The Double Life of My Billionaire Hubby EP11-EP20

  • last year
The Double Life of My Billionaire Hubby EP11-EP20
00:00 (soft music)
00:02 - Hey, hope you're hungry.
00:14 - Here, let me do that.
00:15 - No, I thought we should share the chores.
00:17 I'm cooking tonight.
00:18 Wait, hold on.
00:23 What happened to your face?
00:24 - Oh, nothing.
00:26 - Oh, hold still.
00:26 (soft music)
00:29 - Who slapped you?
00:32 - No one.
00:34 I wasn't paying attention and I ran into a door.
00:37 I'm gonna go take a shower before dinner.
00:42 (soft music)
00:45 (knife tapping)
00:48 - Thanks for dinner.
00:58 It was so good.
01:00 - Yeah.
01:01 - Where did you learn how to cook?
01:03 - My mother taught me.
01:05 - Well, your mom must be a really good chef.
01:07 - Yeah, she was.
01:10 She died when I was in middle school.
01:15 And being a bastard son of the Klein family,
01:19 we didn't get to enjoy the privilege that they did.
01:21 The mansions, the servants, that whole thing.
01:24 So, yeah.
01:29 - I know what that's like.
01:31 But it's okay.
01:32 You have me now.
01:34 I'll cook for you.
01:35 Look, I'll do the dishes tonight.
01:39 - Oh, thank you.
01:40 (soft music)
01:43 - Boss, I searched the traffic cams.
01:54 It seems like Miss Quinn went back
01:56 to her father's place today.
01:58 - So her own family hit her.
02:01 Put some pressure on her father's business.
02:04 I wanna teach him a lesson.
02:06 (soft music)
02:10 (phone ringing)
02:13 - Sarah, it's 7 a.m.
02:19 - You're never gonna guess what.
02:21 You have an interview with BM Enterprise at 10 a.m. today.
02:24 - BM Enterprise?
02:25 - Yes.
02:26 - Sarah, you're the best.
02:28 - Well, there's just one little issue.
02:30 - What?
02:31 - Kyle and Serena from college work there as well.
02:34 Kyle is a VP.
02:35 - Kyle?
02:36 Like the guy who asked me out 300 times
02:38 and wouldn't take no for an answer?
02:40 - Yeah, that one.
02:41 So Kyle and Serena are engaged now.
02:43 - Great, just what I need.
02:46 - Hey, morning.
02:48 You're up early.
02:49 - Hey, I have to go.
02:50 My bestie got me an interview.
02:51 - Oh, where?
02:52 - BM Enterprise.
02:53 Wish me luck.
02:54 - Good luck.
02:55 (soft music)
03:08 (soft music)
03:11 - Natalie, it's been so long.
03:17 I haven't seen you since college.
03:19 - Serena, I didn't know you would be my interviewer.
03:22 - Life is so funny that way.
03:24 When Kyle mentioned you had applied,
03:25 I told him I just had to be the one to interview you.
03:29 - How nice.
03:31 You just got engaged, right?
03:34 - Well.
03:34 - Congratulations.
03:37 And you just got married too, right?
03:40 To Sebastian Klein.
03:42 Well, everyone's been talking about it.
03:44 Wasn't he like in jail?
03:46 Nevermind, let's just get on with the interview.
03:53 Natalie, you don't have a single serious job on here.
04:06 You worked at Walmart.
04:07 - I'm applying for an entry-level position.
04:12 On the job description, it says no experience necessary.
04:15 I'm a fast learner.
04:16 I have a 4.0 GPA.
04:18 - Oh, Natalie, let's be real here.
04:22 After graduating college, nobody cares about your GPA.
04:26 I don't care what the job description says.
04:28 After seeing you in person,
04:29 I can tell you are just not qualified for this position.
04:34 (Natalie chuckles)
04:36 - That little bitch.
04:37 - She was never gonna give me a fair chance.
04:40 She did that interview just to humiliate me.
04:42 - I am so sorry, Natalie.
04:43 Like, I really, I shouldn't have even reached out.
04:46 Do not worry, okay?
04:46 I have a few other companies lined up for you.
04:49 - It's okay.
04:50 You were just trying to help me find a job faster.
04:52 - How's it going, by the way, with your new husband?
05:01 - He's actually really nice, but...
05:06 - But what?
05:09 - But my dad still hasn't given me the money
05:12 like I asked for, and my mom's medical bills are late,
05:16 and I'm drowning in debt.
05:18 - Does your mom still not know
05:20 that you married someone to pay off her medical bills?
05:23 Does your mom still not know
05:28 that you married someone to pay off her medical bills?
05:30 - I can't tell her.
05:32 She would literally freak out.
05:34 - Jesus.
05:35 You're going through some crazy shit right now.
05:39 Well, do you have anything that you can sell for fast cash?
05:43 I have a couple grand, save up, I can let you borrow.
05:45 - Sell for fast cash.
05:47 Actually, Sarah, that's a really good idea.
05:54 I gotta go.
05:56 I'll catch you later.
05:57 - Wait, okay.
06:00 Uh...
06:01 - Boss Jason has agreed to sell you his shares,
06:07 so now we just need Jack and Tony.
06:09 - Right.
06:10 - Maybe I can just do a quick pawn shop loan with these.
06:16 I'll get it back once I find a job.
06:18 - Wait a minute, isn't that Miss Quinn?
06:26 Where's she going with a shoebox?
06:30 - Follow her.
06:31 - Hey, sir, how much can I get for these?
06:44 Never worn them once.
06:45 - Mm, pristine condition, excellent brand.
06:57 I'll give you 2K.
06:59 - 2,000.
07:02 They're brand new and they cost 7,000.
07:04 - Look, lady, best I can do is 2K.
07:07 Take it or leave it.
07:08 - She pawning off the shoes you bought her?
07:13 - I bought her the shoes,
07:16 she can do whatever she wants with them.
07:18 - She must really need money.
07:20 Why hasn't she asked me for help?
07:22 (gentle music)
07:24 - Actually, I don't wanna sell these anymore.
07:34 - Wait, wait, wait.
07:36 Okay, fine, I'll give you 3K.
07:38 You look like you can use the cash hole.
07:40 I'ma help you out.
07:41 - Actually, they mean a lot to me.
07:44 I don't wanna sell them.
07:45 - Excuse me now?
07:47 Don't be greedy.
07:48 3K is a lot of money.
07:50 You better sell now while you have a chance.
07:52 - It's not about the money.
07:55 I'm sorry.
07:56 - So you're just here to waste my time?
07:58 Get the fuck out of my store.
08:00 (knife scraping)
08:12 (upbeat music)
08:19 - Hey.
08:20 Hey, hey pretty lady.
08:23 What you holding?
08:25 - Hurry up, hand it over.
08:28 - Get away from me.
08:28 - She's a looker, isn't she?
08:31 You wanna have some fun with her first?
08:33 - Stop that.
08:34 Just give the thing, get out.
08:35 - You take that and go.
08:39 I'm on my phone with her.
08:40 - Help!
08:42 Somebody help me!
08:43 - Hey!
08:44 Get your hands off my wife!
08:46 (dramatic music)
08:49 - No, you okay?
08:51 - It's okay, just be careful.
08:52 - Listen, buddy, I don't know who you are,
08:54 but if you don't wanna get your ass whooped,
08:55 I suggest you get the fuck out of my face!
08:58 (grunting)
09:09 - Which hand did you use to touch my wife?
09:13 - What?
09:14 - I said which hand did you use to touch my wife?
09:16 - Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry.
09:19 We were just following orders.
09:20 - Shut up, dumbass!
09:22 - What orders?
09:23 What orders?
09:25 Okay.
09:28 Looks like I have to break something now.
09:30 - Ow, please, please, please, I'm sorry!
09:33 I'll tell you everything.
09:36 Nick Volkov, he's in the Russian mob.
09:39 He told us to do this 'cause she wouldn't agree to sell.
09:44 - Russian mob, huh?
09:44 Will you tell Nick Volkov that Sebastian Klein is coming?
09:50 - No.
09:57 I'm sorry.
10:01 - Why are you saying sorry?
10:04 - I shouldn't have tried to pawn off your gift.
10:07 I changed my mind, I couldn't go through with it.
10:11 - That's what you're sorry about?
10:14 - Yeah, isn't that why you're mad?
10:16 - No, no, I'm mad because if you had money problems,
10:20 you should have come to me.
10:22 I'm your husband.
10:23 Why didn't you ask me for help?
10:24 You could have gotten hurt today.
10:26 And what if I wasn't there?
10:27 What was going through your head, Natalie?
10:28 - My husband?
10:29 - Yes.
10:31 - You were the one that said that this is all pretend
10:33 and that we should just get divorced.
10:35 What choice do I have?
10:37 I got rejected from BM because the interviewer
10:39 hates my guts.
10:40 I married a stranger because my mom is in the hospital
10:44 and I have no way to pay her medical bills
10:45 and I am drowning in debt trying to pay them off.
10:49 I don't know what to do, Sebastian.
10:51 I'm trying my best.
10:53 I'm trying my best.
11:04 (soft music)
11:07 - I'm sorry I lost my temper with you.
11:15 - Sebastian.
11:18 - And what was it that you were saying about marrying me
11:23 because your mom is treatment?
11:25 - Last week, I went to go ask my dad for money.
11:32 And then I went to go ask him.
11:34 - Okay, so your dad still hasn't paid you like he promised
11:46 and then the BM interview was sabotaged
11:49 and that's why you try to sell the shoes.
11:52 - Yeah.
11:53 It's okay though.
11:54 My friend Sarah has a few interviews lined up for me
11:57 and I'm sure I'll get a job soon.
12:00 - Why don't we just move into the city tomorrow?
12:02 It'll be much easier for you to find a job
12:03 and then I don't know, we'll just figure out the rest.
12:07 - Tomorrow?
12:08 - Yeah.
12:09 - But how can we afford that?
12:11 - My friend, he is out of town
12:15 and he actually wants me to look after his place.
12:18 - Really?
12:19 - Yeah.
12:19 - That's amazing.
12:23 - Look, Natalie, I'm your husband.
12:28 Forget what I said earlier.
12:32 You can rely on me, okay?
12:36 (upbeat music)
12:38 (typing)
