Lion vs Rhino Fierce Battle Pride of lions Scariest Predator! Wild Animal Hunting Compilation

  • last year


00:00 After a lion bite, the wildebeest attacked again, knocking the lion into the sky with
00:04 its powerful horns.
00:10 Sudden counterattack and the predator immediately fled.
00:13 During the chase, the wildebeest suddenly slipped up and let the lion escape.
00:19 The wildebeest was targeted by the lion.
00:25 The lion quickly rushed to attack the wildebeest.
00:28 Very quickly, the wildebeest reacted and chased the lion back.
00:35 Seeing the wildebeest's aggression, the lion also had to give up hunting and ran away in
00:40 the middle of his life.
00:48 Baby hippo stands alone unguarded.
00:51 The lion rushed to attack the hippo and take it away.
00:57 The appearance of the mother hippo caused the lion to panic and drop its prey and escape.
01:03 With the lion's approach, the great hippo was not afraid.
01:06 It jumped up and responded to the lion with a bite to the head.
01:13 This is the result of the lion's attack on the wrong prey.
01:16 It had to receive a very bitter ending.
01:24 Unlike jaguars and tigers, lions are typically quite water-averse.
01:32 In some force majeure situations such as this, in the process of hunting prey or having to
01:36 migrate to other areas, lions will use their swimming skills.
01:43 While three lions were trying to cross the water, suddenly a hippo from the distance
01:47 rushed to attack.
01:51 One lion turned back to the starting point while the other two lions still were trying
01:55 to cross to the other side.
01:59 With the advantage of being in the water, the hippopotamus rushed forward and attacked,
02:04 causing the two lions to flee to the shore.
02:07 A herd of hippopotamuses has been targeted by the nearby lions.
02:15 The threat of the two lions could not scare the hippo.
02:18 It rushed so strongly to the lion and it had to give up this hunting intention.
02:23 The baby hippo with all its wounds, it must have gone through a fierce battle.
02:32 When he saw the lion trying to reach his injured fellow, the hippo quickly chased the lion
02:36 away to ensure the safety of his fellow.
02:42 Rhinoceros are herbivores and have small brains.
02:45 They have one or two horns and a thick protective skin made up of collagen layers located in
02:50 a lattice structure.
02:55 A pregnant rhinoceros is in danger when it's attacked by three lions while being trapped
03:00 in a lake.
03:05 It's trying to get out of the swamp that's trying to hold it back.
03:13 After the rhino's attempt to escape the lake, it counterattacked the lions.
03:23 In the end, the lions were unable to turn the rhino into a hearty meal.
03:31 The rhinoceros is one of the largest land animals in existence.
03:34 Not only that, they also possess incredible self-defense.
03:41 With the approaching rhinoceros, the two lions quickly ran away.
03:48 The lions this time no longer saw ferocity, but only panic and emaciated bodies when meeting
03:54 bigger animals.
03:59 Everything was going very smoothly until the lions swam out into the middle of the river.
04:06 From the water, a pair of terrifying sharp jaws opened wide and aimed directly at the
04:11 male lion in order to take its life.
04:14 The lion reacted very quickly and immediately dodged the crocodile's attack.
04:20 When the young boar buffalo was caught by the lions, the mother wild buffalo rushed
04:24 to save her child from danger.
04:28 Attacking a herd of lions alone is very difficult for him, but because of motherly love, the
04:33 mother buffalo is much stronger.
04:36 After repeatedly knocking the lion to the ground, the mother buffalo ran away.
04:42 The lion was lying in the sun when suddenly a wild buffalo rushed to attack it.
04:51 Just one hit from the wild buffalo caused the lion to somersault into the air and then
04:55 fell heavily to the ground.
05:03 The lion has broken his leg after the buffalo's butt.
05:09 An ill-fated buffalo was hunted by a lion.
05:12 When the lion was sitting to enjoy the prey, the whole herd of water buffalo came.
05:17 They're so disgruntled that their comrades have died and they begin to attack the lion.
05:24 Both are high-ranking predators, but lions and hyenas are people with different social
05:29 status.
05:33 One side is considered the lord of the green forest, respected by all animals.
05:40 The other side can be said the most hated creature in the world because of its ugly
05:44 appearance, cold-blooded nature and extremely smart and ruthless.
05:50 The male lion approached the hyena quickly.
05:52 He was very careful not to be detected by the two hyenas.
06:00 When attacking hyenas, lions often use their full strength to quell the opposition of their
06:04 prey.
06:08 With overwhelming strength and perfect fighting skills, lions will have the advantage of overwhelming
06:14 their prey.
06:18 After struggling for a while, the hyena managed to escape the lion's attack and left.
06:26 After the fight, the hyena suffered a deep wound on its body.
06:31 The hyena's leg was also injured, making it incredibly difficult to walk.
06:37 Hyenas are inherently unpleasant animals, hated by the rest of the animal world because
06:41 of their unprofessional bandits.
06:45 Desperately rushing in to steal the lion's prey, the hungry hyena is chased by the lion
06:50 but rushes to attack.
06:54 Solidarity and recklessness are two natures that make hyenas excited in every robbery.
07:01 One of the unfortunate hyenas was bitten by three lions.
07:08 Despite escaping with the help of their fellows, hyenas still received many serious injuries.
07:15 Having chased away the hyenas, the lion returned to continue with his hearty meal.
07:23 When the hyenas team up, they can defeat large animals such as zebras, wildebeest, wild buffalo
07:28 and even lions are no exception.
07:32 With a greedy, reckless nature, sharp teeth and a herd lifestyle, the hyenas can defeat
07:37 lions when they're outnumbered.
07:43 The lion was cornered by a pack of hyenas and attacked from all sides with powerful
07:47 bites that made the lion appear painful and helpless.
07:56 Despite trying to escape, the lion was chased and brutally attacked by the enemy.
08:04 Adult giraffes are very large in size and possess powerful kicks.
08:12 Hyenas are one of the few predators that dare to attack giraffes.
08:20 The deer's hind legs were bitten by the lion continuously.
08:26 Despite suffering a lot, the giraffe was determined to stand and try to run away.
08:34 But the result was not as expected.
08:36 The giraffe still died from the lion.
08:39 The giraffe caught the lion's sight.
08:41 When the deer was almost certain to be defeated, the situation shocked the viewers.
08:51 The giraffe unleashed a devastating blow to crush the lion in the desert, with the giraffe's
08:56 attacks causing great pain to the lion.
09:02 The clash between the lion and the tiger is on.
09:05 They're desperate to decide the winner of this battle.
09:10 Both of them possess outstanding health, so controlling the other is completely impossible.
09:19 Tigers and lions lead completely different lifestyles in the wild, and this is reflected
09:23 in their fighting techniques.
09:29 The lion is a brutal tyrant who tries to dominate other animals by force.
09:37 The tiger is a strategist who carefully chooses when and where to fight.
09:47 The moment the lion's trying to chase a small antelope.
09:49 Even though the lion is following closely, the antelope still keeps a safe distance.
09:57 In a desperate attempt to find a way to escape, the antelope threw itself down the cliff,
10:01 but was unexpectedly caught by the lion.
10:07 Taking advantage of this opportunity, the lion rammed to bite the neck, taking the antelope's
10:12 life.
10:13 The clip shows a lioness stalking an African black antelope.
10:22 It can be seen that with its superior speed and strength, the lion easily seizes the opportunity
10:27 to pounce on its prey from behind.
10:30 But with the caution of the lion, it waits for a good opportunity to attack.
10:38 It seemed that this would be a smooth hunt with the lion, but the black antelope was
10:42 not one to give up easily.
10:48 It struggled to knock the lion out of itself to avoid the bites of its predator.
10:54 Finally, after a while of struggle, the lion had to let go of the prey before jumping into
11:00 a nearby lake to escape.
11:04 A peaceful scene of animals grazing together.
11:11 They seemed to live together very harmoniously, not seeing any friction with each other.
11:17 But the peaceful crisis was broken when the lions rushed to attack them, causing the herbivores
11:27 to panic and run away.
11:46 (upbeat music)
