Alan Carr hosts a fast-paced, play-along quiz in which every question is a picture and every picture is worth cash. Name | dHNfU0lRNW1sYmwyX2M
00:00 Alan Carr here. Hello!
00:02 And I want to let you know about my brand new game show.
00:05 Picture Slam!
00:06 They say a picture can be worth a thousand words,
00:08 but in this game it could be worth ten thousand pounds.
00:12 Walrus! Correct, Picture Slam.
00:13 Three teams of two, battling out to the death.
00:16 Okay, maybe not death. Think your picture perfect?
00:19 Looks like long.
00:20 It was chewing gum.
00:22 (cheering)
00:23 (cheering)