Ekrem İmamoğlu: "My conclusion is: If the CHP changes, Turkey changes!"

  • geçen yıl
İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu spoke at the opening of a panel titled "CHP at 100" held at the Istanbul Congress Center.

Reminding the audience that the Turkish people did not give the CHP and its opposition leadership a mandate to govern in the last elections, İmamoğlu said, "We will either leap forward again and bring this country into a new era, catching up with them as soon as possible, or we will face great difficulties in preserving our future. We will either describe that journey, put that strategy before this society, or we will face great difficulties in preserving our future."
In his speech, İmamoğlu also touched on the need for change within the CHP. He said that the party must rid itself of its old habits and taboos, become more inclusive and embracing, and focus on solving Turkey's problems with new language and rhetoric.#İmamoğlu #CHP #Değişim #Türkiye #İktidar #CHP #Change #Turkey #Power #Imamoglu'sMessageToCHP, #CHP'sNewFaceImamoglu, #ImamogluLeadsCHPToChange


