• 2 years ago
Ahmadiyah menggelar acara bedah buku berjudul Ahmad The Guided One di Peace Center Masjid Al Hidayah Kebayoran Lama.
00:00 in some countries, but I like to say that
00:04 prohibition will never succeed
00:06 because it is the highest knowledge
00:09 that will help people to reach God.
00:12 I strongly agree with these words.
00:15 No matter how much we are forbidden,
00:17 we will never stop
00:19 because for us to learn, to experience something,
00:22 that is part of the religious teachings, for me.
00:26 In Islam, for example,
00:28 the word "literacy" is very important.
00:30 It is a must to read, to be "cropped".
00:32 So, if we avoid that,
00:34 it means we are not following the religious teachings.
00:37 Now, we will start from the background
00:39 and the character.
00:41 This is actually, you can Google a lot.
00:43 So, just a little bit.
00:45 Maybe you haven't Googled it yet,
00:47 until this second.
00:49 So, you can look at it here.
00:51 Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was born in 1835