Your business is our business. Join our senior anchor Rico Hizon on The Exchange.
What is the state of the country's cybersecurity more than a year into the Marcos presidency? Let's have an exchange with Vanessa Asuncion of the NBI Cybercrime Division.
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What is the state of the country's cybersecurity more than a year into the Marcos presidency? Let's have an exchange with Vanessa Asuncion of the NBI Cybercrime Division.
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00:00 From news and views, issues and opportunities, we'll have in-depth conversations with decision makers to find out what they know and what they think.
00:10 I'm Rico Gizon inviting you to join the exchange because your business is our business.
00:16 This Cyber Security Awareness Month, we look into the country's crackdown on online crime as more Filipinos go digital for daily transactions.
00:28 The private sector joins authorities in protecting Arcababayans from criminals seeking to steal information and even hard-earned cash.
00:39 With more advanced and costlier online threats at play, how are businesses beefing up their defenses?
00:46 The vision of cybersecure companies in our C-Suite vision.
00:55 [Music]
01:05 What is the state of the country's cybersecurity more than a year into the Marcos presidency?
01:10 Let's now have an exchange with Vanessa Asuncion of the NBI Cybercrime Division joining us now on the line.
01:17 Vanessa, great to have you with us.
01:18 Arcababayans want to know, we have laws through the years like the Cyber Crime Prevention Act and recently we had the SIM Registration Act, but why are criminal acts still rampant online?
01:31 Well, basically, the criminal acts are rampant online because these laws, although they are very new, there are a lot of loopholes.
01:43 So through the years, we would be trying to make sure that these loopholes are answered by trying to find out what these criminals do.
01:54 But taking a look at the laws, is there a political will there? Is there a problem of implementation of the law?
02:01 Law enforcement complacency? What do you think will make these cybercriminals scared and not prey on our Kababayans online?
02:13 Well, it is a mixture actually of policy and there are other laws which are very old, which instead of helping us becomes a hindrance to this new law.
02:27 So it's a mixture of policy and of course the vulnerability of our Kababayans at the same time.
02:34 So Vanessa, have there already been cybercriminals who have been charged under these laws?
02:41 Yes, we've been charging since the start of the RA-1175 or the Cyber Crime Prevention Act.
02:50 Our division, the Cyber Crime Division of the NBI, has been filing a lot of cases under this Act.
02:58 Most of the time, these cases are under cyber identity theft, cyber libel, computer related forgery and computer related fraud.
03:08 These cases include scamming, phishing and vishing among others.
03:17 But yes, the NBI has been filing cases but has anyone been charged? Have people, groups been put behind bars because of this cybercriminality?
03:28 Yes, we have. If you are familiar with the BDO hacking previews a year or two years ago, the criminals are behind bars.
03:38 Their cases are already finished. They were charged with hacking and cyber computer related forgery.
03:47 Is this now deterring more cybercriminals from committing criminal acts to our Kababayans online?
03:55 Well, the problem is even though we have new laws, there are always new ways to do it.
04:07 For example, the AI plays a really dual role in cyber security. This is being exploited now by cybercriminals to create more sophisticated attacks as compared to those previous crimes which they usually do.
04:24 The problem is although these technological advancements help us in enhancing cyber security measures, it is also being exploited by the cybercriminals.
04:36 So it's a dual role in cyber security.
04:40 We are currently in the Burmese months. The holiday season is fast approaching which means shoppers will be buying more online.
04:49 How can our Filipino consumers better keep themselves safe in the digital platforms? What is the NBI's advice?
04:58 First of all, we have to personally check and do not relay on what they send to us.
05:06 For example, buying online through different social media platforms instead of just believing on what they send us which are normally DTI or SEC registration.
05:19 We should check personally or do online research on these stores.
05:26 Secondly, of course we always have to remember what the law enforcement tells us. Never give your OTP.
05:39 Even though every day we see different advertisements regarding this. Every day there are around 10 to 20 walk-in complainants in our division which apparently have given their OTP.
05:53 Next, never click online links. If you are not familiar with it, never click it or at least never click online.
06:03 Instead, go to its website. Type its website on the Google search or in the Chrome search.
06:10 Never click a link just to be directed to websites.
06:14 Normally these links are phishing links which would make hackers easier for them to get our credentials.
06:23 Thank you so much for your very important advice and for this Cybersecurity Policy Exchange.
06:29 Vanessa Asuncion of the NBI Cybercrime Division.
06:33 And straight ahead on the exchange where your business is our business.
06:37 Money is one of the primary motivators for cyber attacks. We'll have an exchange with the Bankers Association of the Philippines.
06:44 And more businesses are making cyber protection a part of their DNA in the age of hacking and data breaches.
06:50 An IBM Security Asia Pacific expert joins us here on CNN Philippines.
06:57 News you can trust.
06:59 [Music]