Diana and Roma's Trick or Treat Halloween Adventure.
00:00 Trick or treat!
00:01 No, I'm scared!
00:05 Don't worry, let's just take some candy and drink!
00:08 [Scary music]
00:31 Oh no!
00:32 [Scary music]
00:34 [Evil laughter]
00:36 [Scary music]
00:38 Hi, Hess!
00:39 Let's learn snores!
00:41 Okay!
00:42 [Evil laughter]
00:43 You can go out of bed after you learn to count to ten!
00:46 [Scary music]
00:48 Five!
00:49 [Scary music]
00:51 [Scary music]
00:52 Wow!
00:53 [Scary music]
00:55 Run, I'm scared!
00:57 [Scary music]
00:58 Let's fire!
01:00 Don't be scared!
01:01 Good idea!
01:03 [Evil laughter]
01:06 [Alarm ringing]
01:10 Huh?
01:11 Here you are, my cookie!
01:13 I have one!
01:15 Thank you!
01:17 [Eating]
01:19 [Ding]
01:20 [Gasp]
01:21 One!
01:22 Great job!
01:23 [Ding]
01:24 [Suspense music]
01:27 Two!
01:28 [Suspense music]
01:30 [Gasp]
01:31 Two pumpkins!
01:32 [Evil laughter]
01:34 [Suspense music]
01:37 Wow!
01:38 [Suspense music]
01:40 Oops!
01:41 [Suspense music]
01:42 [Evil laughter]
01:45 [Suspense music]
01:48 [Gasp]
01:49 [Suspense music]
01:51 Three!
01:52 [Suspense music]
01:56 Three!
01:57 [Suspense music]
01:59 Wow!
02:00 Hello, hello, hello!
02:02 Three piñatas!
02:04 [Suspense music]
02:06 [Evil laughter]
02:07 [Suspense music]
02:09 [Evil laughter]
02:11 One piñata!
02:13 Maybe this one!
02:14 [Suspense music]
02:17 [Evil laughter]
02:23 This is awesome!
02:24 Great!
02:25 [Suspense music]
02:29 Yes!
02:30 Three!
02:31 [Suspense music]
02:34 Four!
02:35 [Suspense music]
02:37 [Gasp]
02:38 Slime!
02:40 [Suspense music]
02:42 First time for slime!
02:44 [Slime sounds]
02:47 Skull!
02:48 Eww!
02:50 Wrong skull!
02:52 [Slime sounds]
02:53 Eww!
02:55 Wrong skull!
02:56 [Slime sounds]
02:58 Eww!
02:59 Wrong skull!
03:01 [Slime sounds]
03:03 I found something!
03:05 [Slime sounds]
03:06 [Gasp]
03:08 Four!
03:09 [Suspense music]
03:14 Five!
03:15 [Suspense music]
03:16 Wow!
03:18 [Suspense music]
03:20 Five dwarfs!
03:21 [Suspense music]
03:25 [Scream]
03:27 Wrong door!
03:28 [Splash]
03:29 This door!
03:30 [Suspense music]
03:34 Wrong door!
03:35 [Suspense music]
03:36 [Evil laughter]
03:41 No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
03:43 [Evil laughter]
03:47 [Suspense music]
03:50 Ooh!
03:51 [Suspense music]
03:53 [Gasp]
03:54 Slime!
03:55 Yay!
03:57 [Suspense music]
04:00 Six!
04:02 [Gasp]
04:04 [Splash]
04:06 Ah, rats!
04:08 [Splash]
04:09 [Humming]
04:11 [Splash]
04:12 One, two, three, four, five, six.
04:15 Six rats!
04:16 [Splash]
04:17 Ready!
04:18 [Splash]
04:19 [Splash]
04:21 Uh-huh!
04:23 [Splash]
04:25 Nine!
04:26 Uh-huh!
04:27 Six!
04:28 Yay!
04:30 [Splash]
04:32 [Suspense music]
04:34 Seven!
04:35 [Splash]
04:36 [Gasp]
04:37 [Gasp]
04:38 [Gasp]
04:39 One!
04:40 [Splash]
04:42 Bats!
04:43 [Splash]
04:45 [Giggle]
04:47 Cool!
04:49 Uh-huh!
04:50 [Sniffing]
04:52 Yummy!
04:54 [Splash]
04:56 [Splash]
04:58 [Splash]
04:59 [Clock ticking]
05:01 Ready!
05:02 [Splash]
05:03 Wow!
05:05 Mmm!
05:06 Salmon cookie!
05:09 [Splash]
05:11 [Giggle]
05:12 [Humming]
05:15 Ready!
05:18 Salmon!
05:20 [Splash]
05:23 Eight!
05:25 [Splash]
05:26 [Gasp]
05:27 One!
05:28 [Splash]
05:29 Two!
05:30 Hi-ya!
05:31 [Splash]
05:32 Three!
05:33 [Splash]
05:34 Four!
05:35 [Splash]
05:36 Five!
05:37 [Splash]
05:38 Six!
05:39 [Splash]
05:41 Seven!
05:42 [Splash]
05:43 [Splash]
05:44 Yes!
05:45 [Splash]
05:47 Eight!
05:48 [Splash]
05:50 [Splash]
05:52 Nine!
05:53 [Splash]
05:54 [Gasp]
05:55 [Roar]
05:57 [Gasp]
05:58 [Screaming]
06:00 [Giggle]
06:01 Hmm!
06:02 Monster!
06:03 Where is his ice?
06:05 [Roar]
06:07 We need to glue them like this!
06:09 Let's go!
06:11 [Splash]
06:12 Thank you!
06:14 Ready!
06:15 One, two, three, four!
06:17 Five, six, seven, eight, nine!
06:20 Nine!
06:21 [Cheering]
06:23 [Splash]
06:25 Nine!
06:26 [Splash]
06:29 Ten!
06:30 [Splash]
06:31 [Gasp]
06:32 Help me!
06:34 Ten balloons!
06:35 Let's glue them together!
06:37 [Cheering]
06:38 [Splash]
06:41 Hmm!
06:42 [Splash]
06:44 Let's use my magic!
06:46 One, two, three, four!
06:48 Great job!
06:49 Thank you, guys!
06:50 Thank you!
06:51 [Giggle]
06:52 [Giggling]
06:56 Thank you!
06:58 Ten!
07:00 [Cheering]
07:02 We did it!
07:04 [Giggle]
07:05 Trick or treat!
07:07 Okay!
07:08 [Splash]
07:09 [Groaning]
07:10 [Giggling]
07:11 [Cheering]
07:13 Bye-bye!
07:14 [Kiss]
07:15 Oh, guys! I already forgot all of you!
07:18 (door slams)