TikToker Levi Jed Murphy Shares Plans For MORE Surgery _ E! News

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TikToker Levi Jed Murphy Shares Plans For MORE Surgery _ E! News
00:00 Probably have a new face coming soon,
00:01 but we'll see about that.
00:05 - Get off my line.
00:06 You look amazing.
00:08 I know you're like, "Wow, Charlie."
00:09 - Thank you.
00:09 (laughing)
00:11 Thank you.
00:12 - What are people saying about the new look?
00:14 How do you feel about the new look?
00:16 - I personally love the new look,
00:18 and to be honest, I actually had a better reaction
00:20 than what I thought.
00:21 Obviously, I thought I was gonna get rinsed online,
00:25 but I feel like as the difference is so dramatic,
00:29 considering I woke up from surgery looking like a crazy cat,
00:33 to now, I feel like people are like,
00:35 "Oh no, it looks good now."
00:36 But there's obviously still people that hate her,
00:39 or think I look better before, which is totally fine.
00:42 - No, no, no.
00:43 The comments I'm seeing is, "Snatched, honey, yes!"
00:46 (laughing)
00:47 They doubted it before, but then they were like,
00:48 "Who is that?
00:49 "Is that Ruby Rose?"
00:51 (laughing)
00:52 What are you talking about?
00:53 - No, I keep getting compared to Ruby Rose,
00:56 which I'm totally fine with,
00:57 but I feel like she would be offended.
00:59 So I'm offended on her behalf, but I'm flattered.
01:03 - I gotta ask you this,
01:04 before we keep talking about the five plastic surgeries,
01:06 I wanna know, your attitude through this whole thing
01:09 has been phenomenal.
01:10 It's been so positive.
01:11 How have you managed to stay so on top of it,
01:15 and positive throughout this entire difficult journey
01:17 to get to where you are now?
01:19 - Yeah.
01:20 To be honest, I've always had a good attitude towards it,
01:26 so I try and find humor in most things,
01:29 especially if I'm going through trauma.
01:31 I'm really quirky when I'm going through trauma.
01:34 So when that's happening, I just try and make it better
01:38 by making people laugh, or even making myself laugh.
01:41 I just find that that gets me through it.
01:44 But now, as I know it's kind of my brand,
01:48 people expect me to be funny
01:51 when I'm coming out of plastic surgery.
01:53 - You do the plastic surgery.
01:54 - I do that, plus it's so boring, like recovery-wise,
01:57 that there's nothing else to do other than crack jokes
02:01 and try and make people laugh online.
02:03 So yeah, I just do that a lot.
02:06 And I never really get worried about,
02:09 I never am a worrier, really.
02:12 So I kind of just jump straight in
02:15 and just deal with the consequences afterwards.
02:17 I'm like a live-in-the-moment kind of gal.
02:18 - Your transparency is very refreshing,
02:20 because I'd be damned if I have a blast,
02:24 and all of a sudden I'm on TikTok
02:26 within minutes of my recovery.
02:28 What in the world makes you say
02:30 that you want five different plastic surgery procedures
02:33 all at once?
02:34 - The reason why I get loads of plastic surgery in one
02:38 is because I just hate traveling.
02:41 So I think I might as well fit it all in now.
02:44 So I create a little shopping list,
02:46 and then I think, what's the maximum I can get
02:50 so I can just go under once
02:51 and then come out looking completely different?
02:53 Plus, I don't wanna go in for surgery,
02:56 make such a big deal about it.
02:58 And then I come out and people are like,
02:59 "Girl, you look the same."
03:01 So I wanna have the biggest transformation.
03:06 'Cause even now, sometimes I get five procedures in one,
03:10 and then people are like,
03:11 "You don't look that much different."
03:11 I'm like, "Shh."
03:12 - No, don't, it's cost money.
03:15 You better see something.
03:16 (laughing)
03:17 - No, literally, it sends me worse.
03:19 What all did you get done?
03:21 For those who don't know.
03:23 - What I got done this time,
03:25 I got a temple lift,
03:29 a full face lift,
03:32 liposuction under my neck,
03:34 buccal fat removal,
03:36 and I swear there's something else.
03:39 Oh, scar revision.
03:40 'Cause I had really bad scars.
03:42 So I had all these,
03:44 but yeah, they're what I got this time.
03:47 - Levi, you literally look so good all the time.
03:51 And you're, how old are you?
03:53 - 27 now, just.
03:55 So I'm like late 26.
03:57 - Okay, so you're like late 26.
04:01 You don't, I mean, of course,
04:02 you probably like roll your eyes when you hear this,
04:03 when people are like, "You didn't even need it!"
04:06 Why the plastic surgery so young?
04:08 - You know what?
04:11 I actually, I feel like I have a very good reason
04:13 for getting plastic surgery so young,
04:15 because I wanna live my hottest version of myself
04:20 whilst I'm in my prime years.
04:22 So I don't wanna get to 40
04:24 and then get plastic surgery to look hot.
04:26 I wanna be a hot 20-something-year-old,
04:29 like looking my best.
04:30 And I wasn't blessed with the most amazing genes.
04:35 So I get surgery to completely change my face
04:40 rather than to keep me looking youthful.
04:42 So I think I might as well just get it all now,
04:45 live my best life whilst I can.
04:47 And then when I'm older, I don't know what,
04:50 I probably won't get old.
04:51 - I actually get what you're saying by that.
04:53 And I respect the answer.
04:55 Your results are stunning.
04:56 Did you truly trust the process
04:58 and accept whatever comes of it comes of it?
05:01 Or were you nervous as (beep)
05:04 - I was so nervous this time.
05:06 I'm not normally nervous when I go for surgery,
05:08 but this time, because I didn't necessarily hate my face
05:11 before I went to Turkey,
05:14 I was like, I probably could live with this face,
05:17 but right now I just wanna change it
05:20 or I want a little bit more attention.
05:21 So I thought it might not be worth it.
05:24 But then I did it.
05:25 So I was actually really scared this time.
05:28 And then when I first woke up from surgery,
05:31 I really regretted it.
05:33 I never regret anything,
05:35 but I just woke up with such regret,
05:36 thinking, oh my God, what have I done?
05:37 Because I was just in so much discomfort.
05:41 And I was like, this is not the vibe.
05:43 This just feels different to before.
05:46 And then of course, a couple of hours later
05:50 is when I had the complication
05:51 with the hematoma on my face.
05:52 So I was like, this is just not meant to be.
05:57 But now I've recovered and kind of forgot about that.
06:00 So I'm probably ready for round five.
06:03 - Wait a minute.
06:05 So that leads me to my next question.
06:07 I don't know if you've already been thinking about it
06:09 now that you are almost darn near fully healed,
06:12 but what procedure would you even think about getting next?
06:16 - You know what?
06:18 I actually said this was gonna be my last procedures
06:22 and I wouldn't get any more.
06:24 But I just see things online.
06:26 I think, oh my God, I could get that.
06:28 Because I've realized there's different lifts
06:31 that you can get underneath the skin
06:34 that pull your tissue up.
06:35 So they can really snatch your face even more.
06:39 'Cause you know what?
06:40 What it is, once you come out of surgery,
06:42 you look very snatched 'cause it's obviously fresh.
06:45 And then after a couple of weeks,
06:47 your face starts dropping.
06:48 So to look more like how it's actually gonna turn out.
06:53 So when I see the drop, I'm like,
06:55 she needs to be lifted again.
06:56 - I know your family.
06:57 Which family members are saying to you,
07:00 well, I don't know what they say to you,
07:01 but what are your family members saying to you?
07:03 - My mom hates it.
07:07 She literally hates me getting surgery.
07:09 I mean, she always loved it.
07:10 Like she loves the results.
07:12 But I mean, she'd probably love it,
07:15 whatever I look like.
07:16 But she ends up loving the results.
07:18 And I guess she says that I look better
07:21 or like it's like improved.
07:23 But she hates the process.
07:26 Like she literally is like,
07:27 you dare get any more surgery then.
07:29 I'm the same, so.
07:30 I used to pick surgery or a mom.
07:33 - But the newfound confidence.
07:36 What are you doing differently?
07:37 Are you dating new people?
07:40 Are you, has it kind of sprung your confidence
07:42 in the dating world?
07:43 How does this affect you personally?
07:45 - You know what?
07:49 I don't really notice how much
07:50 pleasant surgery affects me.
07:51 But when I think about it,
07:53 like when I think how I was before,
07:55 like I'm so different now.
07:57 And I think it is like a sense of like
07:59 new confidence I've got.
08:01 And I feel like,
08:01 I felt like I was a hot person
08:04 in like a ugly person's body.
08:06 So now I'm just a hot person
08:07 in a cute person's body.
08:09 But like dating wise,
08:11 I don't really,
08:12 I don't really date.
08:13 I've been single for like maybe two years
08:15 and that's kind of my vibe.
08:19 - No.
08:20 All of this can't just be kept to yourself.
08:24 You gotta spread the message to the world, honey.
08:27 - I do think that's just what I'm like.
08:29 I'm like, I probably do deserve someone
08:31 or about five boyfriends.
08:33 But I don't even have one at the minute.
08:35 - I have one.
08:36 The Neon Line is one of the biggest
08:38 entertainment websites out there.
08:41 With that being said,
08:42 if I were to do a breakout story
08:46 and say,
08:47 here is exactly what Levi Jed Murphy
08:50 is looking for in a mate,
08:53 what would it break down to be?
08:55 Because we could really put you out there
08:56 and help you.
08:57 Like if there was a dream celebrity,
08:59 where you could name five characteristics
09:01 of something that are somebody
09:03 that you would be head over heels for
09:05 and this is your dream person.
09:07 What would that look like?
09:09 - My dream person.
09:11 You know what?
09:12 I'm so picky because I get the ick so easily.
09:14 They could be like 10 out of 10.
09:16 And they like,
09:17 I don't know.
09:18 They try and crack a joke that isn't funny
09:19 and I'm like, oh, I can't.
09:21 So like,
09:22 but my dream person,
09:23 I don't know.
09:24 I have like a very wide range of like,
09:27 visually.
09:29 Just,
09:33 I don't know.
09:34 Someone that's obsessed with me.
09:35 I feel like I just like,
09:36 people are obsessed with me,
09:38 but they have to obviously be hot.
09:41 - Hot and-
09:41 - I get a lot of ugly,
09:42 yeah, I get a lot of ugly people obsessed with me
09:44 and that's not the thing,
09:45 but like,
09:46 if they're hot and they're like,
09:48 you're everything.
09:49 I'm like, oh yeah, I am.
09:50 - Okay, hot, obsessed with you
09:52 and any other values?
09:54 Family or funny or?
09:56 - I'm easy to be honest.
09:59 They don't need a family.
10:01 They don't need much of a personality
10:03 just to be hot.
10:04 (laughing)
10:06 - And you've been-
10:06 - No, I,
10:07 to be honest,
10:08 humor is like,
10:09 humor is like a main thing,
10:11 but if they're not funny,
10:12 then we're not getting down in jigging.
10:15 For sure.
10:17 (laughing)
10:19 - Good three characteristics.
10:20 Then you also mentioned the ick.
10:21 What's the number one ick
10:22 if you're out on a date
10:23 and you say, oh God, no,
10:24 I could never.
10:25 - There is so many,
10:27 but to be honest,
10:29 my biggest ick is like,
10:32 bad hygiene.
10:33 But I mean,
10:34 that's like a given.
10:35 But like a random ick
10:37 that's mine is probably like,
10:39 wired earphones.
10:42 Like when I see people
10:45 wearing like wired earphones,
10:46 I think, oh,
10:47 I wouldn't necessarily do that.
10:48 Where's the AirPods?
10:49 But.
10:50 - That's so 2010.
10:52 - Right?
10:54 So I just feel like people
10:55 that aren't with The Times,
10:56 it gives me the ick.
10:57 Or if I quote like a TikTok
10:59 and they don't get it,
11:00 I'm like, okay,
11:01 this is not gonna,
11:02 we're not gonna work.
11:03 - Funny, I love it.
11:05 - I need like the, yeah.
11:06 - I'm gonna be messy for a minute.
11:08 Your DMs are popping.
11:09 Are they popping right now?
11:10 Are you getting any blue checks
11:11 in those DMs?
11:12 After the face reveal?
11:15 - My DMs are always popping
11:17 with the blue checks,
11:18 but I've got one myself.
11:19 So it's not as much of a flex.
11:21 - Okay.
11:22 And if there could be one dream celebrity crush,
11:25 who would be yours?
11:26 - My celebrity crush.
11:30 You know, I really have a thing
11:31 for Central C.
11:32 - Who?
11:35 - Central C.
11:36 You know, I don't know.
11:40 There's just something about him,
11:41 but he's obviously very straight.
11:42 So unless I'm gonna,
11:43 just randomly become a woman,
11:46 that's not gonna work.
11:47 But I have a lot, yeah,
11:51 there's just a lot.
11:52 I feel like it's just a wide range,
11:54 but Central C at the minute
11:55 is kind of my vibe.
11:56 - You have once before said
11:58 that your favorite thing
11:59 about plastic surgery is getting the content
12:02 for social media.
12:04 I'm curious,
12:05 are you having any anxiety
12:06 about your followers losing interest
12:09 because you won't be posting
12:10 a ton of new plastic surgery procedures
12:13 in the future?
12:14 - I don't really get worried
12:20 that my followers lose interest
12:21 because I kind of built a following
12:23 before I got plastic surgery.
12:26 So like I kind of have my own thing.
12:28 And then when I get surgery,
12:29 it's just like,
12:30 it just reimburses like a bunch of new people
12:32 that are interested in that.
12:33 Of course, there's like people
12:35 that just follow me for surgery.
12:37 And I'm sure at one point,
12:38 they'll be like,
12:39 "Girl, if you're not gonna change your face,
12:40 then you're getting unfollowed."
12:41 But I'm like totally okay with that
12:44 'cause I feel like I have enough supporters
12:46 that just don't really care what I do.
12:48 But a lot of them tell me not to get any more surgery.
12:50 So when I do get surgery,
12:51 obviously I get loads of people being interested,
12:53 but a lot of people are like,
12:54 "Girl, what are you doing?
12:55 I'm unfollowing you because you're ruining your face."
12:57 Or, "This is so sad to see."
12:59 And like, so I'm gonna get unfollowed either way.
13:02 So I might as well.
13:02 (laughs)
13:04 I might as well just enjoy the ride.
13:06 - Yeah, I was gonna say,
13:07 as long as you continue to have fun
13:08 in the process and the journey and enjoy the ride,
13:11 what's next for you?
13:12 You are a late 26 years old.
13:15 - Yeah.
13:15 - Years young.
13:16 What is next?
13:19 What do you see in your 30s, your 40s?
13:21 What's the ultimate goal for you?
13:24 - I'm a here for a good time, not a long time kind of gal.
13:28 So I really can't imagine me being 40.
13:30 I just don't, I don't see that in my future.
13:33 So I don't really know, but like 30,
13:36 which I mean, isn't too far away,
13:38 is probably when I have to start
13:41 pulling my face back even more.
13:42 Because I'm just, I'm just terrified of aging.
13:44 Like that is my biggest fear.
13:46 Like getting old or like,
13:49 when I'm like 30 something,
13:50 there's gonna be like new cool 20 year olds
13:53 and that just sends me west.
13:54 It's just hard to think fast.
13:56 But you know what I hate?
13:57 I hate that my age is online.
13:59 If my age wasn't online,
14:00 I would be telling people I'm 23.
14:02 - Yeah, you're 18.
14:02 You'd be easily 18 tonight.
14:05 - Yeah.
14:06 I just repeat that every birthday.
14:07 18, it's my 19th birthday, it's my 18th.
14:10 - The cutest.
14:11 You look fantastic.
14:12 Congratulations.
14:13 Anything else you wanna share with our audiences
14:15 about anything you have coming out?
14:17 - Not really.
14:19 I'll probably have a new face coming soon,
14:21 but we'll see about that.
14:24 - Get off my line.
14:26 You're gorgeous.
14:27 Thank you again.
14:27 Keep being just as beautiful inside
14:29 as you are on the outside.
14:30 Thank you for your time.
14:31 - Thank you.
14:32 - Bye now. - Thank you, bye.
14:34 (upbeat music)
14:36 (upbeat music)
