• il y a 2 ans
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, journaliste transgenre du Nevada, arrivée en Ukraine en mars 2022 pour un reportage sur les réfugiés, a fini par être nommée porte-parole de la force de défense territoriale du pays.


00:00 (...)
00:05 ...treated, ultimately just like somebody who might be good with tank warfare.
00:10 It will take away my "how to give" card, but I understand now why Kiev was ...
00:15 ... and now in the war, I'm almost grateful because you have ... it asks like, how willing are you to back the Ukrainian Armed Forces?
00:25 We also go live, that's six days a week, and then three to five days a week, I record what's known, and the title is "Russia hates the truth",
00:35 and that is a focus program to explain that much of what Russia puts out is simply lies.
00:43 You know, I would still basically be in this role, so I might as well do the role right here from the front.
00:48 Two trips for the trips to Washington, so December and May, but other than that I have not gone.
00:53 We have a saying here, we have a mantra here at TDF Studios, TDF Media Unit, is that we embrace the hate of the Russians.
01:01 If the Russians are angry at us, it means we are doing our job.
01:05 et de faire notre travail.
