• 2 years ago


00:00 Aggressiveness.
00:22 Pitbulls are one of the most aggressive dog breeds in the world.
00:26 But this aggression is not usually directed at people.
00:29 When pitbulls are angry, they often show this anger towards other animals.
00:34 They are bred to fight with bulls and they have everything to keep out with an angry
00:38 bull.
00:39 They often show a tendency to attack other animals with a remarkable ferocity.
00:45 Pitbulls don't have fear against anything when they get aggressive.
00:49 Lions burn and grow up in the wild world which is full of dangers.
00:53 They learn how to use their abilities effectively to save themselves from this dangerous world.
00:58 A lion keeps itself alive in the wild savannah with its aggressive attitudes.
01:03 That's why lions can get very aggressive and can show this feeling on their faces clearly.
01:16 Size The American Pitbull Terrier with a rising
01:19 size.
01:20 Males are normally about 18-21 inches in height and around 35-60 pounds in weight.
01:26 While females are normally around 17-20 inches in height and 30-50 pounds in weight.
01:33 Pitbulls take their names from the competitions they had with the bulls in old times.
01:37 The reason why pitbulls are used in competitions is that pitbulls are fearless, stubborn, and
01:43 fully muscled creatures with a high pain threshold.
01:47 Male lions are much larger than females.
01:50 Lions are the largest feline species of the tigers.
01:54 Male lions have manes that turn a darker color as they age.
01:59 Lions are the only felines to have a tufted tail.
02:03 The length of a female is typically between 46 and 57 feet, while the length of a male
02:10 is between 56 and 83 feet.
02:13 Their tail length is 27 to 41 inches.
02:17 Male lions weigh 270 to 400 pounds, while males weigh 330 to 570 pounds.
02:31 Speed A pitbull can keep running at paces of around
02:44 25-30 miles at a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour.
02:49 It is surprising that the majority of a pitbull's body consists of muscles.
02:53 A pitbull with this much muscle mass has very little fat in its body, and therefore the
02:59 forms of pitbulls are generally muscular.
03:02 The lion ranks second among the fastest land animals in the whole of Africa.
03:07 The top speed of a lion is 50 miles per hour.
03:10 They cannot maintain this speed for long distances, but they can reach a speed at this level.
03:16 This speed is almost twice as fast as a human can reach.
03:20 An adult lion has 70% muscle density, which means that 70% of their body is made of muscles.
03:36 Athletic Pitbulls can jump as high as 13 feet off a straight wall without grip.
03:42 While jumping ability like that takes some training, most pitbulls won't have trouble
03:46 jumping 10 feet or higher if the situation calls for it.
03:50 During the First and Second World Wars, pitbulls were used as war dogs and became the national
03:56 symbol of America.
03:57 Contrary to popular belief, it is not a laboratory product but a naturally-mated dog breed, and
04:03 this breed can live up to 15 years if well cared for.
04:07 Although lions are lazy in everyday life, they can be quite agile when they feel a threat.
04:12 With the help of their muscle density, lions can jump to an average height of 12 feet.
04:18 They can leap as far as 36 feet, which is enough to ambush a running gazelle.
04:32 On average, pitbull-type dogs have a bite strength of around 235 pounds per square inch.
04:39 Lions have a bite force of 650 PSI.
04:43 It must be noted that the jaw strength of lions is almost three times more than pitbulls.
04:49 Lions live in the savannah and grassland areas of Asia and Africa, and there are six types
04:54 of lions depicted as the king of the jungle.
05:06 Hunting Skills Even though pitbulls aren't commonly used
05:09 as tracking or retrieving dogs, they do have some special skills, such as catching, that
05:14 are well suited for hog hunting and other large prey games.
05:18 However, with a little training, pitbulls can learn to be good all-around hunting dogs.
05:24 They stalk their prey, and when they get close enough, attempt a short charge on their prey,
05:30 trying either to pounce on their target or knock it over.
05:34 Lions usually hunt at night.
05:35 Their prey includes antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, young elephants, rhinos, even huge
05:42 rhinos.
05:43 But they also sometimes eat smaller prey like mice, birds, and hares.
05:49 They're not about stealing kills.
05:52 Although both predators have good hunting skills, there's a big difference.
05:57 While pitbulls use their hunting skills for their honors, lions use these skills only
06:01 for themselves.
06:03 Lions hunt either alone or in prides.
06:05 In collaborative hunts, it is usually the lioness who initiates the kill.
06:11 Lions stalk their prey, and when they get close enough, they attempt this short charge
06:16 on their prey.
06:17 Lions kill their prey by breaking its neck or suffocating it by climbing their jaws around
06:22 its throat.
06:23 The stomach is usually the easiest point of entry into the carcass, and this is the route
06:30 most often taken by lions.
06:32 It also gives them direct access to some of the most nutritious parts of the body, such
06:37 as the kidneys and liver of the prey.
06:40 Lions usually rest after an initial feed, lie a short way away from the carcass so that
06:46 they can still defend their kill against scavengers.
06:50 Intelligence.
07:00 American pitbull terriers are devoted and loyal to their family and will, if necessary,
07:06 defend them to the death.
07:07 These dogs are extremely intelligent and learn commands and tricks with ease.
07:12 They have a zest for life and love to be involved in everything going on around them.
07:17 Despite being one of the wildest dog breeds in the world, they are very loyal to their
07:21 owners.
07:22 Pitbulls have a high parent threshold as well as a high threshold for patience, because
07:27 they are the dog breed that can tolerate the hurtful gestures and pranks of the children
07:32 the most.
07:33 Studies have shown that lions have the highest level of intelligence among all big cats.
07:39 Even though social intelligence was not important in studies conducted, scientists believe that
07:45 social life plays an immense role in developing our cognitive complexity.
07:50 It is a fact that both animals are gifted with each other in terms of intelligence.
07:55 The lion is one of the most recognizable animal symbols in human culture.
08:01 It has been widely depicted in sculptures and paintings, on national flags, and in contemporary
08:07 tales and literature in the whole human history.
