• last year
An earthquake has destroyed every building in the remote Moroccan village of Tikekht. Now, anger is building as recovery efforts stall and newly orphaned children pick through the rubble with nowhere else to go.


00:00 I'm deep in the Atlas Mountains in a small village called Tikhat and you can see that
00:07 this entire village has been demolished and flattened by this earthquake.
00:15 These homes made of sticks and rocks stood no chance when the earthquake hit not far
00:21 from here.
00:24 About half of the people who live in this village, 70, have died and it's not only this
00:31 village that's suffering.
00:33 There are so many small villages around here in the same situation.
00:37 I can see one just up on the ridge line to my left and it's been completely flattened.
00:43 There's another one above it as well.
00:46 But the people here say they haven't seen any sort of rescue attempts or any humanitarian aid.
00:54 They have been the ones that have been pulling their loved ones from the rubble and they
00:59 have horrific stories of how this earthquake has affected them.
01:09 I have never imagined like this will happen to my village.
01:14 Everything is gone.
01:15 There's no house anymore.
01:25 Some of us lost the parents and some lost their wives.
01:32 And I have never thought that one day I will lose my mom and my sister.
01:39 My sister, she wasn't just my sister.
01:41 She was my everything.
01:42 She was my, she was close to me.
01:45 I can't believe right now, I'm shocked.
01:48 I can't believe that I lost everything.
01:50 How can I get started again?
01:54 Well this is how people are now living here.
01:57 They've had these tents put up but they have nothing else.
02:00 There's no running water, no electricity, no food, no sanitation.
02:06 And this is not a long term solution.
02:10 The seasons are about to change here and soon there will be snow in these mountains.
02:15 So these people say they desperately need humanitarian support.
02:23 We want the authorities and the King to help us.
02:27 We need a house first to live in.
02:29 While the initial shock of the earthquake is wearing off, the reality of the future
02:36 is now setting in.
02:37 And it's a future that's uncertain for hundreds of thousands of people.
