Top 10 Strongest Predators in The Wild Prey VS Predator

  • last year


00:00 No one has the second chance in the wild nature.
00:07 The wild world is ruled by numerous predators.
00:12 They can maintain their dominance with impressive abilities.
00:19 Which predator is the strongest one?
00:27 You won't believe what you see on this video.
00:34 Top 10 Strongest Predators in the Wild
00:43 Number 1. Lion
00:45 Lion is the second on the list of the biggest cats.
00:48 Lions are social animals.
00:50 They live in prides which can reach up to 30 lions.
00:54 Lions have no fear and hesitation.
00:57 When they feel threatened, there is not any predator that they cannot attack.
01:06 People know lion as the king of the jungle.
01:09 However, lions do not live in jungle.
01:12 Their habitat is African savannahs.
01:15 Lion cubs are well protected by their mom.
01:19 Lions go wild when they sense an approaching threat to their cubs.
01:24 The most crucial ability that lions have is shown as communication.
01:30 A lion has strong social bonds with every member of the herd.
01:43 Number 2. Tiger
01:45 Tigers are apex predators which means that there is not any creature in their habitat that can kill them.
01:52 One of the most impressive predators that a human can see in his whole life.
01:58 Tigers usually live in rainforests.
02:02 Prey on animals like deers and wild boars.
02:06 Tigers act cautiously while hunting.
02:09 They can watch their prey in attack position for 40 minutes.
02:14 This big creature can get behind the prey animal without making a little sound.
02:19 Tigers powerful jaw can apply a bite force of around 1050 PSI.
02:24 With their long and strong teeth, they can kill the prey animal even in seconds.
02:39 Number 3. Jaguar
02:41 Jaguar prefers forests to hunt and live in.
02:45 You can see jaguars in South and Central America continent.
02:49 But jaguars in the United States are extremely rare today.
02:54 Historically, they have lived throughout the southern parts of the country.
02:59 Jaguar is the biggest cat after the lion and the tiger according to body sizes.
03:04 They look like leopards but it seems easy to differentiate when you compare these two big cats' head shapes.
03:11 Jaguars have a typical face anatomy.
03:13 A jaguar's head is pretty big with a larger forehead and a wider jaw.
03:18 Jaguars are not aggressive animals.
03:21 But of course, they have to use their sneaky sides to survive in the wild forests.
03:26 They have a significant explosive power that they use to hunt.
03:34 Jaguars attack with a burst of speed and grab the prey animal on the head.
03:49 Number 4. Leopard
03:52 Leopards are shown as the most aggressive big cat in the wilds when the leopard lives and hunts alone.
04:01 At 12 to 18 months, the cubs are left alone to live on their own.
04:06 Usually, they hunt at night.
04:18 Number 5. Crocodile
04:20 Crocodiles look like they are from another planet with their specific body shape.
04:25 Their powerful jaw can apply a bite force of 3,700 psi.
04:31 They can generate the highest bite force among predators from all around the world.
04:37 Saltwater crocodiles are the biggest reptiles.
04:40 They can reach up to 20 feet and weigh more than a ton.
04:45 They live in large tropical rivers.
04:47 This ambush predator can wait for its prey for 30 minutes underwater.
04:52 They do not have natural predators.
05:05 Number 6. Hyena
05:07 Hyenas are known as scavengers, but within their groups, they do not hesitate to attack even biggest predators.
05:14 Because of their high social skills, they can live in large groups called clans.
05:20 These clans range from 6 to over 100 members.
05:24 Female hyenas are larger and they have bigger dominoes in comparison to male members.
05:30 A group of hyenas is so strong that even lions are afraid of facing this group.
05:36 Even though they look smaller compared to other predators like lions or tigers, they can generate a bite force of around 1,100 psi.
05:45 In order to understand this better, a Bengal tiger can apply a bite force of up to 1,050 psi.
05:52 And American people can reach a bite force of up to only 250 psi.
05:57 We are talking about interesting creatures here.
06:07 Number 7. Cougar
06:09 Cougar, commonly referred to as Puma, only lives in the American continent.
06:13 Includes western North America, a small part of Florida, and most of South America.
06:20 Unlike other big cats, the cougar cannot roar. Instead, it purrs like a house cat.
06:28 They generally choose to hunt deer, but if it's necessary, they can hunt bigger animals.
06:35 They sometimes eat small prey animals or even insects.
06:40 Number 6. Skilled and cunning hunters
06:43 Cougars stay silent until they come within a close distance of their prey.
06:48 Cougars live far from human settlements and they do not attack humans.
06:53 Number 8. Cheetah
06:58 Cheetah is the fastest running animal in the whole world.
07:02 Cheetah can reach speeds over 70 mph. However, uncontrolled power is dangerous.
07:08 They usually chase their prey at a speed of 35 mph.
07:13 They know when to stop. If they do not stop running, their body will heat up more than 40°C
07:20 and their brain will close itself in order to prevent a more dangerous situation.
07:25 We call this to faint. Because of cheetah's agility and speed, any predator cannot even approach it.
07:32 But in one-on-one fight, in terms of body sizes, cheetahs have disadvantages.
07:38 They are almost the half size of a lion.
07:45 Number 9. Wolf
07:47 Wolves are known for their fondness for freedom. They travel 13 miles in a normal day.
07:53 They are also social animals. They hunt preys in groups of 5 to 10 wolves.
07:58 They use their energy with high efficiency.
08:01 With the help of this ability, they never let go their prey.
08:05 And they never give up. Wolves do not attack directly.
08:09 They communicate well in their groups and apply specific strategies to take down the prey through the easiest way.
08:16 Number 10. Wild Dogs
08:20 It is not known that wild dogs are actually in the category of endangered animals.
08:25 Between 3,000 and 5,000 individuals remain, primarily in eastern and southern parts of Africa.
08:31 Wild dogs live in their groups, which includes 10 to 40 members.
08:36 They are afraid of humans and they live far away from human settlements.
08:41 This was Top Creatures. Do not forget to subscribe for more.
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08:47 Which predator is your favorite one? Share your ideas in the comments below.
08:52 Check other videos on the channel. See you on the next video.
