The double life of my billionaire husband. Part 5

  • last year
The double life of my billionaire husband. Part 5
00:00 hand did you use to touch my wife? Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry, we were just following
00:04 orders. Shut up, dumbass! What orders? What orders? Okay, looks like I have to break something now.
00:14 Oh, please, please, please, I'm sorry! I'll tell you everything. Nick Volkov, he's in the Russian mob.
00:25 He told us to do this because she wouldn't agree to sell. The Russian mob, huh? Will you tell Nick Volkov
00:32 that Sebastian Klein is coming?
00:34 I'm sorry. Why are you saying sorry? I shouldn't have tried to pawn off your gift.
00:52 I changed my mind, I couldn't go through with it. That's what you're sorry about? Yeah, is that why
00:59 you're mad? No, no, I'm mad because if you had money problems you should have come to me. I'm
01:06 your husband, why didn't you ask me for help? You could have gotten hurt today and what if I wasn't
01:11 there? What was going through your head, Natalie? My husband? Yes. You were the one that said that
01:16 this is all pretend and that we should just get divorced. What choice do I have? I got rejected
01:22 from BM because the interviewer hates my guts. I married a stranger because my mom is in the
01:27 hospital and I have no way to pay her medical bills and I am drowning in debt trying to pay
01:32 them off. I don't know what to do, Sebastian. I'm trying my best. I'm trying my best.
01:47 I'm sorry I lost my temper with you. Sebastian. And uh, what was it that you were saying about
02:05 marrying me because your mom is treatment? Last week I went to go ask my dad for money.
02:15 When I went to go ask it, he just really couldn't get it.
02:18 Okay, so your dad still hasn't paid you like he promised and then the BM interview was sabotaged
02:32 and that's why you try to sell the shoes? Yeah, it's okay though. My friend Sarah has a few
02:39 interviews lined up for me and I'm sure I'll get a job soon. Why don't we just move into the city
02:44 tomorrow? It'll be much easier for you to find a job and then I don't know, we'll just figure out
02:48 the rest. Tomorrow? Yeah. But how can we afford that? Uh, my friend, he is out of town and he
02:59 actually wants me to look after his place. Really? Yeah. That's amazing. Yeah. Look, Natalie,
03:11 I'm your husband. Forget what I said earlier. You can rely on me. Okay?
03:18 Holy shit, Sebastian. Your friend's place is so nice. He must really be rich. Yeah,
03:36 he's a trust fund baby, so this is just one of his many places. Well, he can tell him it's in
03:41 good hands. By the time he gets back, it'll look exactly like the way it left it. I'll be sure to
03:46 pass that along. Uh, I'm sorry, I have to take this. Once I finish my plan, I'll tell her the truth.
03:56 Dr. Astorian, is everything okay with my mom? Natalie, everything is fine. Your mother's
04:03 treatments are going very well. Is this about the payments? I'll have them soon, I promise. I just
04:07 really need to figure everything out and... I see here it's already been paid in full.
04:12 Paid in full? By who? Let's see. It says George Quinn.
04:19 I'm so happy to hear that. Thank you, Dr. Astorian.
04:28 What the hell are you doing here again? If you've come here to beg us for money, we don't have it.
04:34 Money? I'm here to thank my dad for paying the bills. He hasn't answered my calls.
04:39 What? That bastard. George! George!
04:45 How dare you go behind my back and pay your wife's medical bills? What? I, I... We're having so much
04:54 financial trouble right now and you're still thinking about her? Do you want a divorce? Is
04:59 that what this is about? Financial trouble? Look, things have been rough, all right? My contracts
05:05 have been getting canceled left and right with no reason. You hear that? So if you're still here to
05:10 beg us for money, get the hell out. If you had any decency, you'd ask your husband to help us.
05:16 I mean, I know he's just a bastard, but he's still a member of the Klein family, isn't he?
05:20 The least he can do would be a little bit useful to us. Don't talk about my husband like that.
05:24 And no, I'm not here to ask for money. The bills have already been paid.
05:27 Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no. I swear I didn't pay the bills.
05:30 Cassie, sweetheart. Didn't you say a guy in the FBI has been asking you out on dates?
05:46 Yeah, what about it? Ask him to check on the payments and see who paid the bills for Natalie's
05:55 mother. If I find out your dad's been lying to me, I'm going to give him hell.
06:00 So I'm confused. Like, did your dad like pay for the medical bills or no?
06:09 I don't know. I think he did, but he was also so scared of Lauren that he said he didn't.
06:16 That must be the only explanation, right?
06:18 Well, as long as the bills are paid, that's all that matters.
06:22 Yeah. I just feel like this weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
06:29 Now all I need to do is get a job in the city and live my best life.
06:34 Do not worry. I have two interviews lined up for you next week. Forget BM. They don't deserve you.
06:40 Yeah, I'm just kind of disappointed though. BM is my dream company. Look, in just three years,
06:49 they took Silicon Valley by storm. The founder must be a genius.
06:52 Genius and mysterious. Okay, no one knows what he looks like. Just his name, Bash Meyers.
07:00 Also, word on the street is that he deals in weapons with the Russians.
07:08 That's why he keeps such a low profile and that's why he's been able to bankroll his
07:11 companies with no investments. No way. Yeah. Let's see. Oh my God.
07:22 What? I just heard back from the BM HR department. You've been hired.
07:29 Oh my God.
