Dennis Allen Press Conference on Monday, Sept. 12 - Week 2

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Saints head coach Dennis Allen's press conference on Monday, Sept. 12 in Week 2.
00:00 I thought there was a number of things that we did really well.
00:04 I also thought there was a number of things that can come back to bite us if
00:09 we don't get those things corrected.
00:10 I thought overall, I didn't think we did a good enough job
00:16 up front offensively controlling the line of scrimmage.
00:21 I think that's an area that we've gotta be better at.
00:22 We've gotta do a better job of protecting the quarterback.
00:25 We've gotta do a better job being able to get something going in the run game.
00:29 And yet, I felt like there was some plays that we made.
00:33 In critical moments in the game, we were able to make some plays and
00:37 give ourselves a chance to win the game.
00:39 I thought defensively, a number of things that we did well from a coverage
00:44 standpoint, a number of things that we did well from a pass rush standpoint.
00:47 I still think there's really probably two runs in the game that I felt like
00:54 we didn't fit up like we needed to.
00:57 We made some mistakes,
00:58 gave up a little bit more yards in the running game than we should have.
01:02 Obviously, you don't get a chance to take those runs out.
01:05 But I thought from a consistency standpoint,
01:08 I thought we did a pretty good job in the run game.
01:11 We just let a couple runs get out on us a little bit that ended up costing us
01:15 about 30 yards that I think we could have eliminated.
01:19 Obviously, the screen play was the biggest play of the game.
01:23 And yet, there's three or four plays in the game where I thought we got away with
01:26 a couple of things in terms of some coverage mistakes that could have cost us.
01:32 So there's things to clean up there.
01:34 In the kicking game, we've got to do a better job of when we're in the return
01:41 game, particularly on kickoff return, with the new rules and everything.
01:48 If we're able to fair catch the ball or they kick the ball into the end zone,
01:51 we get the ball on the 25 yard line.
01:54 So my expectation is that we're gonna start no worse than the 25 yard line.
01:59 So we can't on a return have a penalty that also has us having to start from
02:04 particularly inside our 15 yard line, and
02:07 we can't turn the ball over in those situations.
02:11 So again, there was a number of things that I thought we did well in the game,
02:16 and yet there's a lot of things that we have to clean up.
02:19 >> In the protection,
02:20 what did you see that really led to the early protection issues and
02:25 overall adjustment to the game?
02:27 >> Well, look, I think they have a really good scheme in terms of what they do.
02:30 They get good players that are doing it.
02:32 They run a lot of stunts and games and things like that,
02:37 that make you have to be able to work in concert with all five guys together.
02:43 And they've got good guys doing it.
02:44 So I think the way that they attack protections is
02:51 a difficult challenge.
02:53 And yet we've got to be better from an offensive standpoint of being able to
02:57 create a pocket for our quarterback to step up into and
03:01 complete some balls down the field.
03:03 And when we were able to have the protection,
03:06 I thought we were able to do some things offensively in the passing game.
03:10 >> The starting field position on those kickoffs,
03:13 did that already make you guys wanna revisit whether you wanna consider using?
03:18 >> Well, I think we're gonna look at all avenues.
03:22 I think there's a conservative approach that says,
03:27 we're just gonna take the ball on the 25 yard line.
03:29 Obviously, we've got to execute the fair catch.
03:31 And yet we've got a very talented returner back there that has the ability to
03:35 potentially create an explosive play.
03:39 So I think there's a balance there.
03:41 And yet the ultimate deal is that if they're gonna give me the ball on
03:47 the 25, I don't wanna start with anything less than that.
03:50 So we've got to execute better in that area.
03:53 >> Did you think, I mean, and maybe it was your strategy as well, but
03:57 their first few kickoffs, it seemed like went right at the two.
03:59 Like they were putting you that decision on purpose.
04:01 >> Well, we expected to see that a lot out of their kicker.
04:06 When you looked at his hit chart, he gave you a lot of returnable balls.
04:12 And so we went into the game thinking, we're gonna take advantage of that.
04:17 We have an opportunity to get some returns on him.
04:21 And so, but the execution wasn't where it needed to be.
04:25 >> And what do you get out of being able to move a long way around as much as
04:28 you all did on Sunday?
04:30 Is that just like a great matchup thing or?
04:33 >> Yeah, I think it's, yeah, there's a lot that goes into that.
04:38 Certainly you're looking for matchups.
04:41 You're looking for ways to run the same ball plays.
04:45 And yet, window dress it a little bit to where you create a little bit
04:49 of confusion within the defense.
04:52 So there's a lot of things that go into that.
04:54 I think the cool thing is that he's versatile enough to do a lot of
04:58 different things and line up in a lot of different positions.
05:02 >> Follow up, I mean, it requires a certain kind of skill set to be able to do that,
05:07 right, and not attempt to move him in the backfield or.
05:11 >> Well, yeah, a skill set and an intelligence level about
05:15 knowing how to line up in a lot of different positions.
05:20 And so I thought he did a good job on that.
05:25 I thought we did a pretty good job of some of the short passing game stuff.
05:31 And being able to create some short passing game which created some
05:36 explosive plays, catch and run opportunities.
05:40 >> What does it say about the connection already with Carl and
05:42 Alave to have them go over on those yards in their first game?
05:45 >> Yeah, I don't think it's gonna be the last time we're gonna see it.
05:49 We've got a lot of weapons offensively.
05:57 We've probably got more speed on the field off offensively than maybe what we've had
06:02 here in a while and so it's good to see.
06:08 Like, Alave went for over 100 in this game and
06:12 I wouldn't be surprised to see somebody else go for over 100 in another game.
06:18 I just think we got a lot of weapons and
06:22 we've got to do a good job of protecting the quarterback when we utilize those guys.
06:27 >> Dennis, what did you see of your running game without Alvin in there?
06:30 I'm sure you're all getting played around not having the skill set.
06:36 >> Yeah, well, look, I don't think we got as much out of the running
06:41 game as I think we could have.
06:43 I think there was probably three or four plays in the game that I thought could
06:49 have been really explosive plays that we didn't quite finish down the field.
06:53 Couple of plays that got out on the edge that if we had just got a block here or
06:58 there, rather than it being a four or five yard gain,
07:03 it could have been a 15 to 20 yard gain or potentially more.
07:06 So I think we were closer offensively to creating some explosive
07:11 plays than what maybe I thought coming off the field.
07:17 But after you watch the tape, there's some plays there to be made.
07:21 And it's good for our guys to be able to get in and watch the tape and
07:24 see where if we just do this just a little bit better,
07:28 it could have been an even more explosive play.
07:33 There's a couple times the ball got out on the edge that we ended up kind of
07:37 reaching and tugging that cost us some yardage in the run game.
07:43 So look, it's certainly gonna be something that we're gonna look at from
07:47 a schematic standpoint.
07:48 What can we do better?
07:49 How can we put our guys in better position?
07:52 And how can we run the football better than we did in this particular game?
07:58 >> Obviously, it's hard to create three turnovers a week, but
08:01 the turnovers in the written on some stuff,
08:04 that kind of expectation of what you expect from this defense to play that.
08:08 >> Yeah, I think all of us have been accustomed to seeing this
08:13 defense play that way and be able to take the ball away,
08:18 create pressure on the quarterback.
08:21 I think those have been hallmarks of our defense and
08:25 it was good to see our guys go out and do that.
08:28 I think if you take the block punt into account,
08:31 you'd say there's four takeaways in the game.
08:35 I think that was a huge factor in the game.
08:38 And then, look, I think both teams kind of struggled a little bit in the red area.
08:44 I'm talking about offensively.
08:45 And yet that was the difference in the game and that we were able to score
08:49 touchdown in the red area and be able to hold those guys to field goals.
08:53 >> What's the evaluation of Lou Headley's first game?
08:57 >> A little up and down.
08:59 And look, you're gonna watch his punts and a lot of times it's not gonna look
09:04 conventional or maybe not be aesthetically pleasing, but
09:08 yet the results end up being pretty good.
09:12 There's gonna be some times where the ball's gonna be on the ground and
09:17 we're minimizing return opportunities.
09:21 And I think that's part of kind of his kick style that
09:26 I think can be a weapon for us.
09:28 So I thought both of the young specialists, I keep saying young,
09:34 Headley's not young, all right, okay, rookie specialists.
09:38 I think it was a good experience for them to get out in a real live game situation
09:44 at home, in the dome, all eyes are on you.
09:49 And I think both those guys will continue to improve and continue to get better.
09:55 >> How did you think it was tackled?
09:57 >> I thought overall it was pretty good.
09:59 Yeah, I thought overall for a first week, having not had a lot of
10:05 opportunities to tackle throughout the preseason, I thought overall it was pretty
10:10 good. >> It did seem like Headley had a couple
10:12 of punts that got caught right on your sideline, he was kind of pinned, right?
10:16 Is this a good example?
10:17 >> Yeah, that's part of it.
10:20 Look, the ultimate goal when you're putting the ball away is,
10:26 change field position.
10:28 And the best way to change field position is not allow returns.
10:33 It's much harder to cover when you're kicking 50, 60 yarder,
10:39 four over hang times right down the middle of the field.
10:43 So hang time, kick location, all those things are critical factors in
10:49 terms of trying to minimize return opportunities.
10:51 >> Obviously last year was an unaccustomed performance in the run defense, but
10:55 how do you build off of what you did yesterday to keep that run defense going
10:58 back to form?
10:59 >> Well, I just go back to work.
11:02 I mean, it's not a complicated process.
11:05 You go back to work, you understand what your run fits are,
11:12 you understand what the techniques are, you play with good pad level.
11:15 And you fit things properly and
11:20 you make tackles when you're presented the opportunity to make tackles.
11:23 So it's not a complicated process.
11:25 And like I said, overall, I was pleased with the run game.
11:31 I'm not happy that we had a couple that bounce out on us.
11:34 And certainly those are things we gotta get fixed.
11:38 >> What does it say about DeMario that he's able to have the game that he had
11:42 while dealing with what he's dealing with?
11:44 >> Yeah, here's the thing, all these guys, they walk out there,
11:47 they got a helmet on and all you know is the jersey number and
11:52 the name on their back.
11:53 And you look at them just as a professional athlete.
11:59 But they're human beings just like everybody else.
12:01 And they go through the same trials and
12:04 tribulations of life just like everybody else does.
12:06 And yet, every Sunday, they go out and
12:11 live their livelihoods out in front of 70,000 people in a stadium or
12:17 millions of people on the TV audience.
12:20 And are judged on how they do their job on a daily basis.
12:24 So I think it's incredible that these guys are able to do what they're able to do
12:31 at the level at which they're able to do it, dealing with all the other
12:35 things that everybody else has to deal with.
12:38 And still trying to do their job in a very public forum.
12:42 >> How did you come out health wise?
12:44 >> I think overall, pretty good.
12:48 Ryan Conley is probably gonna miss some time with that same knee
12:54 that he had injured earlier.
12:56 And then it looks like Peyton Turner's probably gonna have to have
13:01 surgery on a turk toe injury.
13:03 It's kind of similar to Trevor Penning's deal at the end of preseason last year.
13:09 So, obviously, we're still going through the evaluation process on those things.
13:14 But I think that's probably the direction that we're headed.
13:16 >> Those turk toe injuries,
13:18 it seems like you've all had a bad run of those over the years.
13:22 I mean, I can think back all the way to Marvin Grove.
13:25 Is that just something you deal with playing on artificial surface sometimes?
13:29 >> Yeah, look, I guess there's probably somebody better to ask in
13:34 terms of statistically where the injuries occur,
13:38 artificial surface versus natural grass.
13:42 Obviously, the turf that's down at the dome this year is
13:47 different than the turf that we had down at the dome last year.
13:53 Obviously, that's something that the league's put some emphasis on in terms of
13:59 trying to make the playing surfaces better for our players.
14:04 The interesting thing when you watch the play,
14:08 there wasn't anything significant about the play that you said, okay,
14:12 I see where that occurred.
14:14 So it's unfortunate for Peyton because, look,
14:20 I thought he was doing some good things early on in the game and
14:23 he had a nice training camp.
14:25 So that's an unfortunate loss.
14:27 >> Was that the league's call to change the turf or the team's call?
14:32 >> Well, you'd probably have to ask Mickey what the actual,
14:36 I think it was highly encouraged to go to this new turf.
14:41 >> Cuz the players were talking last year, right, about the different types of turf
14:45 or the levels.
14:46 I think that's the wrong word.
14:47 I can't remember the article that came out, but-
14:50 >> Yeah, probably above my head or
14:55 above my- >> You're not a grass expert?
14:57 >> No. >> [LAUGH]
14:58 >> Jen, I know you won't say
15:00 directly that Isaiah Vosky replaces him, but he obviously was a healthy and
15:03 active team like we saw at the end of the preseason.
15:06 I mean, if this increases his opportunities,
15:08 where do you think he is in his development?
15:10 >> Well, look, I definitely think there's an opportunity's opened up for him.
15:17 Obviously, we have a couple of options also on the practice squad.
15:21 And so we'll see what we feel like is the best move for our team.
15:26 But certainly, look, anytime somebody faces an injury and
15:32 are gonna be out for any significant amount of time,
15:34 it opens a door for somebody else to take advantage of.
15:38 And so I think it's certainly an opportunity for him.
15:42 >> And Isaiah being a healthy and active, obviously, there's two parts to that.
15:45 There's four pretty good defensive ends in front of him, but he had his own curve.
15:50 Is he a player that sort of looked like he needed a red shirt, or
15:55 he just didn't have that opportunity?
15:57 >> Yeah, look, I mean, I think it's probably, like you said,
16:00 I think it's probably twofold.
16:01 I think he's still a guy that needs some development.
16:06 And yet, I saw a lot of improvement from early part of training camp all the way
16:13 through the last preseason game, so yeah, I mean, look,
16:18 it probably just accelerates curve a little bit.
16:21 >> I know it probably is another simple answer to it, but
16:24 different teams and situations, you come off at one point,
16:27 week one win, how do you avoid losing the week two matchup now?
16:32 >> Preparation, the same focus and
16:35 intensity in terms of preparation that we had this week.
16:39 I thought we had an outstanding week, really last ten days,
16:44 of preparation for this team and for this game.
16:47 And that's the key to winning an All-League.
16:51 You really win the game based on how you prepare during the week,
17:00 and then Sunday you just go out and play the game.
17:02 >> Earlier in the- >> We didn't get a chance to ask you
17:03 about this earlier, but I mean, some great ones have been missing since early August.
17:06 But why did you all wait until the day before?
17:11 >> Yeah, I think it's the business of pro football.
17:15 And so we kind of waited to see when he might be available.
17:22 And then we made the decision to put him on IR.
17:28 Obviously, that puts him out at least for the first four games.
17:32 >> And his table didn't get any snaps overall.
17:35 Is that a product of him missing time or game plan matchups?
17:39 It seemed like he didn't play that much with special teams either.
17:43 >> Well, he was in two phases of special teams.
17:46 He was on the punt team, he was on the punt block return team,
17:51 which has been pretty typical of the workload for him.
17:55 In terms of special teams, we've kind of minimized his work in terms of the kickoff
18:01 return or kickoff coverage teams, because he's so valuable in what he does.
18:06 Offensively and different things that he can do offensively.
18:10 I do think that he's a player that we'd like to get more involved.
18:15 Here's the great thing about having so
18:19 many weapons offensively is you got a lot of weapons to get the ball to.
18:26 The difficult thing is there's only one ball on the field.
18:28 And so it's hard to get, if you're getting 15 touches for
18:32 Taysom Hill, then Chris Alave is not getting the same touches.
18:39 If Chris Alave is getting eight catches or eight touches,
18:42 then maybe we're not getting the ball to Mike Thomas enough.
18:46 And so the ultimate goal is to win the game.
18:51 We did that.
18:53 We'll look each and every week in terms of what we can do from a game plan
18:57 standpoint schematically, try to be as productive as we can offensively.
19:06 >> It sounded like early on in this conference you alluded to the flea flicker
19:10 on the far side line from you and then Sajay Spears running down the side line.
19:15 When you look at how the defense affected the quarterback,
19:20 especially the front with his footwork and timing and mechanics,
19:23 do you like to give them some credit for his inaccuracy or
19:28 did he just miss some of those throws?
19:30 >> Look, I mean, well, I'd start off by saying
19:35 every game we've ever played in or been a part of, there's plays that
19:40 you don't execute exactly how you need to and
19:44 yet the offense doesn't take advantage of it.
19:48 And there's probably some times where our opponent
19:53 doesn't execute the way they're supposed to execute and
19:58 yet we don't take advantage of it.
20:00 So I mean, that's part of the game of pro football.
20:04 I've always kind of looked at the game of pro football as a game of mistakes and
20:08 the team that makes the least amount of them is generally the one that wins the game.
20:12 And but again, those are good learning experience.
20:17 We get a chance to come in here, watch tape, make the corrections that we need to
20:20 make, make sure we understand the importance of doing our job on every single play.
20:27 Because somewhere down the line, those things are gonna hurt you.
20:30 >> Last night, Derek described the communication between he and
20:34 Pete Carmichael about that double move on the outside.
20:36 I think you had alluded to it as well, but
20:38 just sort of the trust between the offensive coordinator and quarterback.
20:41 I know it's encouraging, but just how encouraging is that for you as a head
20:44 coach to say? >> Well, I think,
20:45 are you talking about the end of the game play?
20:48 >> End of the game, yes.
20:48 >> Yeah, yeah, so yeah,
20:50 it was really just one word, Shahid ran by the guy.
20:54 But so when that play came up, obviously when the series came up,
20:59 Pete and I talked on the sideline and I said,
21:03 we're not gonna be able to just run this clock out.
21:08 We've got to get first down, so we're gonna have to throw the ball and
21:13 be able to convert some first downs.
21:16 And so when it got to that third and seven, that was a play that Derek and
21:21 Pete had been communicating on the sideline that Derek felt like
21:26 there was an opportunity there, he felt like he liked the play.
21:31 And in that situation, he felt like he'd take the shot to Shahid if it was there,
21:36 still had Olave coming on the over route, and yet the two check downs on the backs
21:41 coming out were still gonna be available to him if he didn't like that.
21:45 So I don't know if that's the play I would have called,
21:49 but that's the play that they felt good about.
21:53 And I had confidence in our guys to go out and execute the play.
21:58 And so I told the guys today, I told them the other day,
22:01 I mean, we're gonna play the game to win.
22:03 So when it's time and we gotta make a play to win the game,
22:07 I'm gonna put in all the players to go do it.
22:09 >> What are your thoughts on Bryce Young from the scouting,
22:13 they don't know- >> Look, I thought, and
22:16 I'm just now getting into really studying him in terms of game planning for this week.
22:23 I thought he was extremely accurate.
22:27 I thought he was extremely intelligent, made really good decisions.
22:31 I thought one of the best things that he did was his ability to create,
22:35 in terms of off rhythm or off timing throws, be able to escape the pocket,
22:40 be able to climb and escape.
22:43 So I thought just his, for lack of a better term,
22:49 some of the playground football that he's able to create on the field,
22:56 I thought was one of his best assets.
23:00 I think he's clearly a good prospect and
23:06 we're gonna treat him with the respect that he deserves.
23:13 >> Overall, when you look at your offense,
23:16 where would you be on the spectrum between that was rough at times, but
23:21 I'm glad we did enough, or that was a really good defense and
23:25 I'm encouraged that we did enough.
23:27 >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, it's interesting.
23:30 I think I'm on the,
23:34 probably the spectrum of it was rough at times, but
23:40 encouraged that we did enough to make the plays that we needed to win the game.
23:47 Obviously, they're a good defense and they're a good football team.
23:54 I mean, people forget this was the number one seed in the NFC two years ago,
23:59 with a lot of the same cast of characters.
24:02 So it's a good football team that's well coached.
24:06 We knew that this was gonna be a tightly contested game.
24:10 We knew that they kinda hung their hat on,
24:15 kinda these grind it out, keep the score down,
24:20 and be able to win the game in the critical moments.
24:25 And so it was good to see that we played that type of game and
24:30 we were able to make plays in the critical moments and win it.
24:33 >> Your schedule changed a little bit with the Monday night game this week?
24:37 >> Yeah, yeah, so not a lot.
24:40 We'll have basically a bonus Wednesday, and
24:45 then kinda get into a regular schedule.
24:48 >> You'll have a bonus Tuesday and Wednesday or a bonus practice day?
24:54 >> We'll have a bonus Wednesday on Wednesday.
24:58 >> [LAUGH] >> This week we had a bonus Wednesday on
25:03 Monday.
25:03 >> So you'll have an extra day with the guys?
25:06 >> We'll have an extra day out on the field,
25:08 probably more of a walk through type of environment.
