• last year


00:00 This lurking predator was roaming the area while searching for a prey.
00:06 He noticed a boar and decided to feast on him.
00:10 Such a meal would keep hunger away for many days to come.
00:16 The boar was grazing, completely oblivious to the tiger's presence.
00:20 The tiger's large padded paws allowed him to sneak in the bushes.
00:26 But his sudden attack confused the boar.
00:31 The huge predator pounced on his prey and grasped him in his clutches.
00:36 He kept biting the boar's back neck and didn't stop until he died.
00:46 This audacious tiger ventured alone after the head of a buffalo that wasn't ready to
00:50 submit to the predator's desire.
00:54 He turned around and rammed the aggressor.
00:58 The agile cat managed to hold on to his prey and inflicted her some serious wounds in front
01:03 of the watching earth.
01:05 A herd of deer was wandering the woods grazing in group.
01:09 The tiger's excellent vision and hearing detected the presence of the deer from a distance,
01:13 so he hid behind a tree and remained in stealth.
01:19 When the timing was perfect, he captured her after a hasty chase.
01:31 She twitched between his jaws and finally passed away.
01:35 In this way, the tiger carried his prey and took her deep into the woods.
01:42 This antelope thought that she can escape a tiger's ambush by fighting him back and
01:46 demonstrating resolve.
01:50 She tried to ram him using her horns, but he mocked the attempt.
01:56 His sharp canines were fatal.
01:59 She died soon after he bit her by the neck and the meal was ready to be devoured.
02:06 A tigress was in a mission to provide a meal for her cubs.
02:11 A swift attack on the monkey was crowned with success.
02:16 She executed him and then took him in her jaws to feed him to her young.
