• last year
Horrifying Skinwalker Encounters Banned From The Internet
00:00 Delve into the chilling realm of the unknown as we unravel the secrets surrounding the
00:04 infamous beings known as...
00:07 [Dramatic Music]
00:09 [Footsteps]
00:11 [Screaming]
00:13 Have you ever wondered about their origins, their true nature, or the forms they assume?
00:20 Brace yourself, for this video will showcase bone chilling encounters with these shape-shifting
00:25 entities captured on camera and shrouded in terror.
00:28 "Oh damn!"
00:30 But beware, uttering their name out loud is a dangerous invitation.
00:34 These elusive creatures are said to possess the uncanny ability to transform themselves
00:40 into various guises, seamlessly blending into the animal kingdom or masquerading as unsuspecting humans.
00:47 "Number 10, Dearly Bizarre"
00:50 While journeying along quiet dirt road in Mexico, Luis Gonzalez's attention was drawn to a peculiar sight.
00:57 It was a deer, yet its behavior appeared unusual.
01:01 Despite Luis repeatedly honking his horn, the creature remained motionless, exhibiting a bewildered demeanor.
01:08 Normally, deer tend to swiftly evade vehicles, displaying fear of both cars and humans.
01:15 However, this one seemed different and fearless.
01:19 Intrigued and seeing something was off, Luis decided to step out of his vehicle and investigate further.
01:25 Upon approaching the deer, even at close proximity, he detected an air of suspicion surrounding it.
01:32 Abruptly, the deer snapped out of its trance-like state and sprinted past Luis.
01:37 However, what unfolded next sent shivers down his spine.
01:41 Another deer materialized seemingly out of nowhere, its neck appearing disjointed, and began trailing the first deer that had fled.
01:51 Could it be that he had stumbled upon a glimpse of...
01:55 It was as if the first deer had been interrupted in its metamorphosis, only to be pursued by its bizarre counterpart.
02:02 The chilling incident left Luis with lingering questions and an eerie sense of the supernatural.
02:08 "Number 9, Forest Freak"
02:12 A group of hikers caught sight of an individual deep within the forest, who seemed to be exhibiting strange behavior, appearing distressed and in dire need of assistance.
02:22 Concerned, they approached him cautiously, inquiring about his well-being.
02:27 "How you doing?"
02:33 However, as the hikers paid attention to this enigmatic figure, it abruptly started advancing towards them, adopting an alarming posture.
02:42 Initially, they had entertained the notion that it might be a prank, but as the creature drew nearer, their apprehensions intensified, hinting at potential danger.
02:52 Swiftly, they pivoted and sprinted in the opposite direction, leaving behind any trace of the humanoid entity, never to encounter it again.
03:01 "Number 8, Terrifier Trail"
03:08 Renowned influencer, Maud Owens, known for his daring bike stunts and exploration of remote landscapes, found himself amidst another thrilling escapade.
03:18 Venturing through a familiar terrain, he encountered an unexpected obstacle, trees obstructing his path.
03:25 As he cleared the way, a distant cry for help reached his ears, igniting a flicker of concern within him.
03:32 "If you turn around, you never get to see what's on the other side. That's where all the gold is waiting over there."
03:40 "Could be missing out what's on the other side."
03:45 "Hello?"
03:59 A foreboding suspicion seized him, hinting at a sinister presence lurking nearby, perhaps fixated on him as its target.
04:08 With adrenaline coursing through his veins, he hastily mounted his bike, preserving this very footage you see.
04:15 Legends of lore suggest that malevolent entities possess the ability to mimic the voices of loved ones, exploiting their cries for help as the sirens call, or ensnaring unsuspected souls in treacherous traps.
04:28 Could this encounter be one such trap? Share your thoughts and insights in the comments below.
04:35 Number 7 - Trained to Hell
04:39 A couple of friends in Japan were out eating and having a good time. An unsettling presence caught their attention.
04:45 A peculiar woman nestled at the back of the restaurant, her gaze fixed upon them with an unnerving intensity.
04:52 Something about her appearance defied normality, as if she existed beyond the realm of reality itself.
05:01 A little later that evening, while waiting for a train at the subway, to their mounting dismay, the same eerie woman materialized once again, shadowing their every step.
05:11 And then, the inexplicable unfolded.
05:15 In a turn of events, after the woman fell on the tracks, left the three friends and bystanders stunned. Yet, upon reviewing the reported footage, an unnerving revelation emerged.
05:36 Number 6 - Ghostly GoPro Clip
05:42 As twilight painted the sky, a biker ventured through winding trails, capturing his daring adventure on a GoPro.
05:50 Little did he know, within the recorded footage lurked a bone chilling discovery.
05:58 He later discovers the site to the very creature we all dread.
06:02 While some may draw parallels to the legendary Slenderman, regardless, one thing remains certain. The biker emerged unscathed, fortunate to escape unharmed from the presence of this creature.
06:15 Number 5 - A Road Trip To Puerto Rico
06:20 A young couple in South Carolina were driving through a desolate country road. Lost in conversation, they dared to speak of the forbidden.
06:29 Little do they know, their words may have unleashed a chilling force upon their unsuspecting souls.
06:36 In an instant, as if mocking the concept of mere coincidence, something strange happens.
06:43 We were talking about SW and three minutes later this happened.
06:47 *Gasp*
06:50 *Gasp*
06:52 *Gasp*
06:54 Is it a twist of fate or a sinister summoning?
06:58 Number 4 - Lost and Found
07:02 This next encounter is probably one of the scariest.
07:06 Three friends were embarking on a thrilling hike through a dense forest, when one of them detected faint cries echoing from a storm drain nestled within a nearby ditch.
07:16 Intrigued yet concerned, the trio halted their journey, compelled to uncover the source of these haunting sounds.
07:24 To their dismay, the cries only grew louder, intensifying their determination to rescue whatever creature was in distress.
07:33 Hours stretched by as they attempted to navigate their way towards the elusive being.
07:38 As the sun began to set, they knew they wouldn't be able to follow through with the rescue.
07:43 With heavy hearts, they reluctantly accepted the reality that this search would have to be suspended until daylight returned.
07:50 But this ordeal was far from over. As they headed back towards their parked car, something strange yet sinister lurked within the shadows, was closely tailing their every step.
08:02 A spectral figure in a somber shade of grey. Tension thickened the air until the unthinkable happens.
08:10 [Unintelligible]
08:31 Chilling footage reveals the nightmarish climax of the harrowing encounter.
08:36 In a chilling moment, the humanoid creature seizes the man, vanishing into the darkness.
08:41 His friend, armed with a stick, gives chase, hoping to rescue him.
08:45 The fate of the captured man remains a mystery till this day.
08:50 [Unintelligible]
08:54 A man heard some strange noises coming from his backyard porch.
08:58 Intrigued and somewhat apprehensive, he ventured outside, only to find nothing upon first glance.
09:04 However, when he looked up, he was seized by a jolt of fear.
09:09 Without delay, he instinctively reached for his phone, determined to capture this enigmatic creature on video.
09:16 Utterly unaware of its true nature, its form seemed to hover somewhere between a human and an animal.
09:22 In a desire to share this extraordinary encounter, he went back into his home, eager to show his wife.
09:28 But upon their swift return to the scene, their hopes were dashed as the creature had vanished into thin air, only leaving behind this video footage you see.
09:38 [Unintelligible]
09:41 Foulmitten Outdoors, a popular TikTok influencer, known for sharing his adventures and love for the outdoors, encountered an intriguing incident one night.
09:51 Despite dismissing his wife's complaints about an unusual noise coming from the roof, his own perception of the sounds compelled him to venture outside and investigate firsthand.
10:02 As he stepped out, a strange sight caught his attention.
10:05 A mysterious creature seemingly lurking and observing him.
10:10 Briefly revealing its eyes, the creature swiftly vanished to the opposite side of the roof, leaving him with a sense of confusion.
10:19 Driven by curiosity, he went to the other side, hoping to catch another glimpse of this strange being.
10:26 To his astonishment, it had vanished, but what remained on his rooftop left him unsettled.
10:33 The scene that unfolded before Foulmitten's eyes was nothing short of terrifying.
10:38 A colossal animal skeleton rested ominously on the roof.
10:42 Its size surpassed what even the largest predatory bird could carry and deposit in such a location, defying rational explanation.
10:50 As he contemplated the implications of this bizarre encounter, he couldn't help but wonder about the origins and intentions of the mysterious creature and the unsettling presence it left behind.
11:02 Some say that it was a...
11:03 Number 1 - Curious Eyes
11:10 This video recently surfaced unveils an extraordinary sighting of previously unseen footage.
11:17 A group of young teenagers atop a mountain decided to put their new camera's zoom capabilities to the test, enabling them to observe distant scenes in detail.
11:28 Little did they know, they were about to witness something unimaginable.
11:33 As they directed their gaze towards a neighboring farm, their attention was captured by a strange spectacle.
11:39 Animals began to scatter, drawing their curious eyes.
11:43 However, their amazement quickly transformed into terror as an anomalous humanoid entity emerged, sprinting at an astonishing speed, as if in pursuit of the fleeing creatures.
11:55 "Respond while we're watching them."
11:56 "Alright."
11:57 "How do you track them?"
11:58 "There's two more black dogs."
11:59 "Cody, right here. Cody."
12:00 "They turned off the lights."
12:02 "Oh, what the crap? Is that a guy?"
12:04 "What the frick?"
12:07 "What the f-"
12:08 "What was that?"
12:09 "He's skinwalking."
12:10 "He's walking creepy."
12:11 "Dude, that was a skinwalker, what?"
12:12 "Follow him, follow him."
12:13 "I videoed it, I videoed it."
12:14 Initially mistaken for a person, the teenagers jokingly entertained the notion of it being a...
12:20 (explosion) (woman screams)
