The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband Part 23-33

  • last year
The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband Part 23-33
00:00 That bastard. George! George!
00:04 How dare you go behind my back and pay your wife's medical bills?
00:10 What? I... I...
00:12 We're having so much financial trouble right now, and you're still thinking about her?
00:17 Do you want a divorce? Is that what this is about?
00:20 Financial trouble?
00:21 Look, things have been rough, alright?
00:23 My contracts have been getting canceled left and right with no reason.
00:27 You hear that?
00:28 So, if you're still here to beg us for money, get the hell out!
00:31 If you had any decency, you'd ask your husband to help us!
00:35 I mean, I know he's just a bastard, but he's still a member of the Klein family, isn't he?
00:39 The least he can do would be a little bit useful to us.
00:41 Don't talk about my husband like that!
00:43 And no, I'm not here to ask for money. The bills have already been paid.
00:46 Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no. I swear I didn't pay the bills.
00:49 [Sigh]
00:51 Cassie, sweetheart.
01:00 Didn't you say a guy in the FBI has been asking you out on dates?
01:05 Yeah, what about it?
01:07 Ask him to check on the payments and see who paid the bills for Natalie's mother.
01:16 If I find out your dad's been lying to me, I'm gonna give him hell.
01:21 [Sigh]
01:23 So, I'm confused. Like, did your dad pay for the medical bills or no?
01:29 I don't know. I think he did.
01:32 But he was also so scared of Warren that he said he didn't.
01:35 That must be the only explanation, right?
01:38 Well, as long as the bills are paid, that's all that matters.
01:41 Yeah.
01:44 I just feel like this pain has been lifted off my shoulders.
01:48 [Sigh]
01:50 Now all I need to do is get a job in the city and live my best life.
01:53 Do not worry. I have two interviews lined up for you next week.
01:57 Get BM. They don't deserve you.
01:59 Yeah. I'm just kind of disappointed, though.
02:03 BM is my dream company.
02:05 Look, in just three years, they took Silicon Valley by storm.
02:10 The founder must be a genius.
02:12 Genius and mysterious.
02:16 No one knows what he looks like. Just his name, Bashem Hires.
02:21 Also, word on the street is that he deals in weapons and progressions.
02:27 That's why he keeps such low profile, and that's why he's unable to bankroll his companies with no investments.
02:33 No way.
02:34 Yeah.
02:36 Let's see.
02:40 Oh my god.
02:42 What?
02:44 I just heard back from the BMD department.
02:47 You've been hired!
02:49 [Laughter]
02:51 [Laughter]
02:53 [Laughter]
02:55 [Laughter]
02:57 [Laughter]
02:59 [Laughter]
03:01 [Laughter]
03:03 [Laughter]
03:05 We're closed.
03:07 [Laughter]
03:09 [Laughter]
03:11 I said we're closed. It doesn't mean keep hitting the door.
03:14 Look, man, I said we're closed.
03:16 [Clears throat]
03:18 [Music]
03:20 [Music]
03:22 [Music]
03:24 [Music]
03:26 [Music]
03:28 What the?
03:30 Who the fuck are you?
03:32 Let me go or else I'm going to fucking kill you.
03:36 You should be expecting me, Mr. Volkov.
03:38 I said I would be coming.
03:40 I don't know who the fuck you are.
03:42 Wait a minute.
03:44 You're that little bitch's boyfriend.
03:46 [Clears throat]
03:48 Don't you ever fucking disrespect my wife again.
03:50 [Clears throat]
03:52 Do you know who I am?
03:54 I have powerful friends.
03:56 You're messing with the wrong dude.
03:58 [Clears throat]
04:00 [Music]
04:02 [Music]
04:04 [Music]
04:06 [Music]
04:08 You're messing with the wrong dude.
04:10 [Clears throat]
04:12 Powerful friends, huh?
04:14 [Music]
04:16 Let me guess.
04:18 Peter Romanoff.
04:20 You know Peter?
04:22 [Clears throat]
04:24 Then you should know not to fuck with the bratva.
04:26 Why don't we just give Peter a little call, shall we?
04:28 [Music]
04:30 [Music]
04:32 [Music]
04:34 [Music]
04:36 [Phone ringing]
04:38 Mr. Myers.
04:40 To what do I owe the pleasure?
04:42 Peter, I have a little friend of yours here.
04:44 By the name of Nick Volkov.
04:46 He has disrespected my wife.
04:48 And I am very, very
04:50 pissed.
04:52 Mr. Myers, I am so sorry
04:54 for the trouble he's caused.
04:56 Would you like me to get rid of him?
04:58 Peter,
05:00 let's not be dramatic here.
05:02 Just want to make sure
05:04 he's not hurt.
05:06 I'm not dramatic here.
05:08 I just want him to do something for me.
05:10 Then we can call it even.
05:12 Does that sound good?
05:14 Of course, Mr. Myers.
05:16 Anything you want.
05:18 [Music]
05:20 [Music]
05:22 [Music]
05:24 [Music]
05:26 You hear that, my boy?
05:28 Did
05:30 Peter call you?
05:32 Mr. Myers?
05:34 Oh, you heard me.
05:36 [Music]
05:38 You're
05:40 [Music]
05:42 Bash Myers?
05:44 [Music]
05:46 [Music]
05:48 I am
05:50 Bash Myers.
05:52 [Music]
05:54 [Music]
05:56 [Music]
05:58 [Music]
06:00 Wow.
06:02 Oh, hey, you're back.
06:04 We're just in time for dinner.
06:06 Oh, what's the occasion?
06:08 Well, you'll have to wait and see.
06:10 [Music]
06:12 [Music]
06:14 Thank you.
06:16 [Music]
06:18 Guess what?
06:20 What?
06:22 I got a job at B.O. Enterprise.
06:24 Really? That's wonderful.
06:26 It's like crazy.
06:28 And even my dad paid my mom's
06:30 medical bills. I feel like
06:32 my life is taking a complete flip
06:34 and everything is going really well.
06:36 So, Ashton, I think you bring
06:38 me good luck.
06:40 Yeah.
06:42 Look,
06:44 Naomi, the thing is
06:46 Cheers.
06:48 Cheers.
06:50 [Music]
06:52 [Music]
06:54 [Music]
06:56 [Music]
06:58 [Music]
07:00 [Music]
07:02 [Music]
07:04 [Music]
07:06 [Music]
07:08 [Music]
07:10 [Music]
07:12 [Music]
07:14 [Music]
07:16 [Music]
07:18 Oh, wow.
07:20 I think we need another one.
07:22 [Music]
07:24 (somber music)
07:54 (laughing)
07:56 - Well, Natalie, I never thought I was gonna find
07:58 real love when we got married last night.
08:01 - Me neither.
08:03 Especially when you told me you just got out of jail.
08:05 Bro, let me tell you, I was low-key freaking out.
08:09 - Uh, yeah, and what about now?
08:11 Whoa, whoa, whoa.
08:15 Natalie, Natalie, look, this way, this way.
08:17 - Just shut up and kiss me.
08:19 You owe me a wedding night.
08:19 - What would that mean?
08:20 Just hold on, just give me one second.
08:22 Just listen, just listen, okay?
08:23 Hold on.
08:25 Hold on.
08:26 So, the whole reason that I married you
08:32 is because of this skipping of generational trust fund thing.
08:37 My maternal grandparents, they set this whole thing up.
08:42 You know, their family was Myers and the Quinn family,
08:48 and my mother's maiden name is Myers,
08:51 and that's why you get BM, like the company, you know.
08:54 - So, Natalie, Natalie.
08:56 (laughs)
09:05 - No, no, Daniel, make sure everything is ready to go.
09:24 We need to pull the net soon.
09:26 - Kyle, did you hire Natalie Quinn?
09:40 Why is she reporting for the first day
09:42 when I specifically told HR she failed her interview?
09:45 - What are you talking about?
09:46 You know I don't deal with new hires.
09:48 Wait a minute.
09:51 - What is it?
09:52 - Her hire came directly from the CEO's office.
09:56 - Oh, hey Serena.
10:15 I don't know who's dick you had to suck to get this job,
10:20 but just so you know, we have a strict company policy,
10:23 and anyone who cannot make a sale
10:24 within the first month gets fired.
10:26 - Excuse me? - You heard me.
10:28 Now get those client reports on my desk by tomorrow morning.
10:31 - Hi, this is Natalie Quinn from BM Enterprise.
10:48 I was just wondering if you wanted to talk--
10:51 Hi, this is Natalie Quinn from BM Enterprise.
10:54 Can I please talk to Mr. Lui?
10:55 Hello?
10:59 Hello?
11:02 - If it isn't Natalie Quinn.
11:17 - Kyle.
11:18 - It's been so long.
11:20 If it isn't Natalie Quinn.
11:24 It's been so long.
11:28 - Kyle, what are you doing here?
11:30 - I heard you joined.
11:31 Of course I had to come by and say hi.
11:33 - Nice to see you again, Kyle.
11:38 - You know, Natalie, BM is cutthroat.
11:41 If you don't make sales, well, you're dead.
11:45 I believe I have what it takes to survive.
11:48 - Natalie, sweetheart, with my position here,
11:52 I can give you a leg up.
11:55 You know, there's an annual company event
11:56 happening this Friday.
11:58 All the higher ups are gonna be there.
12:00 Serena can't make it, so I can bring you as my plus one,
12:05 show you around if you catch my drift.
12:08 (soft music)
12:10 - No, thank you.
12:17 I'm fine by myself.
12:19 But I better get going.
12:21 My husband is waiting for me.
12:25 - So how was your first day at work?
12:35 - Kind of stressful, but don't worry.
12:38 I've got it all under control.
12:39 Sebastian, so there's this annual company event thing
12:47 on Friday.
12:49 Everyone's going and you can bring a plus one.
12:51 So I was wondering if you would go with me.
12:53 - Oh, you're planning on going?
12:56 - I mean, yeah.
12:57 Bash Myers might be there.
12:59 And you might finally reveal his identity.
13:02 - Bash Myers, I don't...
13:05 - Oh my God.
13:06 Don't tell me you don't know.
13:08 Okay, so let me fill you in on all the deets.
13:12 So there's this guy, Daniel Walters, he runs it.
13:16 But the founder is this super mysterious guy,
13:18 his name's Bash Myers.
13:20 No one knows who he is, what he looks like,
13:22 his age, nothing.
13:23 And the word on the street is,
13:26 he's part of a Russian mob.
13:27 - Oh, fuck me.
13:30 (phone ringing)
13:32 - Mom.
13:39 Remember when you asked me to look into the hospital payments
13:45 to see if they really came from Dad?
13:47 - Yeah, did you hear back?
13:49 - Listen in.
13:51 So, the name on the account was Dad's.
13:54 - I knew it.
13:56 That old bastard lied to me.
13:58 I'm gonna go rip him a new one.
13:59 - Wait, Mom.
14:01 But, the money didn't come out of Dad's account.
14:03 That's the account number that made the payments
14:09 to the hospital, it's not Dad's.
14:12 - So, he could've asked someone else to do it
14:14 to cover his ass.
14:15 - Right, that's what I thought so too.
14:17 So, I did a little digging with my FBI friend,
14:21 and the account belongs to Daniel Walter.
14:26 - Daniel Walter?
14:29 As in the CEO of BM Enterprise?
14:33 - Mom, something's not right.
14:35 - It's almost nine.
14:51 Why are you just getting here now?
14:53 - Because work starts at nine.
14:54 - When I was first starting out,
14:56 I would get here early and get everybody coffee.
14:59 Treat your colleagues, Natalie,
15:00 and maybe even you will make some friends.
15:03 - Fine, Serena.
15:05 I can get you coffee.
15:06 What do you want?
15:07 - Just me.
15:09 Our sales team is 20 people.
15:12 Order for everyone, and don't forget Mr. Walter, the CEO.
15:15 Here.
15:17 I text you the order list.
15:18 Go fetch it.
15:20 (phone ringing)
15:23 - Hi.
15:46 Hi.
15:50 I was wondering which floor is Mr. Walter on?
15:53 Do you have an appointment with Mr. Walter?
15:56 - No.
15:58 But this is really important.
16:00 - I'm so sorry, ma'am.
16:03 I can't let you up without an appointment.
16:05 - Sorry.
16:14 Thing is,
16:19 I'm pregnant with his baby,
16:21 and he doesn't want to take responsibility,
16:26 and so he's just abandoned me,
16:29 and I'm stuck, and I'm sorry.
16:31 It's my last chance at reaching him.
16:35 - Oh my God.
16:36 Ma'am, I'm so sorry.
16:40 I can't let you up without an appointment.
16:42 My job is at stake here.
16:43 But, but,
16:47 but Mr. Walter's parking spot is 3A.
16:51 You should totally go and try waiting for him there.
16:54 But don't tell anyone I told you.
