• 2 years ago


00:00 This hyena is looking for an opportunity.
00:10 She came out of hiding in her lair and went in search of something to eat.
00:16 Hyenas are very picky about their food.
00:19 After all, nature has prepared them to eat everything from carrion to bones.
00:24 They have a strong bite, and this allows them to eat parts that are expendable leftovers
00:30 of other predators.
00:32 Hyenas also kill many animals, from large prey to young.
00:36 They even take the opportunity to kill the lions when they are still cubs and cannot
00:41 defend themselves.
00:49 Hyenas often have to leave their cubs alone to go foraging for food.
00:55 At these times, they are very vulnerable.
01:00 The little lions are hidden in the tall grass, but even so, in many cases they are seen,
01:07 either because they are calling their mother or because they have come out of the grass.
01:13 The hyena can pick up noises from a distance of up to 10 km.
01:24 That night, the mother was late to return to her cub, and thus a chance for the hyena
01:31 came.
01:32 It is precisely at these times that the hyenas, who are always on the lookout for an opportunity,
01:40 grab the little lions and kill them.
01:44 When the lions catch the hyena with their cub, they can kill the hyena without any mercy,
01:50 but most of the time the hyenas manage to escape.
01:54 This is the incredible animal world, where opportunities are essential for anyone who
02:00 wants to be the most adapted species to survive.
02:03 (laughing)
02:05 (children laughing)
