瞄准百万商机实现“航天梦” 大马筹建基地发射火箭

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 科艺部长郑立慷今天宣布,我国计划在2026年建立太空发射站,成为全球第9个拥有太空基地的国家。由于我国靠近赤道线的独特地理位置,让国家可以用更具竞争力的运营成本,建设太空发射站。他预计,未来将有500家和航天领域相关的企业受惠,同时也能为人民创造5千个就业机会。(主播:蔡心惠、林晓倩)


00:00 In recent years, China has been actively developing the aerospace sector.
00:03 During the Xi Jinping administration,
00:05 China approved the National Space Agency and the Rockets and Spaceships Exploration Agency
00:09 to merge into the Malaysian Aerospace Administration,
00:11 as part of China's 2030 national space policy.
00:15 Malaysian Aerospace Administration Director Azli Kamil
00:18 said earlier that
00:19 Malaysia is interested in China and Russia's lunar projects
00:23 and is interested in being a technology creator in the project.
00:27 Not only as passengers, but also as passengers of the space shuttle landing to the moon.
00:31 Today,
00:32 Minister of Science and Technology Azli Kamil further revealed
00:34 that China plans to build a space launch site in 2026,
00:38 and become the 9th country in the world to have a space base.
00:42 The Malaysian space shuttle landing to the moon
00:45 is no longer a dream of the aerospace industry.
00:48 Azli Kamil said that
00:49 China is getting closer to the unique geographical location of the equator,
00:52 so that the country can build a space launch site
00:55 in the future.
00:57 He predicted that in the future,
00:59 there will be 500 companies related to aerospace,
01:02 and can also create 5,000 job opportunities for the people.
01:06 By 2030,
01:07 Malaysia's contribution to aerospace economic development
01:09 is expected to reach $1 billion.
01:12 Azli Kamil said that
01:13 there are currently only 8 countries
01:16 that have a total of 15 space launch sites.
01:19 If all goes well,
01:20 Malaysia will become the 9th country
01:22 to follow the global aerospace pace.
01:25 But it's not easy to build a base and launch a rocket.
01:30 It must cost a lot of money.
01:33 So where does the money come from?
01:35 Azli Kamil assured the public
01:37 that the financing of the space launch site construction plan
01:39 will be entirely handed over to the private sector.
01:42 The government will not spend a cent.
01:44 It only needs to set up relevant terms and regulations.
01:48 Azli Kamil also announced
01:49 that there are already domestic and foreign private companies
01:52 expressing their investment wishes for the Malaysia space project.
01:56 Although the Ministry of Science and Technology refused to disclose the name of the related companies,
01:59 but media speculated
02:01 that one of the companies
02:02 is likely to be SpaceX,
02:04 the world's first company under Musk.
02:07 The prime minister announced not long ago
02:08 that he had received billions of dollars in investment from Tesla and SpaceX.
02:12 The government also introduced
02:14 a new chain of wide-screen services under Musk in July.
02:18 All signs show
02:19 that companies interested in space launch sites
02:22 may also include companies under Musk.
02:25 Anyway,
02:26 this paper has been completed.
02:29 It is expected to be published in October this year.
02:32 The government is looking forward to
02:34 implementing the space launch site construction plan in 2026.
02:37 Although there are still many uncertainties,
02:40 including whether the participating private companies
02:42 have sufficient knowledge reserves,
02:44 and the cost is too large,
02:46 Zheng Likang said
02:48 that the cabinet will further decide
02:50 on the location and details of the space launch site
02:52 that is suitable for construction,
02:54 hoping that Malaysia can become the first pride of Southeast Asia.
02:58 (Music)
