Join us for an exciting moment as Bollywood superstars Akshay Kumar and Parineeti Chopra, along with producer Pooja Bhagnani, gear up to promote their upcoming film 'Mission Raniganj' at the Pooja Entertainment Films office. It's a star-studded affair!
In this video, we capture the energy, the camaraderie, and the anticipation surrounding 'Mission Raniganj,' a film that promises action, drama, and entertainment.
Don't miss this chance to witness the dynamic trio in action as they discuss their roles, share anecdotes, and build excitement for their upcoming project.
#AkshayKumar #ParineetiChopra #PoojaBhagnani #MissionRaniganj
In this video, we capture the energy, the camaraderie, and the anticipation surrounding 'Mission Raniganj,' a film that promises action, drama, and entertainment.
Don't miss this chance to witness the dynamic trio in action as they discuss their roles, share anecdotes, and build excitement for their upcoming project.
#AkshayKumar #ParineetiChopra #PoojaBhagnani #MissionRaniganj