• last year


00:00 With its impressive speed and mass, pythons can grasp and squeeze their prey horribly.
00:06 Their squeezing power has been known as one of the strongest in the animal kingdom.
00:13 35 moments when hungry pythons swallowed big cats mercilessly.
00:20 A tiger was walking on the road when he discovered a giant python. It curiously approached.
00:29 Sensing danger, the ferocious python turns around to attack the opponent.
00:33 And the tiger immediately left.
00:36 Tigers just want to defeat a python.
00:40 They take their prey to a nearby lawn and enjoy the meal together.
00:46 In the wild, the tiger is one of the top carnivores.
00:53 With a large body, fierce ferocity, strength and courage, the tiger is known as the king of the jungle.
00:59 The tiger was resting under the bushes when suddenly a python appeared.
01:07 The tiger scrambling to watch the opponent carefully.
01:14 Seeing the python resting, a brave tiger approached.
01:20 It raised its claws to scratch at the python, but the python didn't seem to be easily defeated, so the tiger left.
01:27 An inexperienced lion cub did not hesitate to attack the python.
01:32 Although the python continuously threatened, the lion still did not give up, and the python immediately counterattacked into the opponent's face.
01:41 Luckily, the mother lion would quickly run over, and it pulled the python out to save the cub.
01:48 The python quickly became a lion's meal.
01:51 The python was crawling when he saw a tiger also coming.
01:58 Immediately, the tiger rushes to attack the opponent.
02:04 As can be seen, the tiger soon gained the advantage when controlling and biting onto the neck of its prey.
02:10 The tiger continuously launches dangerous bites onto the opponent's neck and body.
02:18 However, the python counterattacked fiercely. It launched bites into its enemy's face.
02:24 The tiger is letting go of the neck to turn and bite the python's body.
02:29 The mistake of the tiger made the python regain the advantage. It wrapped its body around the tiger.
02:37 The tiger tried to jump to escape, but it was too late.
02:44 Two hyenas spotted a python crawling into the grass.
02:48 The hyena is a curious animal.
02:52 A hyena is carefully examining the python.
02:58 Sensing danger, the python returned to attack.
03:03 And the python quickly ran away before the hyena came back.
03:13 Despite the giant python's resistance, the jaguar managed to subdue his opponent.
03:18 The jaguar jerks and drags the python along the grass.
03:25 A tough fight broke out between the jaguar and the python.
03:30 The jaguar discovers the python in the water. It digs its claw into the water and pulls the prey up.
03:39 The python was in pain when it received a full bite from the jaguar.
03:43 The python tries to attack the jaguar with multiple fatal bites.
03:49 However, the quickness and strength of the python cannot match the enemy.
03:56 The jaguar quickly grabbed the python's body and let it go.
04:01 After defeating the clouded python, the leopard begins to enjoy its achievement.
04:08 The leisurely predator lying right under the tree hunted his prey to eat his meal.
04:14 Discovering the python crawling on the ground, the hyena quickly rushed to attack.
04:20 The hyena uses its sharp teeth to repeatedly bite on the python's body.
04:27 It did not give up. The python also continuously launched bites at the opponent.
04:35 Finding it impossible to attack the python, the hyena gave up its prey and left.
04:40 A giant python is crawling in the water. It's looking for food.
04:46 Discovering the caiman, the python quickly approaches its prey. It tries to get close to the caiman.
04:59 After a while, the giant python caught the caiman.
05:04 With great advantage, the python knocks down the prey to suffocation.
05:13 It was lying on the ground and suddenly the python encountered a honey badger.
05:18 The honey badger quickly approached the probe. Then it suddenly attacked its prey.
05:27 In the face of the enemy's attack, the python has no chance to betray or run away.
05:32 In the end, the honey badger defeated the brocade python with many bites to its body.
05:38 A life and death battle is going on. The python is trying to squeeze the antelope.
05:43 After defeating the prey, the brocade python begins to enjoy the meal.
05:53 As always, the giant python opened its mouth to swallow its prey.
05:58 In order to swallow an antelope many times larger than himself, the brocade python had to squeeze and crush the bones of its prey.
06:08 At the same time, the ligament system has the ability to stretch erratically to swallow the prey.
06:16 Very quickly, the brocade python swallowed the large antelope into its stomach.
06:23 After that, it will find a secluded corner to digest its huge meal.
06:28 An ill-fated hyena has become the meal of the python.
06:32 The python gripped the hyena before the prey could resist.
06:37 For the hyena prey, the python must act perfectly.
06:47 If it doesn't squeeze the hyena, the hyena can attack the python very easily.
06:52 Lucky for the python, because the hyena was alone this time, the python easily attacked the hyena.
07:03 The python aggressively rushed into the black panther's lair and attacked the cub.
07:14 Very quickly, it swallowed its prey into its stomach.
07:18 At this time, the mother black panther realizes the appearance of the enemy.
07:24 The python quickly left the scene.
07:28 Black leopard mother hurriedly immediately chased down the enemy, not letting it escape.
07:35 Sensing danger, the python quickly ran away.
07:41 The python tried to crawl into the water to escape, but was tailed by the black panther.
07:47 The black panther doesn't let the enemy escape. It tries to find a way to pull the python ashore.
07:55 Dramatic underwater wrestling
07:59 After struggling in the water for a while, the python was exhausted.
08:07 The black panther was able to pull the enemy ashore.
08:11 Black leopards use their sharp teeth to bite pythons.
08:17 The giant python is known as the monster that rules the Amazon land.
08:24 It is the obsession of anyone living in this area.
08:33 This time, the victim is a giant guinea pig.
08:37 The python is waiting for the opportunity to attack the giant guinea pig.
08:44 It gently glides to where the guinea pigs are foraging.
08:48 The guinea pig is busy eating. The python quickly rushes to attack.
08:55 It uses its large body to squeeze the guinea pig.
09:00 The giant guinea pig is the largest rat in the world, with a size of up to 69 kilograms.
09:05 Very quickly, the python swallowed the prey whole into its stomach.
09:11 The brocade python is an aquatic python with the ability to swim very well.
09:19 A brocade python trying to wrap its prey in the water.
09:26 Suddenly, a turtle came to interrupt the python's hunt.
09:30 Although small, the turtle still aggressively rushed to bite the python's skin.
09:44 However, the python ignored it and continued to grip its prey.
09:55 But the turtle still refused to leave. It kept biting the python.
09:59 Too annoying, the python had to run away from the enemy.
10:06 The python drags its prey to the shore to eat it.
10:14 Like many dangerous predators, leopards usually use ambush techniques.
10:23 Facing a wild boar, the leopard made slow movements, making the hunt more difficult.
10:28 It finally caught the wild boar, taking the next step of its plan to killing it by suffocation.
10:36 The leopard's clinging to its prey, tighter and tighter.
10:43 It can see that there is heavy movement on the wild boar.
10:47 Standing at the threshold of life and death, the wild boar is unable to move.
10:52 It struggles to escape the leopard.
10:54 This seems to make the leopard more interested in conquering it.
10:59 It no longer clings to its prey, but instead takes the initiative to attack again.
11:04 After significantly draining the boar's strength, the leopard attacks more fiercely.
11:09 The leopard bites hard on the neck of the wild boar.
11:14 The weak points are forcing the wild boar to scream.
11:19 It takes a lot of effort to capture this large-sized bait.
11:22 The struggle is still happening, but the leopard takes advantage.
11:26 The smell of raw meat attracted wild dogs to the place of the cheetah.
11:32 And yes, the cheetah just killed the wildebeest.
11:38 But the two cheetahs seem worried, in stark contrast to the mood of the winner who has just hunted the cheetah.
11:47 Because how can he be happy when an enemy is trying to steal his meal?
11:51 Despite trying very hard to attack and threaten the opponent, but the wild dogs threatened with extremely annoying cries.
11:58 In the end, the two cheetahs had to admit defeat, leaving their spoils behind, and give it to the wild dogs.
12:05 A herd of deer peacefully drinking water by the lake was suddenly attacked by the cheetah.
12:16 And suddenly attacked by the leopard.
12:18 As planned for a long time, the leopard went to battle and immediately caught a deer and dragged it ashore.
12:26 The weak deer unable to resist this notorious predator.
12:33 So it quickly collapsed, despite the leopard taking it as bait.
12:40 An uninvited guest has appeared, an African hyena.
12:46 With the nature of stealing other species food, this time it came to steal food from leopards.
12:51 But it collided with the wrong opponent and the end result was an injury.
12:56 The black mamba snake and the leopard are two names that, when mentioned, many other animals will shiver.
13:04 So if these two strong animals decide to fight, what will happen?
13:12 The leopard is extremely excited when it finds the mamba's hiding place.
13:16 It doesn't hesitate to throw its claws.
13:19 Faced with that situation, the mamba snake quickly responds with its venomous teeth.
13:25 Which leopard is easy to give up, it continually pokes at its opponent, the claws are released and getting stronger and stronger.
13:34 However, the mamba snake has amazing speed, so it slithers into the bewilderment of the leopard.
13:41 A thin-spotted hyena was surrounded by a pack of wild dogs and forced it to the edge of the river, but still couldn't escape the pursuit.
13:49 Continuously receiving fierce attacks from the wild dogs, the hyenas resisted weakly in pain.
13:56 Unable to compete with the overwhelming strength of the pack of wild dogs, the hyena ran straight towards the lake.
14:08 Thanks to the terrain, the hyena was temporarily safe.
14:12 A leopard is hiding in pursuit of the wild dogs in a high tree, where the wild dogs cannot reach.
14:22 Suddenly, leopards jump to the ground. Under the fierce pursuit of wild dogs, leopards hurriedly climb the tree.
14:30 If you don't want to be the prey.
14:34 Although African wild dogs look small, their hereditary when hunting is underestimated.
14:40 While the whole herd was hunting, they discovered a lonely buffalo.
14:46 African dogs begin to apply the hunting techniques to the large prey.
14:51 They split the attack and from many directions.
14:55 Before the continuous attack of the wild dogs, the buffalo also had a response, but it was not very good.
15:03 A hyena fell into an ambush of wild dogs when it accidentally invaded its territory.
15:09 Wild dogs have joined forces to drive out this dangerous enemy.
15:15 In the same situation of unilateral fighting, the hyena was completely outclassed.
15:21 Knowing it can't win, the hyena has no choice but to run away.
15:27 Tiger is a symbol of strength and intelligence.
15:30 There are a number of animals that can unleash deadly weapons.
15:36 Combined with the adept skill at hunting, the tiger easily pounced on the wild buffalo.
15:42 Its claws gripped tightly around its prey and a fatal blow to the head.
15:48 The tiger was killed by the wild buffalo.
15:53 Its claws gripped tightly around its prey and a fatal bite.
15:57 Not long after, the tiger is defeated and the wild buffalo let go.
16:02 The moment of a deer swimming fast to the shore.
16:07 However, as soon as they got ashore, two wild dogs suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked the poor deer.
16:21 Despite trying to struggle, the baby deer still became the meal of all these vicious wild dogs.
16:27 The appearance of a tiger with a hungry body is a bad omen in the green forest.
16:34 Which unlucky animal is the tiger's food today?
16:38 No one else, the unlucky animal is the wild deer.
16:42 The tiger pounces on the wild deer with terrifying jump and knocks it down.
16:48 A leopard cub emitting heavy breathing.
16:51 Unfortunately, it fell to the clutches of two lionesses.
16:55 Although the bodies immature, the speed and agility of this cub is quite amazing.
17:04 Will the miracles happen?
17:06 Faced with the lioness capable of hunting the old bird, the lion cub was unafraid.
17:15 No matter how aggressive, a cub can't escape the claws of the adult lioness.
17:19 After struggling for a long time, the leopard is really exhausted.
17:26 The wound shows that its life needs to be healed.
17:30 As the king of the grasslands, the lion always carries a powerful spirit that makes the animals around him terrified.
17:38 A large herd of lions jumped in to catch the wild dog.
17:44 One lion was scared of the enemy.
17:46 So what do you think a whole herd gathering would be like?
17:50 The wild dog will have no choice but to have a tragic end.
17:54 If attacked by the leader of the lions, it will lay down in despair.
17:59 The pack of wild dogs ran wild before the appearance of the lion,
18:10 but an unlucky wild dog was completely covered in the sharp fangs of the lion lying in the dust.
18:15 Lions look horizontally to find opportunities to bring their prey to a safe place to eat alone without being robbed by the others.
18:34 Find an opportunity, the lion quickly drags the prey into the forest.
18:38 The wild dogs also follow, but are chased by the remaining lion.
18:42 The unfortunate wild dog caught by the lion lay motionless in the predator's teeth and appeared to be dead.
18:53 The lioness also thought that the wild dog she was holding was dead because she did not see the prey move.
19:02 So when she saw another wild dog appear, the lioness immediately abandoned the cub, bait to rush the attacking wild dog.
19:09 The wild dog is actually just pretending to die. It succeeds with its perfect plan.
19:16 A wandering lion suddenly discovered a pack of wild dogs nearby.
19:30 With inherent hostility, the lion rushed to attack and easily captured an unlucky stray dog.
19:36 Meanwhile, the others were forced to run away, trying to escape.
19:41 However, a wild dog died because while chasing the wild dogs, the lion accidentally stepped on it.
19:57 Then the lion quietly dragged the captured prey to another place to eat it.
20:01 Moments later, two other lions arrived and joined the fight, leaving the unlucky stray dog with no chance of survival.
20:09 A mother Komodo dragon was in the cave watching her eggs when accidentally a brocade python rushed in.
20:18 The mother Komodo dragon immediately grabbed the python's head to chase it away.
20:26 But the brocade snake tightened its grip around the Komodo dragon's head to prevent it from escaping.
20:32 The Komodo dragon tries to struggle but knows what to do. Its opponent is a giant python with a terrible wrapping power.
20:50 The Komodo dragon frantically chased and grabbed a monkey's head. It grabbed it and took the monkey away and didn't want to share its meal with anyone.
21:01 The video captures the scene of two large male Komodo dragons standing upright on their hind legs and fighting over territory.
21:17 The two animals fought fiercely, but they did not inflict fatal wounds.
21:23 Perhaps everyone will know the common occurrence in fights between two males.
21:32 They don't kill each other but just want to show who is the true owner of the land.
21:37 They often fight until the opponent loses and runs away.
21:42 This moment captures a scene of a Komodo dragon approaching and eating another dead Komodo dragon.
21:48 It doesn't care if it's its own kind, the Komodo dragon devours meat and then swallows the whole thing in a flash.
22:10 A deer is running away from the frantic pursuit of a Komodo dragon. Although slower than a deer, it continues to follow.
22:19 Horrified at the sight of a swarm of huge Komodo dragons chasing a poor deer by the seashore.
22:34 With its bloodthirsty nature, the Komodo dragon rushes to catch the deer.
22:40 Then it's used its body weight to drown the deer, finally pulling the prey ashore to eat it.
22:46 The moment the Komodo dragon, after eating the sea turtle, got stuck in the shell by the turtle's head and staggered on the rocky beach, trying to remove the turtle's shell and succeeded.
23:02 At the beginning of the clip, an immature Komodo dragon spotted the brocade approaching it.
23:08 Due to its immaturity, the Komodo dragon fled on three legs.
23:17 However, the brocade python will not spare it. The python chases the Komodo dragon to the end.
23:28 The scared Komodo dragon kept looking for a place to escape. It came up with the idea of ducking into an earth cave.
23:35 Unfortunately, the Komodo dragon was only discovered by the python but also by another python.
23:57 It just couldn't escape and was attacked by the brocade python. The unfortunate little Komodo dragon received a tragic end.
24:05 The rock crocodile with its aggressive temperament attacks the eggs of the nest of the Komodo dragon in hope of earning food.
24:21 However, the Komodo dragon is determined to risk her life to protect her children.
24:27 The Komodo dragon, despite its best efforts, still has to painfully watch its eggs settle in the mouth of this vicious predator.
24:37 The mountain goat suddenly got lost and was attacked by a Komodo dragon.
24:48 The Komodo dragon bites the goat's neck and then throws the prey, causing the prey to be stunned and lose its resistance.
24:56 Then, it slowly swallows its prey and then wanders sideways, enjoying the spoils.
25:03 Discovered the deer stuck in the river, a Komodo dragon began to rush. Immediately, the deer tried to escape.
25:17 Unfortunately, not even running, the Komodo dragon caught the deer and aggressively and violently attacked it in the river.
25:24 A crocodile is running to take the territory of the Komodo dragon. The crocodile chases the Komodo dragon away to steal its eggs.
25:46 Not long after that, the Komodo dragon decides to come back. As soon as it appears, it is immediately attacked by the crocodile.
25:54 Alligators rushed into the cave. The Komodo dragons to steal the eggs received a strong blow that caused the crocodiles to fly out.
26:07 But the rare ending was to run away, leaving the eggs, its own children, to the enemy.
26:15 A large fish suddenly rushed to attack the Komodo dragon on the shore. It found every way to drag its pen to the river and easily eat it.
26:25 After a stiff time, trying to cling to the tree, the iguana was finally dragged into the river by the crocodile.
26:35 The iguana tried to move away from the crocodile's sharp jaws, but it couldn't.
26:43 The crocodile's sharp teeth seriously injured the dragon's body, but it still managed to cling to the shore.
26:50 A moment later, the crocodile lost patience. It released its prey, but with serious injuries. It was difficult for the iguana to survive.
27:08 Huge herd of wild buffalo are engrossed while drinking water. They don't know the danger is nearby.
27:15 The crocodile is a swamp killer and usually hunts by ambushing, slowly approaching its prey and attacking quickly.
27:23 The dangerous insensitivity of the wild buffalo is even more beneficial for the ferocious crocodile.
27:33 Seizing the opportunity, the crocodile rose to the surface and grabbed the wild buffalo with extremely strong teeth.
27:40 The strength of the buffalo was too great though. The crocodile pulled it into the lake and dragged away the buffalo.
27:47 Seeing this situation was not good.
27:50 Depending on the large numbers, the wild dogs are not afraid of the larger lioness. They create a siege and run around and play with the lone lion.
28:00 Wild dogs are constantly looking for ways to attack.
28:04 Annoying with the stalker who likes to cause trouble, the lion turned to attack the wild dogs and caught one, but the wild dogs were too agile, rushing to the lion to knock it down.
28:15 Being teased and getting more angry, the lion rushed in all directions to attack the dogs, but the wild dogs were brave enough to nibble the lion and provoke a blow.
28:27 Wild dogs continuously attack the lion one by one.
28:30 It's not until the lion went down to the puddle next to the rock, pretending to be harmless, that the wild dogs began to stop.
28:42 Buffalo and lion are two rivals of the grasslands in Africa.
28:51 A large piece of prey like a buffalo always makes lions crave it, so the lions are not afraid of danger.
28:57 With unsurpassed speed and agility, the nimble male jumps onto its back, attacking the buffalo.
29:05 No one can doubt the strength of the lion. Just one attack can defeat a large prey.
29:13 No one can disturb it now. The fight has come to an end when the lion is trying to kill the buffalo.
29:21 A zebra was in sight of the king of the jungle, the lion.
29:25 Watching the prey was enough, the lion rushed out and grabbed the zebra by the neck.
29:32 A sudden ambush, the zebra cries out in pain.
29:37 Although it takes a lot of effort to drag this delicious bait, the lion needs a safer place to enjoy it.
29:48 Wild dogs have never been a rival to lions, but when the number is overwhelming, it's unknown what will happen.
29:55 After a few minutes of awkwardness, the mother lion finally proved to be a level of true predator and suddenly attacked one of the dogs and bared her fangs to scare the dogs away.
30:06 However, wild dogs do not give up easily, taking advantage of the majority. The whole pack is still aggressive around the lion and continuously attacks.
30:17 In the end, the lion is too resilient, the wild dogs get discouraged and give up.
30:22 Black Mamba Swallows Lion
30:28 The black mamba is the longest and most feared snake of the African continent.
30:35 The fact that the black mamba attacks dead animals is something that can be seen in the wild.
30:43 The fact that the black mamba attacks dead animals is something that can never be mentioned, but now it's very hungry and the lion is lying motionless.
30:51 After probing the mamba snake, gave a quick bite to the lying lion to confirm it was dead.
30:57 With no hindrance, this black mamba snake with an average length of 3 meters proceeds to squeeze the lion and gradually digest it.
31:09 We hope that you have really enjoyed and found interesting and useful values from the gecko.
31:14 We will continue to bring you exciting stories, information and experiences about the animal world in the future.
31:21 Thank you for accompanying us.
