Steelers LB Kwon Alexander Stresses Importance of Finishing Plays

  • last year
Pittsburgh Steelers LB Kwon Alexander stresses the importance of tackling and finishing plays after 30-7 loss to the 49ers.
00:00 >> Based on the way things went yesterday, what challenges were most present to you
00:05 guys in stopping the run and where you need to better yourselves the most going
00:08 into the Cleveland game as they have another good ground attack?
00:11 >> We just gotta come back, get to work.
00:13 This one behind us, kinda little baffles, just look forward,
00:16 just get back to work, we're trying to practice this Wednesday.
00:19 >> What about this group tells you that you guys can be better against the run
00:22 going forward?
00:24 >> Just the players that we got.
00:25 We're gonna hold everybody accountable.
00:27 Like I said, just get back to work on Wednesday, just hit it hard and get it going.
00:31 >> Where did you feel there were recurring themes in the run game when you guys
00:34 didn't live up to expectations?
00:36 Was it fits, was it bring ball carriers down?
00:38 What kind of stuck out to you?
00:40 >> Just more like for me when I watched them more like tackling,
00:44 we should have just tackled well, tackled better.
00:46 And I know we could tackle way better.
00:47 Like I said, we just gotta get back to work.
00:49 We know what we are now and what we can be, so we just gonna get to work and
00:53 just get it going.
00:55 >> We talked a lot about communication preseason.
00:57 How do you guys feel like you did communicating out there on the field
01:00 all together?
01:01 >> I feel like we communicated well, we can always be better.
01:04 We can always be better at communicating.
01:07 We all still get to know each other, know how each other play,
01:10 try and get to know how each other play.
01:11 So once we get that lined out, we're gonna be fine.
01:15 >> Coach Tomlin was pretty blunt when he talked to us.
01:17 He used the term you guys got kicked in the teeth.
01:19 I mean, what kind of messages he's sending to you guys right now?
01:21 >> What kind of message he's sending?
01:25 We got a plan, so we already had a message when we got out of the field.
01:28 So like I said, we gotta just put that one behind us and get ready for the problem.
01:32 >> Come on, it's something that's tough to do in practice, but
01:34 how do you help tackling or
01:37 improve tackling for the remainder of the week here heading into Cleveland?
01:41 >> Just doing stuff on the outside, after practice.
01:46 Just working on it, doing practices, just finishing, learning how to finish.
01:50 And we're gonna do that.
01:52 >> Cole made the point going into this game that San Francisco is a tough team
01:57 to prep for because of the way they get wide and
02:00 how they can make their runs look like they're mid, but they're actually wide.
02:04 Did that manifest on the field?
02:06 Did you find that to be the case, that they're just tough to simulate in practice
02:09 and they didn't carry over into the game this summer?
02:11 >> No, no, we just have to finish plays, man, just finish tackles.
02:15 It wasn't nothing too crazy about it, we just gotta tackle.
02:18 That's all I think is, we got all the pieces we need to be the best that we wanna
02:22 be, so all we gotta do is just go out there and just finish.
02:24 >> Come on, what's the impact if you guys lose Cam for a couple of weeks?
02:29 How tough of a person is that to replace on the defense?
02:32 >> It's very tough, but we got more dogs too, man.
02:35 Cam's very tough, he's a veteran, been in the league a long time,
02:39 know how to play the game well, but we got guys that gotta step up and
02:43 get ready for the action.
