Women's game is improving but still has a long way to go - Wiegman

  • l’année dernière
Wiegman is pleased issues surrounding the women's game are being tackled, but still wants more to be done.


00:00 I think what I want to talk about now is that we have to celebrate football
00:04 and that we should celebrate the players, the Spanish players who have won the World Cup.
00:09 And we haven't been talking about that at all.
00:12 And of course, yes, we all have seen and followed the news that things are still going on.
00:16 I would like to leave that now with the people that are working on that and celebrate those players.
00:21 And what I said too, yes, players need to be listened to and they need to, we need to move on.
00:28 And, you know, the women's game has improved so much, but there's still a long way to go.
00:33 And not only in Spain, but I think everywhere.
00:37 There's many, many players, top athletes who still have lots of challenges,
00:40 which I think we should work on all together and stay connected
00:43 and try to make the world better for those players.
00:47 I think lots of people have spoken up, I think, male and female.
00:52 And I hope we keep doing that.
00:53 But for us, of course, it always starts with performing.
00:57 We are here, we're professional football, or well, I'm a professional coach
01:00 and we have professional footballers.
01:01 So what we're working on is really performing at the highest level.
01:05 So we have the visibility and then you have the platform,
01:07 and especially in the women's game, that's, we feel the urgency that we can use that platform
01:13 to hopefully make the world a little bit better.
