Why the contradiction in Bilawal and Asif Zardari's statements?

  • last year
#SawalYehHai #BilawalBhutto #AsifZardari #FaisalKarimKundi #Election2023

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00:00 The principal position is that the restrictions are necessary, Bilawal Bhutto says that the restrictions are not necessary. These two statements have come within 24 hours. What is the principal position on this? Are the restrictions necessary or not?
00:13 In the name of Allah, you have shown in the intro and also shown some of our party leaders and our police that they have also talked about this.
00:22 When the CCI was passed and the delimitation was done, it is very important in the constitution that when you are increasing seats, you can do it.
00:33 When you are not increasing seats and you have to do delimitation within districts, then that is a legislation. That is also necessary. When we went to meet our delegation in the ECP, last year there was already a delimitation.
00:45 We said that if you want to do it in the districts, then you can do it within 90 days. If the Parliament and the National Assembly completes their time, then you have to do it in 45 days. Normally, it is done in 45 days.
01:03 So, they said that we will see this and then we will announce the schedule. They have done it now. 30th November for delimitation. The election schedule is still in darkness. We do not know when the elections will take place.
01:15 Now the problem is that even today, Mr. Sardari has said that economy first and politics second.
01:20 The second meaning of politics is that the statement that has come from the JYI and PMLN, they say that these things should not be statements. We should focus more on the economy.
01:32 There is no such thing as the way it is presented.
01:36 No, no, there is a difference. Because this is Mr. Sardari's statement that after the Mardham Shumari, the Election Commission is bound to make new delimitations.
01:43 Before this, when your CEC meeting was held, Mr. Murad Ali Shah categorically said that these are not necessary delimitations.
01:50 Mr. Nayyar Bukhari said that these are not written anywhere that there are delimitations.
01:53 Mr. Bilawal said yesterday that there will be no delimitations.
01:56 So, Mr. Sardari's statement is on one side. The rest of the politicians, your own representation's statement is on the other side.
02:03 No, there is nothing like that. It was decided in CEC. Our legal experts, our lawyers briefed us on this. We took this thing.
02:10 Now, when this thing happened, our CEC meeting is going to be held in Lahore very soon, next week probably.
02:15 When Mr. Bilawal reaches Lahore, in 2-3 days, the CEC meeting will be held and whatever statement we have in it will be cleared.
02:21 Sir, what is it? This is what I am asking. Whatever it is, but there are two statements. One is of the co-chairman and the other is of the chairman. And both are different.
02:27 Okay, you can say both. We say that whatever the constitution says, it should be followed.
02:30 Pakistan, you see, you have to follow the constitution.
02:34 It is written in the constitution that you have to delimit if you want to increase the seats. If you are delimiting for a limit, that is legislation, that is not the constitution.
02:42 Okay.
02:43 And you see, Pakistan is an atomic country. You cannot run it on ad hoc. That you give 3 months, 6 months. Do you know when the elections will be held?
02:50 No, I don't know. This is what the children of the country are asking.
02:53 So, when the schedule is set, let us accept this for example. Let us take the example that we accept 30th November, you can delimit. After that, where is the election?
03:02 Everything is scheduled for the election.
03:04 Sir, this is absolutely right. Still, I am not getting the answer to my question. Is the election commission prohibited to delimit? As Mr. Zardari is saying or not? As Mr. Bilawal Bhutto is saying.
03:14 It is written in the constitution that if you are increasing the seats, then it is prohibited. If you are not increasing the seats, then it is not prohibited.
03:18 So, what is the situation now? Will the seats increase or not in the elections that are taking place now in 2024?
03:25 No, it will not increase. You need a two-third majority in the parliament to increase the seats. You do not have that. You did not have that when you were doing CCI.
03:36 So, this means that there is no prohibition of delimitation?
03:39 No.
03:40 So, this is Mr. Zardari's statement.
03:41 This will be clear in our CC. This will be clear. Mr. Zardari has not done any press talk.
03:45 Sir, this was tweeted from the People's Party's own account. It has not been refuted. It has been 24 hours.
03:50 Mr. Bilawal has done a press talk yesterday and today. He has answered the questions. Mr. Zardari has issued a statement.
03:56 Mr. Bilawal has also said that this will be clear in CC. And this week, probably, in the coming week, the CC will be done.
04:03 Mr. Bilawal said that in CC, it was decided that delimitation is not necessary and we will follow it.
04:07 But the statement that came yesterday, this is the reason for the complication.
04:11 Do not worry. Your complication will be removed very soon.
04:15 Then why is it necessary to give this statement? I want to know this.
04:18 Yesterday, when Mr. Zardari gave a statement, when Mr. Bilawal said in a press conference that there will be an election in 90 days, then why is it necessary?
04:25 The main statement he gave was about the economy and politics.
04:29 The accusations that we were running away from the elections or we did not want to run for elections.
04:35 Or some of our PMLN friends, who are also spoilers in every party, they want us to spend a good time.
04:41 They want us to not spend time in the future. They want us to be spoilers.
04:46 So, they said that if you accuse my party, I will definitely give an answer. I am bound to it.
04:51 Now, if you accuse one thing, you are silent, meaning you are listening to them.
04:55 And when I answer, then the next person feels bad. For example, if I answer the party, the next person feels bad.
05:00 Sir, you answer in a way, you answer in a way, your opponents do not feel bad.
05:04 You do not know this. Gafoor Haidry is with me now. Thank you very much, Mr. Haidry.
