• 2 years ago
00:00 Holy s***. No, go away! Go away!
00:04 The vast majority of animal attacks involve fear on the animal's part.
00:08 No! F*** you, dude!
00:10 They are afraid you will attack them. They're young.
00:13 Or you are approaching their territory and scaring them.
00:16 Hey! Hey!
00:18 This is quite common when we deal with wildlife.
00:29 On a wonderful bright day, a lone man wanted to take this adventure
00:33 and chose to go on a kayak journey.
00:36 Everything was peaceful and lovely once.
00:39 Suddenly, an alligator comes into the center of the river at breakneck speed.
00:46 Fortunately for him, he was able to rapidly unload the boat and return to the surface.
00:52 Because of his fear, the explorer is painfully out of breath
00:57 and he scans the area to determine whether or not it is a safe territory.
01:02 This man enjoys sea fishing and decided to go out one day
01:06 with his filmmaking equipment to record every catch.
01:10 He chose to use one of the fish he caught as bait to entice an alligator
01:16 and capture never-before-seen photos of the animal.
01:19 Everything was okay until the alligator became upset
01:23 and realized he was being conned and would not receive any fish.
01:27 The predator leaps at the guy with the intention of exacting revenge.
01:33 Blue-ringed octopuses can kill humans by biting and injecting venom.
01:39 They bite when they feel threatened.
01:42 And since we're so much bigger than they are, humans are certainly threatening.
01:49 In this video, the diver has one of the worst moments of his life.
01:53 As a full-grown octopus approaches and clings to his recording equipment,
01:59 the guy attempts at all costs to get rid of the octopus's tentacles.
02:04 The octopus is still clinging to the camera as if he wants to grab it from him.
02:10 The diver cannot scream since he is submerged,
02:15 but he turns to the adventure companion multiple times,
02:18 pleading for aid to get rid of that beast.
02:21 (upbeat music)
