00:17 Don't you think you should alert engineering
00:20 that we're going to warp 9.99?
00:24 That's no longer protocol on the newer models of the fleet.
00:27 It's all automated now.
00:29 Yeah, of course.
00:33 You're going to be a captain before you know it,
00:35 Commander Hanson.
00:37 Excellent recovery, Admiral.
00:38 Shoulder to grill.
00:40 Metaphasic shields at the ready.
00:42 Sensors optimal and standing by for warp.
00:45 Engage.
00:56 My boy stays here.
00:59 You are going to get us all killed.
01:01 Why are you doing this?
01:05 Because he's my son.
01:09 God damn it.
01:20 Tactical, full power to forward shield.
01:22 The forwards get ready to fly.
01:26 Stand by to execute commands.
01:29 Whatever happens next, Admiral, that's on you.
01:31 Comms, put the Shrike on the screen.
01:36 How very precise with your timing, Jean-Luc Picard.
01:44 And your answer.
01:48 Engage.
01:57 Bridge, visual contact of the Shrike.
02:12 Bearing 0.7, 3,000 meters and closing.
02:14 Battle stations.
02:16 That's impossible.
02:17 How the hell did she find us?
02:23 Again.
02:33 [GUNSHOTS]
02:37 You, you, you got us into this.
02:54 You are going to get us out.
02:57 Computer, transfer command.
03:00 Captain William Riker Pro-Temp.
03:03 Our blue station, Shaw.
03:05 12, 11, Bravo Delta.
03:07 Command transfer authorized.
03:09 Get her to sit back.
03:13 Captain, we still have visual.
03:15 She's right behind us.
03:18 Admiral, can you roll a not fire,
03:21 single photon torpedo halfway between us and them.
03:23 Key the phasers, light it up.
03:25 The concussion should--
03:26 Torpedo away.
03:31 [GRUNTS]
03:41 It worked, Captain.
03:42 We may have shaken her.
03:45 Thank you, Zombo.
03:47 Well, I think it might be time you called me number one.
04:00 When Jack was on his way, I was terrified.
04:05 All I knew was that if you're the son of Jean-Luc Picard,
04:11 there's a target on your back.
04:13 I lost my parents, then a husband, then my son Wesley,
04:18 all to the same stars that own you.
04:24 As a mother, your whole being is about protecting your child.
04:28 I thought I could protect mine.
04:35 I didn't know if I could protect yours.
04:40 Carla?
04:50 [DOOR OPENS]
04:53 Will--
04:57 Admiral, I thought that you should--
04:58 I have an apology tonight.
04:59 I'm saying this to you as a courtesy--
05:00 I was out of line.
05:01 Stop.
05:02 The Titan's dead in the water.
05:08 We estimate about four hours until the ship is
05:10 crushed by the gravity well.
05:12 But we'll probably have run out of life support by then.
05:16 You were right before.
05:22 50 of us made it down to the life deck.
05:27 But uh-oh, there's just one life pod, 10 seats.
05:35 The thing is, we were all friends.
05:38 They were all my Jack Crusher.
05:42 We were-- we didn't fight over who should live
05:46 and who should die.
05:47 We-- we waited for orders.
05:50 And then finally, some lieutenant comes down
05:53 and she just starts pointing.
05:56 You, me, me.
06:00 She's pointing at me.
06:05 Why-- why me?
06:10 I'm just some dipshit from Chicago.
06:17 Now I'm lucky number 10.
06:20 Do you mind?
06:29 No.
06:30 Sorry.
06:32 Just feeling chipper.
06:34 Not because you're about to have your asses handed to you.
06:38 No, just chipper.
06:42 You know, we have saved the galaxy more than a few times.
06:45 And hopefully they'll remember.
06:49 Or they might remember that time that someone
06:52 hot dropped the saucer section of the Enterprise D
06:54 on a planet.
06:55 Or that time that someone threw the prime directive
06:59 out the window so they could snog a villager on Ba'ku.
07:02 Or the time that you boys nearly wiped out all of humanity
07:06 by creating a time paradox in the Devron system.
07:10 Basically, when it comes to rescues from danger,
07:15 you two have a real chicken and egg thing happening.
07:19 Those were the days.
07:20 As I can tell, different personalities
07:26 have yet to be integrated.
07:28 But the information is all there.
07:30 Can he tell us what Vadix stole from Deistre?
07:33 Assuming he's sane enough to speak, I believe so.
07:38 I can reboot, but I can't completely isolate data,
07:41 even with the personality partitions in place.
07:44 So I just don't know what we're going to get.
08:18 Jordy?
08:25 So has Lore always been this arch?
08:28 Did the tree move?
08:30 Or did the apple just fall far from it?
08:33 When you're constantly subjected to these self-righteous,
08:38 self-proclaimed heroes spewing their morality as if vomit,
08:43 or somehow virtuous, then sometimes, dear,
08:47 a little bend, a little arch, a little antagonizing
08:51 flair is required.
08:54 Lore has a perverted sense of what it means to be human.
08:58 We were able to access the architecture of this unit's
09:01 positronic brain.
09:03 It contains four identity matrices.
09:05 Sung and before operate as a memory file only.
09:09 But there is a clear partition between the data
09:12 and Lore personality profiles.
09:15 Essentially, they're both in there,
09:18 each one fighting for dominance.
09:22 Been a long time since we all sat around a table like this.
09:25 Too long, really, by far.
09:28 I am so grateful to be here.
09:30 Hardship may have brought me here,
09:31 but I want you all to know that there wasn't a day all those
09:34 years that I didn't miss all of you.
09:37 And we missed you, too.
09:39 I even found myself talking to you on my darkest days.
09:43 Well, on my happiest ones, too.
09:45 It turns out you give really good advice,
09:47 even when you're not there.
09:48 So you were always in my heart when it mattered.
09:52 Thank you.
09:54 I have slaughtered countless enemies over the years
09:57 and considered sending their heads to all of you.
10:01 But I was advised that that was passive aggressive.
10:05 [LAUGHTER]
10:09 All that matters is that we are together.
10:12 Once more.
10:14 Because I need you.
10:17 All of you.