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00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 I want to talk to you about counterintuitive disciplines.
00:00:17 Counterintuitive disciplines.
00:00:22 And if that got over your head, then I'll just say,
00:00:28 if you can get down, you can get up.
00:00:31 Hallelujah.
00:00:39 It is counterintuitive, Father, that we should
00:00:50 be called the saints of God.
00:00:55 When it looks like that we are but sinners,
00:01:01 but you called us saints, it doesn't make sense,
00:01:05 but you did it.
00:01:07 Abraham believed you, and it was counterintuitive
00:01:12 that you would take faith and count it unto him
00:01:14 as righteousness, but you did it.
00:01:19 As we stand in this grace, this nameless grace,
00:01:24 this undefinable grace, we ask you
00:01:27 to open our hearts and our minds to hear, to learn,
00:01:31 to develop, because we don't want
00:01:34 to be a nebulous group of people with no understanding of who
00:01:40 we are and what we believe.
00:01:43 We want to be informed with the power and the understanding
00:01:47 that causes us to serve you in the spirit of humility
00:01:51 and yet intelligently.
00:01:54 We believe you for a pressed down,
00:01:56 shaken together, running over miracle,
00:01:58 and we thank you for all of those
00:02:00 who couldn't be here physically but insisted on being online
00:02:04 because they value and treasure what you're about to say.
00:02:10 Have your way in this place, in Jesus' name, amen.
00:02:13 OK, remain standing.
00:02:14 We're going to read the word of God.
00:02:15 I did it backwards, but it's OK.
00:02:19 When you're a pastor, you can do stuff like that.
00:02:23 The Gospel of Saint Mark, chapter 7, verse 24,
00:02:28 and we'll read down, I think, to verse 31.
00:02:30 "Jesus left that place and went to the vicinity of Tyre.
00:02:37 He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it,
00:02:44 yet he could not keep his presence secret."
00:02:49 Good Lord.
00:02:51 "In fact, as soon as she heard about him,
00:02:54 a woman whose little daughter was
00:02:56 possessed by an impure spirit came and fell at his feet."
00:03:03 The woman was a Greek born in Syrian Phoenicia.
00:03:08 She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.
00:03:16 "First," Jesus says, "let the children eat all they want,"
00:03:22 he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's
00:03:27 bread and toss it to the dogs."
00:03:32 "Lord," she replied, "even the dogs under the table
00:03:42 eat the children's crumbs."
00:03:45 Then he told her, "for such a reply, you may go.
00:03:54 The demon has left your daughter."
00:04:02 Good God almighty.
00:04:03 "She went home and found her child lying on the bed,
00:04:10 and the demon gone."
00:04:16 Can you say amen?
00:04:19 OK, I already prayed, so you may be seated
00:04:21 in the presence of the Lord.
00:04:22 Counterintuitive means contrary to intuition
00:04:35 or to common sense expectations, but still true.
00:04:42 In other words, counterintuitive means
00:04:45 it doesn't make sense, but it's still right.
00:04:48 It's very similar to oxymorons like a cold burn or hot ice,
00:05:02 those types of things that don't make sense, and yet it's true.
00:05:08 In an elongated form, it's bigger than a word or a phrase,
00:05:12 but it becomes a situation like, "Let the poor say I'm rich."
00:05:19 That's counterintuitive and often difficult
00:05:22 for a poor person to do, but yet the Bible commands,
00:05:27 not suggests, that the weak say, "I'm strong."
00:05:34 So your confession might be contrary or counterintuitive
00:05:40 to your situation.
00:05:43 In a few moments, we're going to examine a story where
00:05:47 Satan has taken over territory in this woman's house
00:05:53 and has made it impossible for her to ignore him any longer.
00:05:59 But before we do that and before we
00:06:02 start putting in our bag, our personal bag,
00:06:06 all the situations that may be going on in our life,
00:06:09 in our job, in our situation, and making this scripture fit
00:06:13 it, let us take just a moment and do a disclaimer.
00:06:19 And this disclaimer is important for spiritual people
00:06:22 because spiritual people spiritualize everything.
00:06:27 I grew up in the old church, baby,
00:06:28 where everything was a demon.
00:06:32 You coke-drinking demon, come out of him.
00:06:37 I see that smoking demon.
00:06:39 Come out, come out.
00:06:40 Come out in the name of Jesus.
00:06:42 You got a cigarette demon, come out right now
00:06:45 in the name of Jesus.
00:06:48 That short dress-wearing demon, come out.
00:06:50 You see that girl with that bare-legged demon, come out.
00:06:56 Put them stockings on, everything.
00:07:07 They call the demons name, Nappy-headed demon, you.
00:07:11 You know, everything was a demon.
00:07:15 Yeah, everything was a demon.
00:07:16 Everything was a demon.
00:07:19 And likewise today, it is easy to take a family crisis
00:07:26 and demonize what deserves to be humanized.
00:07:35 The truth of the matter, it may not
00:07:37 be the devil that tore up your marriage.
00:07:39 I'm not saying it wasn't, but let's just open ourselves
00:07:45 to the possibility that maybe the way you treated each other
00:07:50 has something to do with the demise of the marriage.
00:07:54 Maybe you're giving Satan credit for things
00:07:58 you could have changed.
00:08:01 But you call it a demon, and you plead the blood over it,
00:08:05 and say the devil is a liar, never admitting that you lied.
00:08:09 It's important that we deal with this,
00:08:19 because sometimes when we're in trouble, we get amnesia.
00:08:25 We remember what they did to us, but we
00:08:30 forget what-- now, this work is difficult,
00:08:39 because this challenges the narrative
00:08:42 that you told yourself.
00:08:44 Because our narratives to ourselves make us comfortable.
00:08:49 They put us in a situation where we are blameless.
00:08:52 When you write the story, you're always the hero.
00:08:59 I've never seen anybody write a story about themselves
00:09:02 that they came out the villain.
00:09:05 So you have to watch writing the stories you tell yourself,
00:09:09 and then believing the stories, especially when
00:09:13 it comes to relationships, not just marital relationships
00:09:17 between mother, daughter, father, son, sister, brother,
00:09:20 co-worker, customer, client, whatever it is.
00:09:24 Sometimes we tell ourselves a story
00:09:27 that negates the stimulus that elicited
00:09:32 an unfavorable response.
00:09:33 And so while you focus on the response they gave,
00:09:39 you absolve yourself from the stimulus.
00:09:43 Let me bring it--
00:09:44 I know this is counterintuitive, so I've got to work on it.
00:09:47 Have you ever loaned somebody money,
00:09:48 and they got mad because you asked for it back?
00:09:56 I mean, fell out with you and stopped speaking to you.
00:09:59 Now you a demon.
00:10:04 How dare you?
00:10:05 She thinks she's so much--
00:10:07 you didn't think that when you borrowed the money.
00:10:10 But we have a way of getting amnesia,
00:10:15 and we tell not only ourselves, but other people the story
00:10:21 that we want them to believe, because we
00:10:22 need support in the lie.
00:10:25 [CHEERING]
00:10:28 Because we seek validation, sometimes we
00:10:31 manipulate situations to make ourselves look heroic,
00:10:36 never resolving issues and wondering why we're sick.
00:10:40 Sickness comes through dis-ease.
00:10:46 And dis-ease exists not because it runs in your family,
00:10:53 not because you're getting older,
00:10:55 but because you never deal with issues.
00:10:58 And so there might be a reason why your daughter resents you.
00:11:06 You know, it's a problem now.
00:11:08 You can't say anything.
00:11:09 The other day I ran into a clip where somebody just posted,
00:11:14 honor that father and that mother.
00:11:16 I thought, oh, that's wonderful.
00:11:17 I read the comments.
00:11:19 You know--
00:11:19 [LAUGHTER]
00:11:23 I mean, how could you argue about honor
00:11:25 that father and that mother?
00:11:27 A fight broke out in the comments.
00:11:31 It depends on the mother, and it depends on the father.
00:11:35 I never honor my mother.
00:11:37 I haven't spoke to her in 10 years.
00:11:40 And I'm not honoring her, so I'm not honoring my father,
00:11:44 because I don't even know who he is.
00:11:46 And all this personal pain started coming up in the
00:11:50 comments, and you want to adjust the text to fit the trauma.
00:11:56 I'm not saying that all mothers are honorable
00:12:02 or all fathers are honorable, but that
00:12:04 wasn't what the Scripture said.
00:12:05 It didn't say if they deserve it.
00:12:07 [APPLAUSE]
00:12:13 Because if you can be recipient of a grace that you don't
00:12:16 deserve, then you have to open up to the possibility that you
00:12:22 are to extend a grace that you don't deserve and not hold
00:12:26 people hostage to what they did while you seek liberation,
00:12:31 and you become an abolitionist against your flavor of sin,
00:12:35 and then incarcerate me because I took a different flavor,
00:12:40 but it was all sin.
00:12:42 This Baskin-Robbins situation that exists in our lives
00:12:47 allows us to have grace for what we like.
00:12:50 And it is easy for the wife to say he's not a good husband,
00:12:59 because it bypasses the possibility that maybe I
00:13:02 wasn't the best wife.
00:13:03 Or the daughter to say, you weren't a good mother,
00:13:09 but then could it be possible that you
00:13:13 weren't a great daughter?
00:13:17 And maybe mama didn't handle it correctly,
00:13:21 but stimulus, response.
00:13:26 In order to get better, I'm not absolving the response.
00:13:32 You have to own your part in the issue.
00:13:35 [APPLAUSE]
00:13:39 You have to not only own your part,
00:13:42 but come to the grips where you can admit I was wrong about
00:13:45 that, I didn't handle that at my best, I'm sorry about that,
00:13:49 I can understand why you feel the way you feel,
00:13:52 I'm sorry you feel that way, and let's
00:13:55 find a way to get past it.
00:13:57 Or maybe when mama raised you, I was in sin,
00:14:00 and that's why all those uncles were coming into your house,
00:14:03 and now I'm saved, and I'm talking about how could you
00:14:05 do, and not understanding that you are reflecting my behavior
00:14:11 because I have amnesia.
00:14:14 Healing starts when Jesus says you should know the truth,
00:14:16 and the truth shall make you free.
00:14:18 And part of it is understanding, owning my own failures
00:14:23 and flaws.
00:14:25 It seems counterintuitive that admitting it
00:14:28 would bring liberty, but it does to own it and say,
00:14:31 I wasn't right about that.
00:14:33 You can't keep stabbing me once I'm already dead.
00:14:38 So I already said I was wrong, so we
00:14:40 can't spend the next 20 years with you accusing me
00:14:43 about something that I already said I was wrong about.
00:14:47 Come on, come on, come on, come on.
00:14:49 So ownership doesn't mean that I have
00:14:52 to spend the rest of my life walking around in condemnation,
00:14:56 because I understand that he whom the Son has set free
00:15:00 is free indeed.
00:15:02 But I have to have a sensitivity that there's
00:15:05 a reason why you don't like to come over my house.
00:15:10 Instead of just telling people, he's just not friendly.
00:15:13 He just don't like the rest of us.
00:15:14 [INAUDIBLE]
00:15:15 And you don't know the back story that created
00:15:19 the dilemma in the first place.
00:15:20 Oh, I'm getting deep.
00:15:22 I love it when you all get quiet.
00:15:23 The truth of the matter is retaining relationships
00:15:30 are not organic.
00:15:33 It doesn't happen because it's supposed to.
00:15:36 Kids don't love parents because they're supposed to.
00:15:39 And sometimes parents don't love kids just
00:15:42 because they're supposed to.
00:15:44 Are you hearing what I'm saying?
00:15:47 The wedding is an indication of a love and a commitment
00:15:52 with vows that we all agreed to, but very seldom keep.
00:16:00 The vows warn you of everything that could possibly happen,
00:16:04 better or for worse, richer for poor, sickness and health,
00:16:08 forsaken all others, cleave only to you.
00:16:11 I do.
00:16:14 I do.
00:16:15 Yeah, with a $49.99 tux on and a clip-on tie,
00:16:22 we nod our heads and agree to stuff that we break easily.
00:16:27 Yeah.
00:16:28 Which then empowers the other person
00:16:36 to create pain because they want vengeance,
00:16:40 and they want you to feel as much hurt as they did.
00:16:45 So sometimes people hurt you because you hurt them.
00:16:52 And until one of you drops out of the hurting game
00:16:56 and gets into the forgiveness and the mercy game,
00:17:00 the house will be chaotic because everybody
00:17:04 is so busy blaming that you can't have great communication
00:17:08 because communication in your house
00:17:10 looks like I'm just waiting on you to finish
00:17:13 so I can tell you about your mama
00:17:15 because there you are sitting up saying,
00:17:17 I wasn't listening at nothing you were saying.
00:17:20 I wasn't taking anything in you were saying.
00:17:22 I was just waiting on you to take a breath
00:17:24 so I could jump in and tell you about your crazy,
00:17:28 nappy-haired sister who ran up on me in the backyard
00:17:32 at the picnic like she had lost her mind.
00:17:36 Where is the lie?
00:17:49 I'm just telling you the truth.
00:17:52 And so a lot of times we blame things on the devil
00:17:56 not taking responsibility for the fact
00:17:59 that we provoked certain behaviors to occur
00:18:03 and created certain situations that we think are demonic.
00:18:08 And I don't want you to shove this text,
00:18:11 shove your situation into this text
00:18:14 if the only devil in your story could have been you.
00:18:18 (audience cheering)
00:18:21 We have to at least address the possibility
00:18:29 that you could have been wrong or handled it wrong
00:18:33 or responded wrong or reacted immaturely.
00:18:37 We have to address that or I weaponize you
00:18:42 to be further dysfunctional by giving you a text
00:18:46 you can beat her over the head with all the way home
00:18:50 saying, "See, you see the Lord told you this."
00:18:53 Because you do know we weaponize the scriptures
00:18:56 on more than demons.
00:18:57 We weaponize the scriptures on each other.
00:19:00 And instead of being my partner, you become my pastor.
00:19:06 Oh, it's gonna be interesting.
00:19:12 Sit right up 'cause I ain't got to the good part yet.
00:19:14 It's gonna be good up in here.
00:19:16 You think you watch HBO today,
00:19:18 it's gonna be one of them Cinemax sermons.
00:19:22 So we have to deal with the psychological part,
00:19:29 the sociological part of reality in our situations
00:19:32 that we might have been contributors or benefactors
00:19:37 or in some way complicit in the pain in our own lives.
00:19:44 It could be possible that they didn't fire you
00:19:47 because you was black.
00:19:48 It could be possible that they fired you
00:19:56 because you was gone for lunch for two hours
00:19:59 and came in late three days out of the week
00:20:01 and you type crooked and upside down and can't spell.
00:20:05 I mean, I'm just bringing up a possibility.
00:20:10 I'm not saying anything, don't write me about this.
00:20:13 It could be possible that they don't dislike you
00:20:17 because you're a woman.
00:20:18 They could dislike you because you're never on time
00:20:21 and you're never prepared and you come into the meeting late
00:20:25 and when somebody confronts you, you burst into tears.
00:20:29 I'm just saying.
00:20:36 The third thing I wanna clear up
00:20:41 and bring to your attention is the eschatology of it all.
00:20:45 Is to understand that one of the signs of the end time
00:20:49 is that mothers would be against daughters
00:20:54 and fathers would be against sons.
00:20:58 That the closer we get to the end times,
00:21:02 the more difficult it is to maintain healthy relationships
00:21:07 because one of the signs of the end time
00:21:10 is the deterioration of the family.
00:21:13 So what was natural for your grandmother
00:21:17 becomes difficult for you
00:21:19 and part of the reason they were married 63 years
00:21:23 and you were married 63 minutes might have something to do.
00:21:40 Might have something to do with the fact
00:21:42 that what used to be natural isn't natural anymore.
00:21:46 That people are not always equipped with natural affections.
00:21:50 They don't come in here just naturally knowing how to love.
00:21:53 They don't come in here naturally knowing how to be nice.
00:21:56 They don't come in here naturally knowing
00:21:58 that if you see me carrying six boxes up the steps
00:22:01 that you ought to say, can I help you?
00:22:04 That's a lost art that's gone, that's not there anymore
00:22:09 and one of the signs of the end time
00:22:12 is fighting coming from strange places.
00:22:15 Some of you are having to fight at work
00:22:21 and fight at home and fight at church
00:22:24 and fight all the time and you are so stressed out,
00:22:28 you're overwhelmed and you don't recognize
00:22:30 we're living in the end time
00:22:32 and natural affections have eroded out of our family
00:22:37 so that it is no longer normal to love your mother
00:22:41 or love your wife or love your husband
00:22:44 and if you post that you do,
00:22:46 somebody's gonna criticize that you do
00:22:48 because we're living in the last days
00:22:51 where people have lost natural,
00:22:54 anytime you can have a baby and toss it into a trash can
00:22:59 and get in the car and smoke a joint,
00:23:01 you have lost all maternal instincts.
00:23:04 Anytime you can have a child by this woman
00:23:08 and that woman and that woman and that woman
00:23:10 and take care of none of those children
00:23:13 that never feel bad about it
00:23:15 and got the nerd to be hurt
00:23:17 that they didn't call you on Father's Day.
00:23:20 Why in the world should they call you on Father's Day?
00:23:24 You haven't been a father, you haven't been a daddy,
00:23:28 you haven't been a provider, you haven't been present,
00:23:31 you haven't been a person.
00:23:33 Come on, we gotta own some of this stuff.
00:23:35 (audience cheering)
00:23:38 Check this out, Luke 12, chapter 49 through 53,
00:23:44 I want you to understand that some of this
00:23:46 is just as sure as this crazy weather
00:23:50 is a sign of the end time,
00:23:52 this is also a sign of the end time.
00:23:55 I came to set fire to the earth,
00:23:58 this is Jesus saying,
00:24:00 and I wish it were already on fire.
00:24:03 Is it not burning?
00:24:07 Is the ocean not as hot as a jacuzzi?
00:24:13 I'm sorry to say something, I'm gonna stop there.
00:24:17 I'm going to be put to a hard test
00:24:21 and I will have to suffer a lot of pain until it is over.
00:24:27 Do you think that I came to bring peace to earth?
00:24:30 No, indeed, I came to make people choose sides.
00:24:38 Isn't that where we're living right now
00:24:41 where everybody is taken aside,
00:24:44 spirit of division is broken out,
00:24:46 you gotta take a side, you can't be neutral,
00:24:49 you can't be in the middle,
00:24:50 they're killing you because of the side you're on.
00:24:55 A family of five will be divided
00:24:57 with two of them against the other three,
00:25:01 it's gonna split families apart.
00:25:04 Fathers and sons will turn against one another
00:25:07 and mothers and daughters will do the same.
00:25:10 Mother-in-laws, oh Lord, and daughters-in-law
00:25:14 will also turn against each other.
00:25:18 Touch your neighbor and say, I'm living in the Bible.
00:25:20 - I'm living in the Bible.
00:25:23 - So we've got two categories,
00:25:28 the things we contributed to, the things we caused,
00:25:32 the things we will not own, the things we will not earn,
00:25:35 and the things that are a result of the times
00:25:38 we're living in, that we're living in the last days,
00:25:41 that you can no longer watch Mayberry and Aunt Bea
00:25:44 and bake an apple pie and set it in the window
00:25:47 and have Andy come home and Opie eat the pie
00:25:51 and all the stuff, that's over, that's over.
00:25:54 That Lucy is hitting Desi over the head with a AK-47.
00:25:59 Y'all don't even know what I'm talking about,
00:26:04 I'm too old to even make the illustrations,
00:26:06 but to those of you that got it, you got it.
00:26:08 You understand that we're living in the last time
00:26:12 and it is difficult to hold it together.
00:26:15 So forgive yourself for having a tough time
00:26:18 holding relationships together.
00:26:19 Forgive yourself for being weary.
00:26:22 Forgive yourself for being exhausted.
00:26:24 Forgive yourself for being tired.
00:26:26 Forgive yourself for being at your wits end.
00:26:28 Forgive yourself for coming to a point of desperation.
00:26:31 Forgive yourself for being not motivated to say anymore,
00:26:35 to give anymore, to forgive anymore, to apologize,
00:26:38 to plan anymore, to sow anymore,
00:26:40 to understand that you're fighting an end time fight.
00:26:43 You're fighting an apocalyptic war in your house.
00:26:47 You're fighting the attack of the enemy
00:26:49 through the times that we're living in.
00:26:51 Once you check off, did I cause it, did I do it,
00:26:55 did I contribute it to it, am I remembering it correctly?
00:26:59 Once you get past that, once you get past,
00:27:01 and I don't trust you to do a self test,
00:27:04 you gotta ask some other people
00:27:06 how you came across in this situation
00:27:08 because you will exonerate yourself in your own head.
00:27:11 Once you get past that, I want you to understand
00:27:14 that we're living in the last days
00:27:16 and it's hard to hold anything together.
00:27:19 Your business, your marriage, your mother,
00:27:21 your daughter, your auntie, your in-law.
00:27:24 It's how many feel a force fighting against you
00:27:28 with simple things that used to be easy.
00:27:31 It used to be easy just to invite people over for dinner.
00:27:35 It used to be easy to have a family picnic.
00:27:38 It used to be easy for us to go on vacation.
00:27:41 It used to be easy to take a drive.
00:27:43 Now you gotta take the temperature
00:27:45 and see if it's the right day to ask 'em
00:27:48 and see if they're in the right mood
00:27:50 and now you gotta discern their eyes
00:27:52 and now you gotta try the little easy question on 'em
00:27:55 and see if it's okay and now you gotta figure out
00:27:58 who makes the potato salad and now you gotta put up
00:28:01 with a cereal bowl of potato salad
00:28:04 because Helen is stingy and you got 30 people
00:28:07 and she bought a cereal bowl.
00:28:09 (audience cheering)
00:28:12 Am I telling the truth?
00:28:14 Am I telling, people have lost all common sense.
00:28:19 Here you come in here with this cereal bowl
00:28:21 talking about here it is, I can't even find it.
00:28:24 You act like you can't count
00:28:32 and you wonder why we got an attitude
00:28:34 'cause we got to run the Kroger's.
00:28:37 In the middle of the barbecue now we peeling potatoes
00:28:41 and you want a doggie bag to go home.
00:28:45 Am I telling the truth?
00:28:48 Come on, somebody shout me down.
00:28:50 Somebody just shout me down, somebody just shout me down.
00:28:52 (audience cheering)
00:28:55 First one to grab a bag, I got to have me some of that
00:29:05 when I leave.
00:29:06 What happened to that when you was making
00:29:08 that potato salad?
00:29:09 But you don't say nothing
00:29:14 'cause there will be a 10 year war
00:29:20 over a bowl of potato salad.
00:29:23 But you stop inviting them
00:29:26 and now the family's acting funny.
00:29:31 I'm talking about real life issues.
00:29:35 Jesus says that in the last days
00:29:37 mothers will be against daughters, that's unheard of.
00:29:40 Fathers will be against son, that would be unheard of
00:29:44 if we were not alive today.
00:29:46 Now it is more likely for families to hate each other
00:29:50 than to love each other.
00:29:52 We grew up where family love could be dependent on.
00:29:56 If you jumped on one of us, you had to jump on all of us.
00:30:00 If you said something to my sister,
00:30:02 there's a part of me I leap off this stage right now
00:30:05 and go back to the school bus.
00:30:07 But what used to be natural is not natural anymore.
00:30:16 And the truth of the matter is,
00:30:21 this woman is dealing, this woman is living with a demon.
00:30:25 What drove her to Jesus is that she is in fact
00:30:31 living with a demonic power
00:30:35 that's manifesting in somebody she loves.
00:30:38 And what do you do when you're trying to drive out
00:30:41 what you don't love and save what you do love?
00:30:44 What do you do when you're trying to kill the cancer
00:30:48 and save the kidney?
00:30:49 What do you do when you're trying to drive out the demon
00:30:53 without the child leaving the house?
00:30:55 What do you do when you're trying to bind the devil
00:30:58 and cause the child to be free?
00:31:00 What do you do when what you hate
00:31:03 has gotten in what you love?
00:31:05 What do you do when you've said everything
00:31:08 you know how to say?
00:31:09 You've been as kind as you know how to be.
00:31:11 You've been as loving as you know how to be.
00:31:14 And still the demon is standing up,
00:31:17 looking you in the face, touch somebody and say,
00:31:21 this is a job for Jesus.
00:31:29 There's some people listening to me right now.
00:31:31 You bent over backwards, you bent over forwards,
00:31:35 you got down on the floor, you've cried, you've prayed,
00:31:39 nothing you do seems to be enough.
00:31:41 This is a job for Jesus.
00:31:44 If I'm talking to you, make some noise in this house.
00:31:48 (audience cheering)
00:31:51 Oh my God, oh my God, I feel something, I feel something.
00:32:02 I feel like something's about to break loose in this place.
00:32:06 This is a job for Jesus, this is a job for Jesus.
00:32:09 This is such a job for Jesus.
00:32:11 It's not just deacons seeking Jesus.
00:32:14 It's not just church mothers seeking Jesus.
00:32:16 It's not just the intercessory board seeking Jesus.
00:32:19 We got drug dealers coming to church
00:32:21 saying this is a job for Jesus.
00:32:24 We got potheads coming to church saying I need a breakthrough
00:32:27 and I gotta come to Jesus.
00:32:29 We got winos coming, we got strippers in here
00:32:32 that came to Jesus because I tried everything
00:32:35 and everything failed.
00:32:37 And if Jesus doesn't give me an answer,
00:32:39 I'm gonna blow my brains out.
00:32:41 Somebody's watching me right now.
00:32:44 You're not even a Christian.
00:32:45 You're just a desperate person
00:32:48 tired of living with a demonic situation.
00:32:51 Glory to God and I feel like
00:32:53 you're gonna get a breakthrough in here today.
00:32:56 Hell is nervous, demons are trembling, Satan is upset.
00:33:01 And yes, I know it's a witch watching,
00:33:04 but I'm not scared of you 'cause greater is he
00:33:08 that is in me than he that's in the world.
00:33:11 Somebody give him 30 seconds of.
00:33:13 (audience cheering)
00:33:16 Text me people and tell them the devil is watching,
00:33:30 the devil is watching, the devil is watching,
00:33:32 the devil is watching, the devil is watching,
00:33:34 the devil is watching.
00:33:35 And then look at him and say I don't even care.
00:33:38 I don't even care, I don't care.
00:33:41 I don't care what they say.
00:33:43 I don't care what they do.
00:33:45 I don't care how they act.
00:33:47 I came to see Jesus and I won't let you go.
00:33:52 Oh, I won't let you go until you bless my heart.
00:33:58 (audience cheering)
00:34:03 (dramatic music)
00:34:06 Sit down, I gotta go somewhere.
00:34:18 I'm just on point two, I ain't got to three, four, and five.
00:34:22 I gotta get, I gotta get where I'm going.
00:34:25 I gotta get where I'm going.
00:34:27 (audience cheering)
00:34:31 (dramatic music)
00:34:33 Now I want you to understand something
00:34:37 about this text that is seldom talked about.
00:34:39 Everybody talks about the crumb and the loaf
00:34:41 and the bread and all of that.
00:34:43 I wanna talk about some things
00:34:44 that we don't normally talk about.
00:34:47 I want to talk about the disappearance of Jesus.
00:34:50 The disappearance of Jesus.
00:34:55 The Bible said that when Jesus came into Tyre,
00:35:00 that he entered into a house
00:35:03 to keep a secret that he was there.
00:35:08 Yet Jesus left that place
00:35:09 and went to the vicinity of Tyre.
00:35:11 He entered a house and did not want anyone to know it.
00:35:15 Yet he could not keep his presence a secret.
00:35:20 So we're talking about Jesus.
00:35:23 Jesus has a clear sense that this is not a city
00:35:29 that would be receptive to his ministry.
00:35:33 He has a clear sense of not being called
00:35:38 to the people of Tyre or Saddam.
00:35:40 He has a clear sense of his mission.
00:35:43 Do you have a clear sense of your mission?
00:35:46 Or are you just called to preach?
00:35:48 Or are you just going, what kind of restaurant?
00:35:52 What kind, where?
00:35:53 Is it fast food, short order, delivery?
00:35:56 What, what, do you have a clear sense of mission?
00:35:59 Don't start a mission you don't have a clear sense of.
00:36:02 He wasn't generic.
00:36:07 He understood that he wasn't for everybody.
00:36:10 Are you allowing yourself to be hurt
00:36:12 over the rejection of somebody you're not even called to?
00:36:15 Jesus had a clear sense of his purpose and his mission.
00:36:22 And he had a clear sense that he was not generic.
00:36:25 And he had a clear sense
00:36:26 that he wasn't everybody's cup of tea.
00:36:28 And he was cool with it.
00:36:30 He was cool with being controversial.
00:36:33 He was cool with being an outcast by certain circles.
00:36:36 He didn't keep contorting himself into other forms
00:36:40 trying to get everybody to like him
00:36:41 until you lost all sense of identity,
00:36:44 twisting yourself over and over into all kinds of shapes,
00:36:47 trying to fit in the people
00:36:49 who have already made up their mind.
00:36:51 They don't want you.
00:36:52 They don't want you.
00:36:54 They don't want you.
00:36:55 So you might as well stand up and be who you are.
00:36:59 He was specific.
00:37:03 Given that he was in tower,
00:37:05 he chose to reside away from people he wasn't sent to.
00:37:09 He chose, Jackie, he chose to reside away from people
00:37:19 he wasn't sent to.
00:37:23 He wasn't wasting time knocking on doors
00:37:28 of people he wasn't sent to.
00:37:33 Oh my God.
00:37:35 I might not make it to the end.
00:37:37 There are some situations you avoid.
00:37:42 Like Moses putting a veil over his face.
00:37:46 Remember when he came down off the mountain
00:37:48 and he'd been with God
00:37:48 and his face was lit up with glory,
00:37:50 but the glory he had wasn't for the people he saw.
00:37:53 I'm gonna say that again.
00:37:56 The glory he had wasn't for the people he saw,
00:37:59 so he hid, as it were, his face.
00:38:03 For Jesus to be hiding in the house
00:38:05 is for Moses' face to be covered.
00:38:08 Sometimes God will hide his glory.
00:38:12 Do you realize Jesus rose from the dead
00:38:17 and only showed himself alive to his disciples?
00:38:20 He hid from everyone else.
00:38:23 Stop trying to make people see what they refuse to see.
00:38:26 Stop trying to make people believe what they don't believe.
00:38:31 Stop trying to make people want what they don't want.
00:38:34 I got up and fixed breakfast the other day
00:38:38 for my grandkids, made homemade biscuits,
00:38:40 fried apples and sausage,
00:38:42 and my wife scrambled some eggs,
00:38:44 and they said, "We don't want it.
00:38:46 "We want McDonald's."
00:38:47 When I was younger, I'd have pitched a hissy fit.
00:38:51 Now that I'm older, I said, "Thank you very much."
00:38:53 I went on downstairs and went on into my quarters
00:38:56 and kept on going because I'm not gonna try
00:38:58 to change you for three days,
00:39:01 something that's been sitting in you for 13 years.
00:39:04 I said, "I know not to do that no more.
00:39:06 "I won't be doing that the whole rest of the trip."
00:39:09 I never entered into the kitchen again.
00:39:12 I hid myself in the gentleman's quarters
00:39:16 and let them go to McDonald's
00:39:18 because my piece is worth it.
00:39:27 Y'all didn't hear what I,
00:39:30 my piece, my piece is worth it.
00:39:34 I'm not gonna be fussing at you
00:39:36 trying to get you to eat your broccoli.
00:39:38 My piece is worth it.
00:39:40 I'm too old to have them kind of arguments.
00:39:42 Been there, done that, got a T-shirt.
00:39:45 McDonald's is on the corner,
00:39:47 second red light, turn left.
00:39:49 I'm not mad or nothing.
00:40:00 I'm not even frustrated.
00:40:01 You can't open up yourself to everyone.
00:40:07 I've heard this text preached over and over
00:40:09 and over and over again.
00:40:10 I preached it myself over and over again.
00:40:12 I don't know that I've ever heard this point expounded on.
00:40:16 Sometimes the gospel is hidden.
00:40:20 The region as a whole was a region
00:40:26 that he wasn't sent to.
00:40:28 He wasn't sent to.
00:40:32 I wanna give you the history.
00:40:33 See, we see what happened, but we don't see why.
00:40:36 We see the front of the story,
00:40:38 but we don't see the back of the story.
00:40:39 We read little blurbs on Twitter and Instagram,
00:40:42 Facebook, blogs.
00:40:43 You don't know the back story.
00:40:46 The back story has everything to do with the story.
00:40:49 You came to the family reunion.
00:40:51 You saw us acting funny.
00:40:53 You don't know what happened when we were seven.
00:40:55 You don't know what happened when we were 12.
00:40:57 You don't know that we're five different families
00:41:00 gathering at the picnic that we didn't know we had.
00:41:03 Come on, talk to me.
00:41:07 People, where are my real people?
00:41:09 (audience cheering)
00:41:11 There are some things that you are too precious
00:41:14 to fight about,
00:41:15 and you don't try to make yourself go
00:41:19 where you're not sent.
00:41:21 Remember the early church in the book of Acts?
00:41:23 The Bible said that the spirit of God constrained us
00:41:26 from entering into certain cities.
00:41:28 Remember what Jesus told the disciples?
00:41:31 He said, "If you go into a house and they don't receive you,
00:41:34 "shake the dust from your feet and leave swiftly."
00:41:38 See, some of us are at the age now,
00:41:40 I don't have time to be arguing about no eggs and bacon.
00:41:44 I'm better than that.
00:41:46 Go on and get what you like.
00:41:47 I hop, she hop, we hop, they hop.
00:41:51 I'm not gonna be arguing with nobody
00:41:53 about nothing I can have peace about.
00:41:56 (audience cheering)
00:41:59 The second thing I want you to notice
00:42:03 is that Jesus does not come into tower
00:42:06 expecting to be seen.
00:42:08 While almost anyone else would want to be seen,
00:42:14 Jesus wants to be hidden.
00:42:16 He is hidden in the house.
00:42:19 Somebody say, "He's hidden in the house."
00:42:20 - He's hidden in the house.
00:42:22 - Say it again, "He's hidden in the house."
00:42:23 - He's hidden in the house.
00:42:25 - Say it again, "He's hidden in the house."
00:42:26 - He's hidden in the house.
00:42:27 - This time say, "He's hidden in my house."
00:42:29 - He's hidden in my house.
00:42:31 - He's hidden in my house.
00:42:32 - He's hidden in my house.
00:42:34 - Somewhere in my situation,
00:42:37 Jesus is hidden.
00:42:39 Somewhere in the hospital room, Jesus is hidden.
00:42:43 Sometime, somewhere in the court case, Jesus is hidden.
00:42:47 Somewhere in the dilemma, Jesus is hidden.
00:42:50 All I got to do is find him.
00:42:52 All I got to do is knock and the door shall be opened.
00:42:55 All I got to do is ask and it shall be given.
00:42:58 All I got to do is seek and ye shall find.
00:43:01 He's hidden in the house.
00:43:02 He's hidden in your problem.
00:43:04 He's hidden in your storm.
00:43:06 He's hidden in your crisis.
00:43:07 He's hidden in your dilemma.
00:43:09 I feel something pushing me in the back.
00:43:11 I'm trying not to preach,
00:43:13 but I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost.
00:43:15 Something is about to happen in this place.
00:43:18 He's hidden.
00:43:19 He's hidden in your problem.
00:43:20 He's hidden in your dilemma.
00:43:22 He's hidden in your crisis.
00:43:24 He's hidden in your circumstance.
00:43:26 Glory to God, hallelujah.
00:43:28 I feel a blessing about to hit this place.
00:43:34 Grab somebody and tell them he's in there.
00:43:37 You may have to find him, but he's in there.
00:43:40 You may have to look for him, but he's in there.
00:43:43 You may have to travel, but he's in there.
00:43:45 You may have to walk alone, but he's in there.
00:43:48 You may have to get down on the floor, but he's in there.
00:43:52 Shout hallelujah.
00:44:02 Look at Jesus' unassuming manner.
00:44:06 He is hidden in the house.
00:44:08 Remember that Jesus is the one who healed masses of people
00:44:13 and told them, "Don't tell anybody."
00:44:15 Look at the attitude of Jesus
00:44:19 compared to the attitude of Christians.
00:44:23 We want to tell everybody Jesus did more and asked less.
00:44:31 Don't even tell anybody that I healed you.
00:44:36 Jesus is hidden in the house.
00:44:39 And the Bible says that in spite of the fact
00:44:45 that he wanted to be hidden in the house,
00:44:47 that the glory that was on Jesus was so strong,
00:44:51 it could not be hidden,
00:44:53 which brings me to this conclusion,
00:44:56 that real glory cannot be hidden.
00:45:01 When you're the real deal,
00:45:03 you don't have to tell me you're the real deal.
00:45:06 When you got the real stuff,
00:45:08 you don't have to say I got the real stuff
00:45:11 'cause real glory cannot be hidden.
00:45:14 Stop telling me who's fighting your ministry.
00:45:17 Stop telling me who's got their foot on you.
00:45:19 If I can put my foot on you, God didn't send you
00:45:23 because if God sends you, he'll break my foot.
00:45:27 He'll make me move.
00:45:28 Real glory cannot be hidden.
00:45:31 I want somebody that's got some real glory
00:45:34 to give me about 10 seconds of a crazy thing.
00:45:37 (audience cheering)
00:45:40 (dramatic music)
00:45:43 Touch somebody and say, "I can't keep it a secret.
00:45:57 "I can't keep it a secret.
00:46:01 "I can't keep it a secret.
00:46:03 "I can't keep it a secret."
00:46:05 Torray in the old church,
00:46:07 we used to have testimony service
00:46:10 and I'd get up to testify
00:46:12 and when I come to myself,
00:46:14 I'd be standing in the middle of the aisle preaching.
00:46:17 I was so embarrassed, I'd run back to my seat.
00:46:20 I didn't want nobody to think that I was a preacher
00:46:23 but real glory cannot be hidden.
00:46:27 It'll come out in your speech.
00:46:29 It'll come out in the shower.
00:46:31 It'll come out while they're growing your hair.
00:46:34 If God has anointed you,
00:46:37 you can't hold your peace.
00:46:40 If God has sent you,
00:46:42 you cannot be stopped.
00:46:45 I don't know who I'm preaching to
00:46:48 but God is about to loose somebody.
00:46:51 God is about to break the chain.
00:46:54 God is about to open the door.
00:46:57 Shout unto God with the voice of triumph.
00:47:00 (audience cheering)
00:47:03 I can't hide it.
00:47:09 I can't hide it.
00:47:11 I can't hide it.
00:47:12 I can't hide it.
00:47:14 I can't hide it.
00:47:15 I can't hide it.
00:47:17 I can't hide it.
00:47:18 Look at your neighbor and say,
00:47:19 I can't hide it.
00:47:21 It's like fire.
00:47:23 Shut up in my bones.
00:47:27 It's like fire.
00:47:28 Shut up in my bones.
00:47:32 Holy ghost fire.
00:47:33 Fire.
00:47:34 Can I go just a little bit deeper?
00:48:00 Sit down for a minute.
00:48:01 I'm going a little bit deeper.
00:48:03 You've got a hiding Jesus.
00:48:05 Oh Lord.
00:48:07 Oh Lord.
00:48:10 I can't find Him.
00:48:14 You've got a hiding Jesus
00:48:16 and a desperate woman.
00:48:20 And when you bring those two things together,
00:48:24 there's going to be a cataclysmic explosion.
00:48:27 There's going to be a combustible reality.
00:48:31 There's going to be an ignition.
00:48:33 When you got a desperate woman
00:48:36 and a hiding Jesus,
00:48:38 before the story is over,
00:48:41 a yoke will be broken.
00:48:44 A bondage will be destroyed.
00:48:46 See, God isn't gonna move till you're desperate.
00:48:49 Long as you're more concerned about what you got on
00:48:53 than getting a breakthrough,
00:48:55 you're not gonna get a touch from God.
00:48:58 But if I had a hundred desperate people in this room,
00:49:03 a yoke would break in this place.
00:49:06 Let me hear from some desperate people.
00:49:09 - Hallelujah.
00:49:12 (congregation cheering)
00:49:18 - Touch your neighbor.
00:49:22 Touch your neighbor and tell him, excuse me,
00:49:25 but I'm desperate.
00:49:27 I don't have time to worry about what you think.
00:49:30 I don't have time to worry about what you got on.
00:49:33 I don't have time to worry about
00:49:35 whether you like me or not.
00:49:37 I got a devil to fight.
00:49:39 I got a devil after my mind.
00:49:43 I got a devil after my peace.
00:49:48 I'm desperate.
00:49:50 I need a touch from the Lord.
00:49:53 I don't need it next Thursday.
00:49:55 I don't need it next Sunday.
00:49:58 I need a breakthrough right now.
00:50:01 I've aided desperate people.
00:50:04 I'm desperate.
00:50:09 I'm desperate.
00:50:11 I'm desperate for Jesus.
00:50:13 I'm desperate for Jesus.
00:50:15 I'm desperate for Jesus.
00:50:17 I need a breakthrough.
00:50:19 I came in late, but I'm desperate for Jesus.
00:50:23 I spent all my gas money, but I'm desperate for Jesus.
00:50:28 I came where I've never been before,
00:50:31 but I'm desperate for Jesus.
00:50:34 Somebody give him 30 seconds of praise.
00:50:37 (congregation cheering)
00:50:40 - We need you, we need you.
00:50:44 - Don't judge me.
00:50:45 - We need you.
00:50:47 - Don't judge me.
00:50:48 - We need you.
00:50:49 - Don't judge me.
00:50:50 - We need you.
00:50:51 - Don't judge me.
00:50:53 I'm desperate.
00:50:54 Don't roll your eyes at me.
00:50:57 I'm desperate.
00:50:59 I came here to get a miracle.
00:51:02 I came here to get a touch.
00:51:05 I'm desperate.
00:51:06 I got a devil to fight, and I'm desperate.
00:51:11 If I don't fight this devil, he'll get my child.
00:51:15 He'll get my son.
00:51:18 He'll get my daughter.
00:51:20 I need some radical parents.
00:51:23 I need some radical young people.
00:51:25 Somebody get crazy in here.
00:51:28 (congregation cheering)
00:51:31 - We need you, God.
00:51:40 - I'm desperate.
00:51:42 I'm desperate.
00:51:44 If I gotta come to church by myself, I'm desperate.
00:51:48 If I gotta sit on the back row, I'm desperate.
00:51:52 If I have to crawl down the aisle.
00:51:55 (screaming)
00:51:58 - We need you, Lord.
00:52:02 We need you, Lord.
00:52:04 We need you, Lord.
00:52:06 We need a touch from you.
00:52:10 We need a word from you.
00:52:12 - This is not for the dignified.
00:52:14 This is not for the distinguished.
00:52:17 This is not for the intellectual.
00:52:19 This is a word for desperate people.
00:52:22 Are there any desperate people in this house today?
00:52:27 Identify yourself.
00:52:30 Come out, come out, wherever you are.
00:52:34 - It's me, it's me, it's me, oh Lord.
00:52:38 It's me, it's me.
00:52:39 Standing in the need of prayer.
00:52:44 Have my child.
00:52:47 Have my child.
00:52:50 - I'm desperate.
00:52:52 I'm desperate.
00:52:53 I won't let him go till he bless my soul.
00:52:58 I'm desperate.
00:53:00 I'm desperate.
00:53:03 I won't let him go till he bless my soul.
00:53:06 (screaming)
00:53:10 ♪ I'm desperate for you ♪
00:53:16 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:21 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:24 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:26 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:27 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:28 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:29 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:30 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:31 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:31 ♪ I know you're busy ♪
00:53:34 ♪ But I need you ♪
00:53:35 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:36 ♪ I know I'm not on your itinerary ♪
00:53:38 ♪ But I need you ♪
00:53:39 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:40 ♪ I know I'm not on your program ♪
00:53:43 ♪ But I need you ♪
00:53:44 ♪ I need you ♪
00:53:45 ♪ Is there anybody here ♪
00:53:48 (cheering)
00:53:50 (congregation applauding)
00:53:54 ♪ We need You Lord, oh ♪
00:54:05 ♪ We need You Lord ♪
00:54:09 ♪ If I got to crawl, if I got to crawl ♪
00:54:14 ♪ If I got to crawl ♪
00:54:17 ♪ If I got to crawl ♪
00:54:20 ♪ I'm coming for You Lord ♪
00:54:21 ♪ If I have to crawl ♪
00:54:23 ♪ I'm coming for You Lord ♪
00:54:24 ♪ If I have to crawl ♪
00:54:25 ♪ I'm coming to You Lord ♪
00:54:27 ♪ If I have to crawl ♪
00:54:28 ♪ I'm crawling to You Lord ♪
00:54:29 ♪ I got to have Him ♪
00:54:32 ♪ I got to have Him ♪
00:54:34 ♪ I got a devil in my house ♪
00:54:36 ♪ I got a devil in my head ♪
00:54:39 ♪ I got a devil in my mind ♪
00:54:41 ♪ I got to have Him ♪
00:54:43 ♪ I got to have Him ♪
00:54:46 ♪ Is it here ♪
00:54:47 ♪ Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock ♪
00:54:50 ♪ Open up the door ♪
00:54:52 ♪ I'm looking for Jesus ♪
00:54:54 ♪ Is He in this house ♪
00:54:56 ♪ Is He in that house ♪
00:54:58 ♪ Is He in this house ♪
00:54:59 ♪ I'm looking for Jesus ♪
00:55:01 ♪ Whatever it takes ♪
00:55:04 ♪ I'm looking for Jesus ♪
00:55:06 ♪ I need a touch from the Lord ♪
00:55:09 ♪ If I don't get a touch from the Lord ♪
00:55:11 ♪ I don't care whose house He's in ♪
00:55:14 ♪ I don't care what neighborhood He's in ♪
00:55:16 ♪ I'm willing to go ♪
00:55:19 ♪ To get a touch from the Lord ♪
00:55:21 ♪ If I gotta go by myself ♪
00:55:24 ♪ I'll go by myself ♪
00:55:26 ♪ I'm desperate ♪
00:55:28 ♪ Where are my desperate people ♪
00:55:30 ♪ I'm tired of church members ♪
00:55:33 ♪ I need some radical ♪
00:55:35 ♪ Relentless ♪
00:55:37 ♪ Tenacious ♪
00:55:39 ♪ Desperate people ♪
00:55:40 ♪ Open your mouth and holler if you're desperate ♪
00:55:44 ♪ How many of you ♪
00:55:47 (audience cheering)
00:55:50 (audience cheering)
00:55:54 (audience cheering)
00:55:57 (audience cheering)
00:56:20 (audience cheering)
00:56:23 - The anointing of the Holy Ghost
00:56:29 is in this place right now.
00:56:32 But He's not for everybody.
00:56:35 He's passing over people that are indifferent.
00:56:39 He's passing over people that are satisfied.
00:56:43 He's passing over people that are comatose.
00:56:46 He's looking for desperate people.
00:56:49 Hallelujah.
00:56:51 Desperate folks, this is your Sunday.
00:56:54 People at your wit's end, this is your Sunday.
00:56:58 People who have tried everything and everything's failed,
00:57:03 this Sunday is for you.
00:57:05 People who don't have anything else to give.
00:57:09 People who don't have anything else to say.
00:57:12 This is your Sunday.
00:57:14 This is your moment.
00:57:16 This is your time.
00:57:19 This is your second.
00:57:21 I feel a breakthrough about to happen in your life.
00:57:26 Who am I preaching to?
00:57:28 Who am I preaching to?
00:57:30 I feel, I feel, I feel.
00:57:32 ♪ Heal ♪
00:57:37 ♪ Oh ♪
00:57:39 (audience cheering)
00:57:45 (audience cheering)
00:57:48 - Jesus, Jesus.
00:57:49 - Jesus did not come to the woman.
00:57:57 The woman came to Him.
00:58:01 There's a group of folks in the church today
00:58:05 who are sitting back saying,
00:58:08 "If God meant for me to have it,
00:58:14 "He'll give it to me."
00:58:16 You're wrong.
00:58:17 If you don't come for it, you won't get it.
00:58:24 If you don't knock, the door won't open.
00:58:28 If you don't ask, you won't get the answer.
00:58:32 If you don't seek Him, you won't find Him.
00:58:37 Look at somebody and tell 'em it's up to you.
00:58:40 It's up to you.
00:58:41 - I'm going to pray.
00:58:50 For those of you that are online,
00:58:55 for those of you that are watching on the internet,
00:58:59 they got a devil to fight.
00:59:00 It's one thing to have a devil at the office,
00:59:06 'cause I get off at five o'clock.
00:59:09 I can leave you here 'til the next day.
00:59:12 It's one thing to have a devil at church.
00:59:16 I only come twice a week.
00:59:18 Give me five days, I ain't gotta be bothered with you.
00:59:22 But when I got a devil in my house,
00:59:26 that means every night and day,
00:59:30 every time I get up,
00:59:33 and every time I lay down,
00:59:37 I gotta deal with that same old devil.
00:59:39 It is not a person you fight.
00:59:46 There's nothing wrong with the person.
00:59:53 You got a devil to fight.
00:59:57 Some of you have generational devils to fight.
01:00:06 Some of you are fighting a devil in your own head.
01:00:09 It ain't even about another person.
01:00:13 It's the devil in your own head
01:00:16 that makes you sabotage every good thing
01:00:20 that God wants to give you.
01:00:22 You keep fooling with it 'til you tear it up,
01:00:25 and then you cry 'cause it's gone.
01:00:28 Hey!
01:00:34 You got a devil to fight.
01:00:36 (upbeat music)
01:00:40 (upbeat music)
01:00:43 (upbeat music)
01:00:45 (upbeat music)
01:00:48 [BLANK_AUDIO]
