Patrick Peterson Says Steelers Must Clean Up All Three Defensive Levels

  • last year
CB Patrick Peterson says the Pittsburgh Steelers must clean things up at all three levels defensively.
00:00 >> What are the specific things that you would like to do?
00:03 >> Just winning on first downs, try to put those guys out.
00:07 More predictable play calling, but it's a collective.
00:13 All of us on all three spots on the defense have to be better.
00:18 So going back to the drawing board here tomorrow, see all the mistakes that we
00:21 made, and hopefully clean those up by the time we step on the grass again.
00:25 >> Why was Abe able to have a huge game against you?
00:29 >> Say it again.
00:29 >> Why was Brandon Abe able to have a big game against you guys?
00:34 >> A couple of those passes, when you have opportunity to win them,
00:39 get six or seven yards on first down, it sucks those linebackers up.
00:44 Playing the run and opening up the windows behind them.
00:47 But like I said, we just have to be better in coverage, better in the run defense,
00:52 just better overall.
00:53 Because that just wasn't a good enough effort to come out on top today.
00:57 >> How do you- >> There's still communication issues
00:59 with you guys out there, I know that was one of the things you guys talked about.
01:01 >> It's a combo, but I feel like it wasn't a big deal.
01:06 I thought we, there were some times that we could have communicated better, but
01:10 it wasn't like it was just off the map.
01:13 So like I said, there's some things that we wanna clean up when we get back tomorrow
01:17 and watch this film.
01:18 And we have enough veterans in the secondary to where it shouldn't show up yet.
01:23 So I have a lot of faith, not only in the coaching staff, but
01:27 the guys who I line up with and go to work to that building each and
01:31 every day that we're gonna get it right.
01:33 >> You had a struggle with putting up there,
01:36 looked like maybe you slipped on the first touchdown.
01:38 >> Yeah, I did, but as a ball player, we gotta understand the surface and
01:44 where we're playing, so that's why I ended up changing those things out of the bag.
01:47 >> You had mentioned that during the week that you thought that there were some
01:50 tells in their offense, did they ditch those?
01:52 >> No, it was there.
01:54 I had an opportunity to hit two fakes, I just didn't grab it in.
01:57 But no credit to those guys, those guys did a great job of sticking to their
02:03 game plan and really get into their identity,
02:08 which is running football, mixed directions, hit those bang gates,
02:12 hit those deep stops.
02:14 That's just what they do,
02:15 we just wasn't in a good enough position to make those plays.
02:17 >> You mentioned the vets in this room, how do you guys, especially as veterans,
02:21 kind of collectively turn the page here and just move forward after this one?
02:25 >> Look ourselves in the mirror, and
02:26 we know a lot of those plays that we gave those guys, it was on us.
02:30 If it was communication, not being in the right spot, whatever it was,
02:34 we have to look ourselves in the mirror.
02:36 And at the end of the day, when we come back here tomorrow and look at this tape,
02:39 look at the mistakes that we have to clean up.
02:41 Like I said, we have enough veterans in this secondary room.
02:44 Now we're in the secondary room, what on this defense as a totality,
02:47 now just gonna come down to us executing the assignments, counting on one another,
02:52 relying on one another, doing your assignment.
02:54 And that'll help us prevail out of those downs.
