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Lessons in Chemistry Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set in the early 1950s, LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY follows Elizabeth Zott (Brie Larson), whose dream of being a scientist is put on hold in a patriarchal society. When Elizabeth finds herself fired from her lab, she accepts a job as a host on a TV cooking show, and sets out to teach a nation of overlooked housewives -- and the men who are suddenly listening -- a lot more than recipes.

starring Brie Larson, Lewis Pullman, Aja Naomi King, Stephanie Koenig, Patrick Walker, Thomas Mann, Kevin Sussman, Beau Bridges

release date October 13, 2023 (on Apple TV Plus)


00:00 We're live in 5, 4, 3...
00:03 Let's begin, shall we?
00:05 In life,
00:11 discoveries usually lead to more questions.
00:14 The only constant variable is the unexpected.
00:19 We can't control it.
00:20 It's only when you look backwards that you see how it was all connected.
00:24 Let's begin, shall we?
00:29 Mmm, that's perfect.
00:30 I like to cook. It's just chemistry.
00:32 You're on the verge of a major scientific breakthrough.
00:37 This institution has a reputation based on the world-class scientists,
00:41 not the theories of a pretty lab tech.
00:43 We have rules.
00:45 You're firing me.
00:50 ♪ Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times ♪
00:56 I would like to offer you a job as the host of our cooking show.
01:00 Are you concussed?
01:01 No.
01:01 You are poised to become a TV star.
01:04 ♪ Welcome to the final show ♪
01:07 We're live in 5, 4, 3...
01:10 Welcome, viewers.
01:11 This is Supper at Six.
01:13 ♪ They never thought I'd ever fall ♪
01:16 [DOG BARKS]
01:16 ♪ I'm a fool and stuck in the middle ♪
01:19 Do I need a catchphrase?
01:20 Don't overthink it.
01:21 Never understood what that meant.
01:23 I stand proudly with the overlooked workhorse of the kitchen,
01:26 women, and baked potatoes.
01:27 What the...
01:29 ♪ Just stop your crying, have the time of your life ♪
01:32 You've got something almost no one has.
01:35 ♪ Breaking through the atmosphere ♪
01:37 A platform.
01:38 ♪ My friends are pretty ♪
01:39 What you say matters.
01:41 Politics don't belong in the kitchen.
01:44 A man wants his wife to make him a drink after a long day at work.
01:48 Why do you assume that his day was longer than hers?
01:50 Why don't you make the drink?
01:55 ♪ Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times ♪
02:01 You are what I treasure most in this world.
02:04 Not because you are pretty, not because you are smart,
02:06 but because you love me and I love you.
02:08 ♪ We got to, we got to ♪
02:11 I can't do it.
02:12 You think you can't do it and you do it anyway.
02:15 Your ability to change everything starts here.
02:24 Children set the table.
02:25 Your mother needs a moment to herself.