HL - Paris MPP - Semifinals - WM1 Josemaria/Sanchez vs Araujo/Salazar

  • last year
00:00 And this is our first match coming up for you in just a few moments.
00:04 The top seeds, Jose Maria and Sanchez.
00:08 And the players now being announced to the court.
00:10 And it's the team of Safia Araujo and Ali Salazar that take to the court.
00:17 And up against a formidable pair right now in power.
00:24 Jose Maria and Ali Sanchez.
00:29 Ara on the right.
00:31 For the first time this week, going to have the mascots involved, which is good to see.
00:36 Nice photo for them. I'm sure that will be pride of place back at home.
00:41 [Laughter]
01:10 [Applause]
01:12 We'll talk about their battling performance the last few matches.
01:19 So an early break point against the Salazar serve here.
01:25 Opening game of the match.
01:36 That's a little unlucky off the top of the net corner and then into the fencing.
01:40 A good response from Araujo and Salazar.
01:47 Back on serve.
02:02 Defending right now, Jose Maria and Sanchez. It's just gone long.
02:06 What a point to win.
02:08 Saved all three break points there, Araujo and Salazar. That's a good effort.
02:13 Oh, hesitation from both. There's miscommunication.
02:24 [Ball bouncing]
02:26 Oh, she touched the net anyway, but it was got from Jose Maria.
02:36 Great hand from her, but you could see Salazar crashing into the net.
02:40 Couldn't put the brakes on.
02:42 What a fabulous point this was.
02:47 Had everything, the touch, the power in the end from...
02:52 Paola.
02:53 There we go, straight into the net.
02:56 But she had it covered.
03:02 Oh, that is magnificent feel there from Ari Sanchez.
03:11 Take a bow.
03:12 Just cut the legs off that volley there.
03:16 Look at that.
03:17 Hardly a bounce. No forward momentum to that ball once it bounced.
03:22 [Ball bouncing]
03:23 The most perfect contact.
03:26 And after a lengthy game and saving the five break points...
03:41 Yeah, that's three games in a row now.
03:47 Paola, Araujo and Salazar.
03:50 [Ball bouncing]
03:51 And an error.
03:53 And after losing their opening service game...
03:58 An iconic sporting venue.
04:02 [Ball bouncing]
04:04 Oh, very well handled.
04:11 How well controlled was that from Salazar.
04:14 Didn't rush it.
04:18 She knew exactly what she wanted to do here.
04:20 That is a very good hold in the end.
04:27 Keeps their hopes alive in this opening set and managed to keep it to a single break.
04:33 And the end.
04:36 The run of games against them.
04:47 Rosemary has certainly picked her level up.
04:50 Trying to help Sanchez along.
04:53 She's taken charge of things.
04:54 And they do just that.
05:09 What a point to win.
05:12 What an effort that was from Salazar.
05:16 And Araujo...
05:17 That was to get and then quickly back onto court.
05:22 Trying to find this angle here.
05:28 With Sanchez but not enough height.
05:31 Into the net once again.
05:33 Starting to lose confidence in that shot of hers there from that corner.
05:43 [Ball bouncing]
05:44 What a get. What defence.
05:51 Surely this time but Araujo...
05:58 Oh, she's taken a dive for the ball but she couldn't get it back in.
06:03 And the fans appreciating the effort there.
06:11 She gave it everything.
06:13 And Sanchez and Jose Maria just could not close out the rally but eventually...
06:21 Found a killer shot.
06:24 What a heavy fall as well but I think she's okay.
06:27 She's up, she's back on court.
06:30 [Ball bouncing]
06:31 She's missed it and that is the opening set that goes away from Araujo and Salazar.
06:48 [Applause]
06:55 [Ball bouncing]
06:56 Delivering the power at just the right time.
07:09 Oh, she had it.
07:13 And she can't believe she's missed it.
07:23 Good serve.
07:24 Got the error.
07:25 And Rene-Ko just helping them there, just killing the pace.
07:52 Oh, she was trying for such a cute volley there.
07:55 Extra bit of pace there from Salazar doing the trick.
08:07 Very well done. Good move across there from Araujo.
08:21 Anticipation was good from her.
08:23 She was moving forward and out towards that ball.
08:27 That was good.
08:28 That was her moment to step in.
08:39 And she took it.
08:41 Oh, right.
08:49 Very well played from Jose Maria.
08:51 Oh, she just didn't have any time to deal with it.
08:55 Oh, what a point.
09:01 Probably the point of the match so far.
09:03 She couldn't have placed that final shot any better, Salazar.
09:09 That was a good effort earlier on, much earlier on in the rally from Sanchez to make that and get back up.
09:16 But check this one out.
09:19 Behind Sanchez.
09:23 Oh, she went for the big one. She's missed it.
09:32 And back to back, incredible points.
09:37 Both going the way of Araujo and Salazar.
09:43 We saw everything in those two points.
09:47 Missed volley.
09:54 And just like that, Jose Maria and Sanchez break back immediately.
10:00 That's gone long.
10:11 Oh, wow.
10:13 Well, running over to see if she's OK.
10:19 Of course, it was not meant.
10:23 And this might just take her a little longer to recover.
10:30 That looked painful.
10:34 Oh, what a return. Out of nowhere.
10:37 And they get the break back once again.
10:43 Oh, that is magnificent.
10:51 And the goalkeeper is in the lead.
10:54 And the goalkeeper is in the lead.
10:57 And the goalkeeper is in the lead.
11:01 Oh, that is magnificent.
11:03 Araujo, how good was that?
11:06 And charging forwards with the good hands.
11:10 And then the delicate touch at the end to find the angle.
11:13 And that is five breaks to serve in a row in the second set.
11:18 And they'll come out and serve for a spot in tomorrow's final.
11:24 ♫ I like the moment, moment, I like the moment, moment
11:27 ♫ Yeah, like the moment... ♫
11:29 Couldn't get the contact.
11:37 Right in the corner there from Araujo.
11:39 Made it difficult for Sanchez.
11:42 Oh, yes!
11:51 Yes!
11:52 Oh, wow!
12:00 Can you believe it?
12:04 Salazar looking as if she was going to make the move and then...
12:07 Oh, left no time for Araujo to react.
12:12 Doing so well in defence right now, Jose Maria.
12:20 Oh, not that time, though.
12:22 That is a fantastic hold.
12:28 What play right now from...
12:32 ...Sanchez and Paola, Jose Maria.
12:36 Oh!
12:42 Another brilliant point.
12:47 Another brilliant point.
12:49 Nah, didn't have much of a shot there.
12:54 Jose Maria, well played, from Salazar.
12:57 Oh, yes!
13:04 And all that hard work has paid off.
13:16 Oh, good finish there from Ari Sanchez.
13:20 Such aggressive play there from Jose Maria, stepping it up.
13:29 Great get again.
13:44 Oh, what a get, what...
13:46 A shot there.
13:49 Oh, just landing in there from Salazar, what a lob that was.
13:53 And they get the break back.
13:57 Oh, what a save.
14:06 Oh, what a save.
14:09 Oh, what a save.
14:12 Oh, what a save.
14:14 Magic.
14:18 Absolute magic there from Araujo.
14:21 And that's some hold.
14:32 Seems to have a target practice at the minute.
14:40 She's been clocked a few times.
14:42 Another one in the leg.
14:47 Jose Maria and Ari Sanchez.
14:53 Good hustle.
15:03 Very good hustle from Salazar and Araujo.
15:07 They're under a lot of pressure. This get was exceptional.
15:10 She had some good speed up to that one, Araujo.
15:14 And then, ultimately...
15:17 Oh, magical.
15:22 Fitting to her style of play, really, to pull out shots like that.
15:27 It's such a skillful shot to execute.
15:35 On the turn, the feel required.
15:38 That's a great get from Jose Maria again.
15:51 Oh, and it drew the error eventually.
15:54 The ball just keeps coming back from Jose Maria.
15:56 Oh, that's unlucky. Yeah, the apology off the net court.
16:04 Almost pulled it off there, Salazar.
16:07 And it is a love hold.
16:15 Magnificent for Jose Maria.
16:22 She has been MVP today, that is for sure.
16:29 (CHEERING)
16:31 She's enjoyed herself. She knows she's played so well today.
16:39 Job's not done yet.
16:41 Oh, and that will do it.
16:58 Ends on an error.
16:59 And the top seeds, Paola Jose Maria and Ari Sanchez,
17:04 somehow come through today.
17:08 They were two points away from going out.
17:16 (CHEERING)
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17:22 (CHEERING)
17:24 (CHEERING)
17:27 (MUSIC)
17:29 you
