What happens when a bald eagle loses its feathers while it is flying?

  • last year

When a bald eagle loses a feather, it will automatically shed the same feather on its other side to maintain balance.

Bald eagles are almost always found near water on lakes, sounds, or seas. Most live in tundra and forest habitat in Alaska and Canada, but others live in Florida’s mangrove swamps and a few pairs in northern Mexico’s desert regions. In short, the bald eagle is an adaptable bird.

If someone says you have eagle eyes, take it as a compliment. It means you can see things that others might not notice. Bald eagles can see four to seven times better than humans! They are able to see things sharply from quite far away. This, of course, helps them spot their next meal from high in the sky or from a lofty perch in a tree or cliff ledge. But unlike our eyes, an eagle’s eyes can’t move from side to side. So to look around, the eagle has to turn its whole head.

Bald eagles live near bodies of water to be close to their favorite food fish. No need for a fishing pole, bald eagles come equipped with spiny scales and sharp talons on their toes for grabbing fish. Rough pads on the bottom of each foot also help grip this slippery food. When a bald eagle loses a feather, it will automatically shed the same feather on its other side to maintain balance.

When a bald eagle loses a feather on one wing, it will lose a matching one on the other. This way it doesn’t lose its balance.

Actually, bald eagles are not bald. Their head is covered with short, white feathers. The term bald may be from the Old English word balde, which meant white.


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