• last year
00:00 So Hudson, start with, he told us about the post-game news
00:04 in the locker room.
00:06 Bigger for you, the scholarship there,
00:08 or three touchdowns during the game?
00:12 Honestly, I'd say the scholarship.
00:14 I mean, that's something, you know, when I came here,
00:17 I knew I'd have to grind for.
00:19 And, you know, every day you're sort of playing
00:20 with that in your mind.
00:21 Like, that's sort of the goal.
00:24 So, I mean, three touchdowns,
00:26 obviously a crazy accomplishment,
00:29 especially first game.
00:30 But that scholarship really just is the biggest thing for me.
00:35 You surprised yourself at all today?
00:36 I mean, you know, I have the utmost confidence in myself
00:40 to perform at a high level.
00:42 But, you know, three touchdowns,
00:44 no one really expects to go into a game,
00:46 their first college football game,
00:49 playing like that and score three touchdowns.
00:51 But, you know, I was confident in myself.
00:54 Coach Brown compared it to your performance
00:56 in the state championship game,
00:57 where he alluded to it just as far as stepping up in big games.
01:01 Was it a similar feeling out there?
01:03 Yeah, I mean, definitely.
01:04 I mean, after -- especially the third one,
01:06 and, you know, it just feels --
01:09 yeah, it sort of feels like that feeling back then
01:11 when I was in high school.
01:12 And, yeah, they felt very similar.
01:16 You said you only found out a few minutes before kick.
01:18 You were going to start?
01:19 Oh, yeah, I think we were coming out of the tunnel.
01:22 We just did a little warm-up with Mike Joe
01:24 and Coach Lyle, the receiver's coach,
01:27 told me he was an A or up a Z.
01:30 I was like, "Sounds good, Coach."
01:32 I think I like it better that way.
01:33 He didn't tell me ahead of time
01:35 because I think I would have, you know,
01:37 thought about it a lot more
01:38 and would have got in my head maybe a little bit.
01:40 But I think it went good.
01:42 Did you have nerves, though,
01:43 for, like, the four or five minutes before?
01:46 Yeah, I mean, yeah, I was a little nervous.
01:49 First few snaps, I was pretty nervous.
01:51 But then, you know, after that, you get the groove of it
01:53 and you start, you know, playing football,
01:54 and it just feels like normal football out there.
01:58 Hudson, your third touchdown, wide open.
02:01 What's going through your mind when the ball's in the air?
02:02 You can probably tell that, you know,
02:04 as long as you catch it, you're going to score.
02:06 Yeah, I mean, that's the best feeling as a wide receiver.
02:11 A little hat trick, and you know it worked perfectly.
02:14 And then you're running down the field wide open,
02:16 and you see the ball come,
02:18 and you know you're going to score.
02:19 You know everything's, like, went how it was supposed to be.
02:21 I mean, it's the best feeling as a receiver.
02:25 Are you different?
02:26 What do you improve upon after high school?
02:29 I think after high school, I really try to improve
02:30 on my speed and just, like, athleticism.
02:34 I feel like in high school, that was the one thing
02:35 that didn't really separate me was my speed.
02:39 But I think coming up here, working out with Mike Joe
02:41 all through the summers and winter workouts, everything,
02:45 I think that's really been one of the biggest things for me
02:47 is working on my speed and just, like, athleticism.
02:51 Did you call your parents and tell them the news?
02:54 Oh, yeah, I called them right after I got the news.
02:56 They were -- Mom's crying and everything.
02:58 It was great.
03:00 Take us through the second touchdown, the 70-yard one.
03:04 Yeah, I mean, it was -- it was crazy.
03:09 You know, I'm going out, running that route.
03:12 It's a stutter and go, and I stutter them.
03:15 And once I take off and I feel I got a few steps on them,
03:18 I see Garrett throw the ball up.
03:21 You know, I appreciate him for trusting me out there,
03:23 you know, giving me a shot.
03:24 And I just, you know, had to capitalize.
03:27 Hudson, after last week, Coach Brown said
03:29 one of the biggest areas of emphasis was pass catching.
03:32 How do you feel like you guys are as a unit
03:35 compared to where you were last week?
03:36 And where do you want to be?
03:37 Yeah, I mean, I think we can definitely do
03:39 a lot better catching the football.
03:41 You know, that's -- we're wide receivers.
03:42 We need to catch the ball.
03:44 But, you know, we're always trying to improve,
03:46 always trying to, you know, get better.
03:47 And I think pass catching is something
03:49 we can definitely get better on.
03:52 Was the break kind of nice for you to get to --
03:56 I mean, you scored your first touchdown,
03:57 and then you kind of get a break to calm down from it.
04:00 Yeah, yeah, it was nice.
04:01 I mean, we got to go in the locker room,
04:04 chill out for a little bit,
04:05 sort of let it set in a little bit more.
04:07 And then, you know, when I went back out
04:09 for the rest of the game, you know,
04:11 you have a lot more confidence,
04:12 and you feel a lot better about the game.
04:15 Kind of hard to get energy back up, though.
04:17 It's raining, you know, drizzly.
04:18 Obviously, a lot of people have gone, things like that.
04:20 But it seems like as soon as you all got back out on the field,
04:24 your energy effort was up a little bit.
04:26 Point of emphasis?
04:27 Yeah, I mean, we were in there.
04:29 You know, Coach Brown was talking to us.
04:30 And, I mean, it's adversity.
04:33 We had to go out there.
04:35 We didn't start how we wanted to,
04:36 but then we got a little break.
04:38 And, you know, he was just saying how,
04:40 you know, it's rainy, we had a big delay.
04:44 And he was just saying it's good,
04:45 like this is a good challenge.
04:46 Like, we can go out there and, you know,
04:48 still finish this game how we want to.
04:50 And it was almost like a second chance
04:52 to sort of start how we wanted to from the beginning
04:55 instead of how we did.
04:58 Hudson, you played with a chip on your shoulder last year or so
05:01 knowing you didn't get the scholarship
05:02 you wanted out of high school.
05:03 Oh, yeah, I mean, definitely.
05:04 I mean, that was the number one drive this past year.
05:08 And going into this year, you know,
05:12 I'm grinding for something.
05:13 I'm grinding for that scholarship.
05:14 And, you know, now that I got it doesn't mean the work's done.
05:17 It doesn't mean the job's done.
05:18 But it's obviously a great feeling.
05:20 Being from West Virginia, what's it going to mean next week
05:23 to be a part of that rivalry?
05:25 Oh, I mean, that's, you know, growing up,
05:27 you see that rivalry all the time.
05:28 And you see the atmosphere,
05:30 and you just think about playing in it.
05:33 You never really, like, actually think
05:35 you could actually play in it.
05:36 But then, yeah, going into this, yeah, it's crazy.
