People have been joking about Harambe the Gorilla for a long time, but now the Cinncinnati Zoo is getting angry.
00:00 Call one out for your boy Harambe.
00:02 And while you're at it, Harambe jokes too.
00:04 We all remember Harambe, the gorilla who was shot and killed at the Cincinnati Zoo after
00:08 getting a hold of a young child.
00:21 Now this incident happened three months ago, but the internet and its strange sense of
00:25 humor has turned this into an ongoing meme.
00:28 One Harambe fan gave him his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
00:32 And comedian Brandon Wardell famously tweeted "Dicks out for Harambe" which became a famous
00:37 phrase used in both 4chan and Reddit communities.
00:43 Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately, the Cincinnati Zoo has had enough.
00:48 Harambe fans have been harassing their Twitter account with jokes and memes about the gorilla.
00:53 The zoo had to give an official statement to the Associated Press saying "We are not
00:57 amused by the memes, petitions, and signs about Harambe."
01:00 The zoo has since deleted their Twitter account.
01:03 And unfortunately, it may have finally gone too far.
01:06 Several Facebook events have popped up that advertise mass suicides for Harambe.
01:11 One invites people to jump off the Harbor Bridge for Harambe and has 20,000 people attending.
01:17 Another is ironically titled "Jump off Telstra Tower for Harambe" then in brackets "We don't
01:23 encourage suicide."
01:25 Facebook told Buzzfeed the jokes are disagreeable but they don't technically violate any Facebook
01:31 community standards.
01:32 Ok guys, so in case you need to hear it, do not jump off a bridge for Harambe.
01:37 And don't even take your dick out for Harambe.
01:39 Just think about it sadly.
01:40 That's enough.
01:41 "Goodnight sweet prince."
01:46 For more trends like these, head to
01:50 Dancing for Harambe.