• 2 years ago
SOUND OF FREEDOM All Movie Clips (2023) Angel Studios
00:00 [dramatic music]
00:02 Did you know there were over 22 million new images
00:04 of child pornography on the web this past year?
00:08 That's a 5,000% increase over the past five years.
00:13 5,000%.
00:16 The fact is, it is the fastest-growing
00:19 international crime network that the world has ever seen.
00:24 I agreed to it because we were working
00:25 with the U.S. government.
00:27 Back out now, this whole thing will blow.
00:29 It has already passed the illegal arms trade,
00:31 and soon it's gonna pass the drug trade,
00:33 and you wanna know why?
00:35 'Cause you can sell a bag of cocaine one time
00:38 for the child, the most precious child.
00:43 You can sell a five-year-old kid five to ten times a day
00:49 for ten years straight.
00:52 And everyday ordinary people, they don't wanna hear it.
00:58 It's too ugly for polite conversation.
01:01 But meanwhile, over two million children a year
01:03 are being sucked into the deepest recesses of hell.
01:07 Trust me, man, if we do nothing...
01:10 their pain is gonna spread and spread
01:19 till someday it's gonna reach the likes of you.
01:24 And that will be a nightmare
01:26 that you're never gonna wake up from.
01:29 I'm sorry.
01:35 Now, pull up on the reins here, son.
01:44 We're going to hand this case to the prosecution,
01:47 and we're gonna let the Columbians mop up Columbia.
01:49 Which means she'll disappear, sir, for good.
01:54 We're Homeland Security.
01:56 You know we can't go off rescuing
01:57 Honduran kids in Columbia.
02:00 Look, the boy is packed with his father.
02:03 That's a career capper.
02:04 Take it and move on.
02:06 I care.
02:25 I don't think you understand what I'm asking you.
02:28 See, uh...
02:32 this job tears you to pieces.
02:40 And this is my one chance
02:44 to put those pieces back together.
02:49 [scoffs]
02:51 Yeah.
02:54 I suppose I could tell DC that you're, uh...
02:57 you're going down there to give a training seminar.
03:01 Funded at a discretionary.
03:04 Keep it under ten grand.
03:06 Fuego handed her off here
03:08 at a village on the Guaytara River.
03:11 South of that river is all rebel territory.
03:16 No one goes in.
03:18 Not the army, not the police, not us.
03:22 What?
03:30 That's it?
03:31 You're talking about extracting an 11-year-old girl
03:34 from an unknown terrain.
03:35 So?
03:37 It's controlled by an army of rebels.
03:39 Right.
03:40 Forget about what could have happened to us.
03:43 She could be killed, too.
03:46 Tim.
03:52 What if this was your daughter, Jorge?
03:58 I'm sorry, man. She's gone.
04:09 She got sold to the wrong guy.
04:12 Unless that guy needs our help.
04:15 I remember hearing about groups
04:20 that could sweet-talk their way into those areas.
04:24 Medical folks treating cholera, malaria, dengue fever.
04:29 [sniffles]
04:31 Makes me wonder if there's any epidemics
04:35 going around the mountains these days.
04:38 [sniffles]
04:40 Put up your hand.
04:50 What?
04:51 I said put up your hand.
04:55 [laughing]
05:02 [speaking Spanish]
05:07 I had that condo on the beach.
05:11 15th floor, marble everything, overlooking the whole bay.
05:16 First night out of jail, I slept in my own bed.
05:20 Day two, I was back in business.
05:23 Same old life.
05:25 But it-- it doesn't feel right.
05:29 Not the drugs, not the hookers.
05:31 But damn it, if I didn't keep trying.
05:34 [laughs]
05:37 [sighs]
05:38 So one night, I'm leaving a bar all jacked up on coca,
05:45 and I notice this young girl on the corner,
05:50 fine-looking, maybe 20, 25.
05:54 Take her up to my place.
05:55 We do the deed, pay the bill.
05:58 She's putting on her shoes.
06:00 And I notice something.
06:05 I notice her foot.
06:08 She's got these little pink cat faces
06:12 painted on her toenails.
06:16 And it hit me.
06:18 She's not 25.
06:19 And she glances up, and her eyes connect.
06:28 And it was like I was granted a glimpse into her soul.
06:33 And all I saw was sadness.
06:40 I don't know where she starts talking.
06:45 Turns out she's not 25, not even 20.
06:50 This girl is 14 years old to Mateo.
06:56 She's been doing it since she was six.
06:58 Looks at me, smiles, takes the money, walks out the door.
07:06 [sighs]
07:19 All of a sudden, I'm hit by this tidal wave,
07:22 this tsunami of darkness.
07:26 And I know I'm the sadness in her eyes, me.
07:32 I'm the darkness.
07:33 And I know the darkness has to die.
07:47 So I get my 45, put it to my head,
08:00 put my finger on the trigger.
08:02 Now, if there is a time to ask if God exists,
08:10 that would be it.
08:11 [sniffles]
08:12 So I did.
08:24 When God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate.
08:34 [silence]
08:36 Plus five support agents for a month in country,
08:45 the penthouse in Bogota, the mansion in Cartagena,
08:48 on and on.
08:49 And yet somehow, somehow you have
08:51 failed to bring me one real world lead,
08:54 or one American child, or one American trafficker,
08:57 or one reason DC would let you within a million miles
08:59 of this day.
09:00 Climber shots in Miss Cartagena don't count.
09:03 She has the girl.
09:04 And I say the girl's in Russia.
09:06 Prove me wrong.
09:07 It's over, Tim.
09:16 Close up.
09:18 Get on the plane and--
09:20 and come back home.
09:21 [music playing]
09:33 [music playing]
09:35 How'd that make you feel?
09:36 Giving a child his freedom?
09:41 Felt good.
09:46 You have been at this for 12 years.
09:49 [music playing]
09:52 Why are you doing it?
09:56 [music playing]
10:01 Because God's children are not for sale.
10:03 It is the fastest growing international crime network
10:10 that the world has ever seen.
10:13 For homeland security, you know we can't go off rescuing
10:16 Honduran kids in Colombia.
10:18 This job tears you to pieces.
10:20 [music playing]
10:23 And this is my one chance to put those pieces back together.
10:27 [music playing]
10:31 And yet somehow, you have failed to bring me
10:34 one real world lead.
10:35 It's over, Tim.
10:39 Close up and come back home.
10:44 So you quit your job and you go and rescue those kids.
10:48 [music playing]
10:51 [music playing]
10:58 South of that door is all rebels every time.
11:01 No one goes in.
11:02 Don't shoot!
11:03 [gunshots]
11:04 What if this was your daughter?
11:05 [music playing]
11:09 So she's gone.
11:13 [music playing]
11:16 [music playing]
11:22 Hear that?
11:26 [music playing]
11:30 That's the sound of freedom.
11:31 [music playing]
11:35 "Sound of Freedom" is one of those films that can
11:45 legitimately change this world.
11:47 So we want to ignite a fire in audiences
11:49 and open their eyes to the dark reality of millions of children
11:53 that need our help.
11:55 Let's make this film a historic event and a start
11:58 at the end of child trafficking.
12:00 Theaters across this country are already selling out.
12:04 Pre-order your tickets today, and you
12:07 can send the message that God's children are no longer
12:11 for sale.
12:12 [music playing]
12:15 [music playing]
12:19 [music playing]
12:23 [music playing]
12:27 [music playing]
12:31 [music playing]
12:35 [music playing]
12:38 (upbeat music)
