Europe is Trolling Trump With Hilarious Parodies

  • last year
A comedic video appealing for second place in the heart of Donald J. Trump on behalf of The Netherlands, has sparked an epic and hilarious battle between several European countries.
00:00 Remember that Netherlands parody video trying to get Donald Trump to believe
00:03 that they're second place in the world? Well now that sparked an epic and
00:06 hilarious battle between several European countries. Alright, it's no
00:10 secret that Trump puts America first and himself. "It's going to be only America
00:17 first." Leaving many to ask, who will he grant second place? The debate started
00:23 when Dutch comedian Arjen Lubach created a hilarious video on behalf of the
00:27 Netherlands, which aired on his late night talk show. "We totally understand
00:31 it's going to be America first, but can we just say the Netherlands second." Well
00:38 after that, Denmark swooped in.
00:43 And of course each country has their own set of, you know, qualities that they hope
00:51 might appeal to the current leader of the free world. Are we part of a free
00:55 world? Still, can we actually say that? Switzerland prides itself on safety.
01:00 "Switzerland is very safe. We have no Mexicans here. Just look. No Mexicans
01:06 here." Denmark appeals to Trump's love of golden towers. "We know you like golden
01:11 showers. Okay, excuse me, golden towers." Germany tries to sway Trump by showing
01:16 their historic leadership and love of winning. "Great suit. Look at his suit. He
01:22 made Germany great again." Portugal offers up their former Prime Minister to help
01:27 build Trump's famous wall. "You can take him to help build the wall free of
01:31 charge. Take him." Wow, so giving. And Belgium appeals to his love of pussy cats. "As a
01:38 statue of a huge pussy, I mean it's huge. You will love it because we know how
01:44 much you love vagina." So who will end up being the Robin to his Batman, the peanut
01:49 butter to his jelly, the yin to his yang? For more trends like these, just go to
