• 2 years ago


00:00 (squirrel squawking)
00:03 When the seagull attacked a hapless squirrel,
00:08 pecking him on the head and then catching it at its beak,
00:10 the squirrel lost hope
00:12 and surrendered to fate.
00:16 The seagull then devoured the tiny one
00:23 and the other squirrels stood there terrified.
00:26 - Oh, wow.
00:29 (dramatic music)
00:31 - They're going to have nightmares for days.
00:34 A rabbit was grabbed by this seagull.
00:38 He landed in the middle of the road with it,
00:40 pecking its body to kill it.
00:42 The tiny rabbit was still alive, but seriously harmed
00:49 and he was suffering as a result of his wounds.
00:52 The bird then amazingly swallows the whole animal at once
00:58 and flies away.
01:00 (seagull squawking)
01:04 This assault happened in public.
01:08 A seagull killed one of the birds.
01:10 The unlucky victim flaps its wings in an attempt to flee,
01:15 but the seagull firmly grasped it.
01:17 All the other birds were witnessing this horrible scenario
01:24 as it tried to fly away with it.
01:25 (dramatic music)
01:28 This seagull pounced on a mother duck and her babies.
01:35 He caught a duckling on his beak
01:37 and tried to get away with it,
01:38 but the mother immediately charged to fight back
01:41 and defend her child.
01:43 She ferociously attacked the seagull
01:45 who barely managed to escape and fly away.
01:48 But unfortunately, the little duck couldn't break free.
01:55 In this scene, the skua attempted to steal
01:58 one of this mother's penguin's eggs.
02:00 Still, the penguin and her waddle
02:03 stood their ground and fought back.
02:05 Nevertheless, the skua successfully stole the egg
02:11 and chose a quiet place to eat it.
02:13 This skua managed to hunt this little penguin.
02:17 He fixed him to the ground and started pecking his body.
02:19 Eventually, the chick will surrender to the skua.
02:25 The same happened to this newborn penguin.
02:27 He was prey for this hungry skua
02:33 who slowly killed the chick
02:34 without caring for his screams.
02:38 (wind whooshing)
02:41 (sped up audio)
