• last year


00:00 Don't look now, but there's something really small stalking you.
00:04 Here's a look at the Good Smile Company Nendoroid #1845, the Predator.
00:29 From Predator comes a Nendoroid of the Predator.
00:31 The Nendoroid is a fully articulated allowing you to create a variety of action packed poses
00:35 from the film.
00:37 Both a masked faceplate and terrifying unmasked faceplate are included.
00:40 The Predator's wrist blade, a plasma caster effect piece, his self-destruct device, and
00:45 a spine and skull part are all included as optional parts.
00:49 Enjoy mixing and matching optional parts to create all kinds of situations in Nendoroid
00:53 form.
00:54 I'm sure you'd be hard pressed to find this Predator if he was just lurking in the
00:58 jungle just by how small he actually is.
01:01 While we figure out just how small he is, I actually did find this one over on Entertainment
01:05 Earth.
01:06 If you guys are interested and are either big fans of Predator or you're a big fan
01:09 of Nendoroids and didn't even know this Predator existed, you can click the link down
01:13 below in the video description.
01:15 That link of course will take you right directly to the listing of the Nendoroid Predator,
01:19 but also by using that link it'll save you 10% on anything, anything you find on their
01:24 site that's currently in stock.
01:26 Predator though in the meantime, as small as he is, stands only about 3.5 inches in
01:30 height or I would say the figure's only about almost 9 cm tall.
01:35 Now when it comes to Nendoroids, the person behind the camera doesn't really have a
01:38 lot that I can use to compare along with the Predator, but I do have one, my personal favorite.
01:42 It happens to be Kirby.
01:44 The neat thing also about this Kirby, and I already had done a review, I had did a review
01:48 of this guy like many years ago, but the neat thing about this one is that it actually had
01:51 magnets so you could just like move the arms around freely.
01:54 I mean you could have his arm up there for example, you could have his leg moving forward.
01:57 Of course it will cause some stability issues just simply because again like you will want
02:00 his feet a little bit more firmly planted, but though just to compare him along with
02:04 the Predator, never would the two ever exist in the same universe.
02:07 Could you imagine though if that was the case with Kirby of course having the ability to
02:11 absorb the abilities of any of his enemies that he swallows?
02:14 Could you imagine what a Kirby would look like swallowing a Yautja?
02:18 I'll leave that to you to think about.
02:20 In the meantime though when you're comparing the two, I mean really a bit hard to say because
02:23 Kirby really doesn't even have legs and only has stumps for arms, but in this case I would
02:27 say like the Nendoroid Predator is about double the height of the Kirby to his left.
02:31 And while we may have started things with Kirby to his left, we're now going to look
02:34 at the accessories sort of to his left and with a skull bow to the side.
02:38 First though to the left the figure comes included with a Nendoroid display stand.
02:42 The stand itself looks like it's been made of Swiss cheese, has many series of holes,
02:46 I mean several at the top and then working our way to the middle.
02:49 If I was sitting in a movie theater by the way, I would be sitting right here, center,
02:53 middle middle.
02:54 Though in this case if I did want to have the display stand attached onto the back of
02:57 the Predator, I prefer though the back of the theater this time around.
03:01 The neat thing about it though is that you can just simply detach this and put this anywhere
03:04 that you want.
03:05 If you want to have it right in the middle you can do that.
03:06 If you want to again have it off to the corner, hey that might be a fun idea too.
03:09 Instead of having the stand like this, you could have the stand like this and then just
03:13 simply attach the display stand to the back.
03:15 In regards though to the stand, it does have, well first of all it can't swivel back and
03:19 forth but then it has a knuckle joint here, a knuckle joint here, follow along with me,
03:23 a knuckle joint here and between all those you can then bend the neck any which way that
03:28 you want.
03:29 Well within the reasons of course of having those three bending joints but then what you
03:33 will want to do is just take your Predator.
03:35 He's really large and at least in the sense of his head so he's going to have a little
03:38 bit of balancing issues but if you flip the figure around and sort of part the drapes
03:42 on the back of the figure's body in between his bone bandoliers you can see that there's
03:45 a hole right there.
03:46 Can you see it okay?
03:47 I hope so.
03:49 Just simply take the peg that's provided, fit it onto the back of the figure's body
03:54 and then you've got yourself basically like a Predator on a stand.
03:57 Now I mean right now it looks a little ridiculous I'm sure because it just looks like somebody's
04:01 kind of carrying by his scruff, kind of like a mama cat carrying around a little kitten
04:05 but yeah if you wanted to you can also just straighten out the neck a little bit.
04:08 I think at the beginning of this video I had the Predator sort of more in a running pose
04:12 sort of like he's running on top of air.
04:14 That's one way you can also display the figure as well.
04:17 While the Predator is sort of just hanging around the figure also though comes included
04:20 with a skull.
04:21 I really like the look of the skull.
04:23 I mean sort of simplistic by the way they've executed this and of course it has to be an
04:26 oversized head to make them the proportions and scale with the Predator but the head is
04:30 really interesting.
04:31 I mean again it doesn't have a lot of paint going for it but it does have at least a ball
04:34 joint hinge so you can rotate the head up and down, you can move it back and forth,
04:38 you can actually even open and close the mouth only just by a little bit.
04:41 I think actually there's no real hinge on it but just because again like it's a softer
04:44 plastic you can warp it just a little bit so if you want to heat this up with say hot
04:48 water you probably would be able to bend the jaw a little bit more open than what it is
04:51 right now but it does have again attached to the spinal cord.
04:56 You'll also notice as well it attaches onto the end by this bottom clip piece.
05:00 It plugs in place by this this peg or this little post fits into the hole that's provided
05:05 on the bottom and then this just simply attaches onto the stand so at least it sort of has
05:08 like a place to store itself if you wanted to have it displayed along with the Predator.
05:13 Now obviously he doesn't have the means to hold the skull like if for example we look
05:17 at the hands as small as they may be the hands are like kind of more gestured hands but nearly
05:22 not the grip needed in order to of course hold properly the skull and it would just
05:26 be adding a lot of additional weight to it so it's more to sort of just kind of get
05:30 them displayed along with it you can kind of put it onto the adjustable stand.
05:34 The thing about it though is with the Predator already occupying as much space as he does
05:37 there really isn't a whole lot of space for then the skull to stand.
05:40 You may have to have it kind of standing separately.
05:43 Of course the plasma caster got also in the way as well.
05:45 Now this does detach too.
05:47 You can simply just remove it from then the spinal cord if you want to just have the skull
05:51 on its own and of course you'll have the spinal cord on its own.
05:55 You can also then take the post fit the post on the bottom of it because of course it's
05:58 all using the same size pegs.
06:00 You can have the neck like this for example if you want to just have a smaller skull presented
06:04 with the Predator.
06:05 He does also come included with this.
06:07 Now by the instructions alone it only mentions this being kind of like an extension peg.
06:12 I don't really think it doesn't seem to have a purpose that I can see but one thing
06:16 you can do also as well is it can attach onto the bottom of the skull.
06:19 So like if for example you wanted to have it like this for that really he doesn't have
06:23 a gripping hand still so he doesn't have the means to hold it this way but you can also
06:27 use that extension peg to plug the skull in the front of the stand as well.
06:31 There's a couple of different purposes then for that skull.
06:34 I like that.
06:35 I still don't know necessarily why that little extension peg is there.
06:38 It doesn't seem to serve a purpose at least when it comes to the Predator but at least
06:42 it comes included with the figure.
06:43 Let's just kind of move everything out of the way.
06:44 I'm making a bit of a mess.
06:46 One thing that the figure also comes included with is a plasma caster firing effect piece.
06:51 Essentially it's a translucent blue plastic that fits then onto the nozzle on the end
06:55 of the plasma caster so it looks like the Predator is actually shooting his blaster
06:58 out.
07:00 That looks pretty cool.
07:01 The figure also though comes included with some swapped out parts that you can then change
07:05 with his hands.
07:07 He has for example the shorter length prongs, the little spike plates, blades that he has.
07:13 I was having a hard time getting that all out but he has this sort of just extending
07:16 out from the gauntlet.
07:18 If you though prefer to have a longer series of blades then you just remove these from
07:22 the end of it and then just put these back from where you found them.
07:25 Well we're not putting the original ones back.
07:28 We're going to put the longer blades in instead.
07:30 You want to make sure though that you got them far enough in there.
07:32 There's a few times that I haven't put them in all the way and then I went to move
07:36 the Predator and it went across the room.
07:39 I had to go retrieve the blades.
07:41 The other thing he also comes included with, speaking of small parts, is he comes with
07:44 a little cover piece for his other gauntlet.
07:46 Of course in the movie he does have this as his sort of self-destruct mechanism.
07:51 It's basically like this little compact that then fits over top of the piece that we just
07:55 removed.
07:56 It doesn't fit in the place of it.
07:57 It's replacing the other piece.
07:59 Now he's also got himself a little countdown display.
08:02 It doesn't really actually have any numbers on it.
08:04 It looks just black right now so I think we don't have anything to really worry about.
08:08 So then the Predator has basically all the other things except for the only thing we
08:12 have yet to cover is the replaceable faceplate.
08:14 I'm just going to for right now put this back in because of course when it comes to
08:17 moving the figure around I just dropped the hand.
08:21 I'm going to have to retrieve that.
08:22 I see where it is right now and actually maybe while we have, bear with me, bear with me,
08:26 and maybe even have it facing the wrong way, let's just put that back in place because
08:30 I don't definitely want to lose these.
08:32 These are all things by the way that can so easily be lost if you're not too careful.
08:36 I have the hand retrieved right here.
08:38 Actually while we have the hand already removed I'm going to take one of the gestured hands.
08:43 Simply it's just a case of you taking the peg on the end of it and you're just going
08:45 to line it up and fit it into the hole.
08:48 Now the Predator has his open hand.
08:50 Just again be careful of it because there's a lot of things on this Predator that fall
08:53 off frequently like his hands, like the little cover piece that goes over top of the gauntlet
08:58 and then of course the blade.
08:59 Those are all things that are very prone to falling off.
09:01 The Predator also comes included with a removable face plate which we'll pick up right now.
09:05 I'll show you guys what that looks like, the difference between the two.
09:09 Personally for me when it comes to displaying the Predator I'm more in line I think to display
09:12 him with the mask myself but if you want to go with the unmask that's certainly available
09:16 also as well and I like the option that they gave you.
09:18 It's also quite easy to remove.
09:20 You're simply just going to take the front piece off and replace it with this which I'll
09:23 do more in a moment.
09:25 First though I want to show you guys what the head sculpt looks like with the helmet
09:27 in place.
09:29 Truly I feel to be the superior of the two heads just because I always really like the
09:32 Predator with the helmets more so on.
09:35 He has like a little kind of like a star deco that he's got painted on the top.
09:38 I can't tell whether that's supposed to be reflection or battle damage to the helmet.
09:42 Judging by the fact it's actually dark I would imagine that that's damage to the helmet but
09:46 I could also be wrong as well.
09:48 But head sculpt wise it's really quite good.
09:50 There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of paint other than just like the shinier silver that
09:53 they've used here.
09:54 Of course when we flip it around to the back one thing that's really neat also about the
09:57 Predator is that he does have individual peg joints to move the dreads.
10:02 Now this piece in the middle only has one joint so it's basically connecting all of
10:06 these together as one single drape.
10:08 The ones though to the side are slightly smaller and again they have ball joints too so you
10:13 can move them back and forth.
10:14 Don't worry I'll show you guys what that looks like in a moment when I remove the faceplate.
10:17 Of course he does have a very large plasma caster.
10:21 Traditional looking jungle Predator design.
10:24 He's paler in the skin but it does look quite good on the figure.
10:26 Of course he's got little skull bandoliers that are draped across the front of his body
10:30 here and here and the figure has some really nice silver finish that they've done to the
10:34 armor as well.
10:36 Now again if you did want to change the face it's really quite easy.
10:38 All you're going to have to do is just take the front and yank it off.
10:41 You don't have to be so aggressive with that but you're just going to yank that off.
10:44 It kind of looks like a bit of a face as well.
10:47 Maybe not, maybe not.
10:48 But just to show you though, now that we've kind of taken the hood off you can kind of
10:52 see, maybe you can see, that the way that they plug in place they're just basically
10:56 attached by ball joints.
10:57 So this moves, this moves over here and the back moves also as well.
11:02 Let's give Predator at least a face.
11:04 If you look on the back of the Predator's body or back of the faceplate at least you
11:08 can see there's an equally rectangular shaped peg hole that then fits over top of this one.
11:13 I'm just going to fit it in place.
11:15 Put enough pressure of course that the face isn't going to fall off and that's what the
11:18 Predator looks like.
11:20 It looks good but honestly I kind of like the other head sculpt just a little bit more,
11:23 the other faceplate a little bit more.
11:24 This does at least give you a chance to see some additional paint work that wasn't there
11:28 before so all this nice additional airbrushing of brown, not to mention spotting that he
11:32 has on the top of his head crest and of course he now has the visible mandibles which look
11:36 really quite good on the Predator.
11:39 The figure looks quite good.
11:40 The only thing about it though is with his head being the size that it is, it does make
11:44 his body feel very loose or at least like the bottom half of his body on mine at least
11:49 is very loose at the ball joint here.
11:51 For the figure's articulation, the plasma caster first of all can move back and forth
11:55 but it can also move up and down.
11:58 It actually is pegged in two places.
11:59 There's a ball joint right here and a ball joint right here.
12:02 I'm doing my best to try to get my fingers out of the way of things but those move in
12:05 two places.
12:06 Then the head itself is actually on a ball joint so you can move it up, sorry, move it
12:09 back a little bit.
12:10 You can move it up, you can move it down, you can also move it back and forth.
12:14 Since we've already established all of the hairs or at least this section of his hair
12:17 is on a ball joint so you can move that back and forth, up and down and you can also move
12:21 these back and forth as well.
12:23 So if you want to have like a crazier looking hairstyle, you can just fan those a little
12:26 bit more on the back.
12:27 The upper torso as loose as unfortunately it is on mine does have a ball joint so you
12:32 can rotate it all the way around.
12:33 The figure has a waist swivel.
12:35 Arms are ball joints too so you can move them out obviously forward and back.
12:39 The figure has a swivel in his bicep.
12:41 The figure has only just a single hinge in his elbow and the hands rotate all the way
12:44 around.
12:45 The legs can't really split too far.
12:48 You only go about to here.
12:49 You can move them forward, you can move them back.
12:51 There's just a single hinge.
12:53 Again a little loose on mine but there's a single hinge here.
12:56 No articulation really from like the knee down necessarily but then he does also have
13:01 toe articulation or foot articulation I should say that moves up and down this way and you
13:05 can also rock it back and forth this way as well.
13:08 If you're having any difficult time to have the figure stand obviously you can't always
13:11 go the route of just attaching them back onto the display stand peg and that just again
13:16 plugs onto the back of the figure's body.
13:18 You really again want to make sure it's all the way in there because there's a few times
13:21 that I've actually put that in place thinking it was in place and then the poor predator
13:25 took a tumble.
13:26 All in all it's a nice looking predator.
13:28 I mean it may not be everyone's thing.
13:29 Nendoroids or Neendoroids as some people pronounce it as well.
13:33 I don't even know which one it would really be but like some people may not like the design
13:37 of it.
13:38 It's overly stylized.
13:39 Of course you've got a very large head for the predator.
13:41 A very tiny little body.
13:43 I like it.
13:44 There's some charm that goes along with the fact that these are kind of super stylized
13:47 figures and while maybe again I may not be displaying it with Kirby I do kind of like
13:52 the idea that predator is being represented here from a very small figure standpoint.
13:56 For me at least I still will be going back to the idea of displaying the figure with
14:00 the helmet because I just think it's the better of the two but it is still a nice looking
14:03 figure from the folks over at Good Smile Company.
14:07 At the time of shooting this review the Nendoroid Predator is currently in stock over on Entertainment
14:12 Earth for $94.99.
14:13 So he's about $95.
14:15 Granted as well if you decide to use the link and want to pick this one up for yourself
14:18 that link will also drop 10% off the purchase.
14:21 That goes across the board as well for anything that's currently in stock over on Entertainment
14:25 Earth.
14:26 Going back though to the Predator I like the design of it and as I said kind of wrapping
14:29 up the end of this review I know not everyone's going to kind of enjoy this.
14:33 You have to kind of be in the vein of collecting both the Predator figures and kind of the
14:37 cutesier looking figures because I think the Predator falls into both categories.
14:42 Maybe the Nendoroids for example might be something more akin to you that you want to
14:45 pick up for like a Kirby because Kirby's cute, Kirby's round.
14:49 I think it worked really well for a Nendoroid and maybe you might just say to yourself you
14:52 know what I don't know if it works as well for the Predator.
14:55 Okay maybe it may not apply to you but though like if you look at him there's some charm
14:59 I would say to the figure.
15:00 I mean again like he's got some pretty good poseability considering the size that he is
15:05 and the fact he has enough swapped out parts.
15:07 I didn't have the self-destruct mechanism armed because of course I know it wouldn't
15:11 give you guys enough time to kind of clear the room after we're wrapping up things for
15:14 this review but I did though leave the longer blade on the end of his other gauntlet.
15:19 Just though be careful of those added pieces.
15:22 Both the blades as well as that little console he has on his arm are very prone to popping
15:26 off as well for his hands.
15:27 So while you're moving the figure around if you happen to get this one for yourself just
15:31 be careful that those pieces don't fall off and they'll get lost to the floor.
15:34 The blade did for me.
15:35 It went across the room.
15:37 At least I was able to find it before my cat did.
15:40 But what do you guys think of the Nendoroid?
15:41 Let me know down below in the comments section.
15:43 Could you guys see this as being one that you would be collecting and adding it to your
15:46 collection or if you are already collecting the Good Smile Company Nendoroid figures?
15:51 Let me know first of all is it Neendoroid?
15:52 I think it's Nendoroid but let me know which ones you have in your collection and if you
15:57 guys could see yourselves picking up the Predator as well.
15:59 If you guys enjoyed this video I want to hit it with a like.
16:01 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and certainly do want to stick
16:04 around for more I may not promise the fact that we have more Nendoroid reviews coming
16:08 your way but we may very well have more Predator reviews on the horizon.
16:12 So if that's the kind of thing you like to come back to this channel for first of all
16:15 you can also check out the playlist at the end of this video that will be for Predators.
16:19 So feel free to give a gander at all the other things I've looked at from Predators over
16:22 the years but make sure yeah you're coming back on a regular basis because there's always
16:25 new content coming your way.
16:27 As always guys thanks for watching, see you guys next time.
16:30 [Music]
16:37 (logo thuds)
